Damn! D.L. Hughley on Argument with Bill Cosby: "I Use the N-Word But I Don't Rape Girls"


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

A PERFECT example of what I'm talking about. I believe Simpson was guilty but the legal system gave him a fair trial. Instead of raising the bar we have dumbasses like Hannibal Burress lowering it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A PERFECT example of what I'm talking about. I believe Simpson was guilty but the legal system gave him a fair trial. Instead of raising the bar we have dumbasses like Hannibal Burress lowering it.

If you kill you kill, if you rape you rape. Send’em to prison if they did it.

I’m not interested in “Technicalities” on what was entered in court. If they did it, lock’em up.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He also said it was consensual. Again, he did it for nefarious reasons his victims (who voluntarily took the tablets) would have had to avoid choking on the number of pills they would have had to take to get them to where they SAID they were after taking them. Yet they did so. Why?

No he didn't say it was consensual.
Dude is a creep and a rapist.

This Cosby worship is embarrassing read the shit yourself.
The dude was giving women quaaludes and

Due to its sedative effect and strong interaction with alcohol, it has come up often in sexual assault allegations, including those against the film director Roman Polanski, and now against Cosby.

Abuse, hundreds of deaths from illegal use, and resulting bad publicity saw the one US maker of the drug halt production in 1983. Ronald Reagan signed an outright ban in 1984, making trafficking it far more dangerous.

The drug was still manufactured abroad, and intermittently available. But the DEA actually embarked on a campaign to convince manufacturers around the world to stop making it, and eventually it became nearly impossible to get in the United States.

The drugs that largely replaced Quaaludes as sedatives and sleep aids, benzodiazepines and their near cousins such as Ambien, have become the best-selling type of prescription drug in the world, despite abuse, dependency, and long-term use problems of their own.


Rising Star
No he didn't say it was consensual.
Dude is a creep and a rapist.

This Cosby worship is embarrassing read the shit yourself.
The dude was giving women quaaludes and

Due to its sedative effect and strong interaction with alcohol, it has come up often in sexual assault allegations, including those against the film director Roman Polanski, and now against Cosby.

Abuse, hundreds of deaths from illegal use, and resulting bad publicity saw the one US maker of the drug halt production in 1983. Ronald Reagan signed an outright ban in 1984, making trafficking it far more dangerous.

The drug was still manufactured abroad, and intermittently available. But the DEA actually embarked on a campaign to convince manufacturers around the world to stop making it, and eventually it became nearly impossible to get in the United States.

The drugs that largely replaced Quaaludes as sedatives and sleep aids, benzodiazepines and their near cousins such as Ambien, have become the best-selling type of prescription drug in the world, despite abuse, dependency, and long-term use problems of their own.
where is the medical proof that they actually took them

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You think his football analysis is good, you should check out the tv series he created!


And yes I know that he didn’t create that show, it’s a joke assholes.

Personally I don't believe he did it, especially with all the people that died under suspicious circumstances who worked at that restaurant that Goldman was employed at. And even if he did how many white people have gotten away with shit in this country? I'm still a fan of the Juice. I remember when he played with the Bills and I remember his last game with the 49ers before they became what would be the team they are known as now.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
He also said it was consensual. Again, he did it for nefarious reasons his victims (who voluntarily took the tablets) would have had to avoid choking on the number of pills they would have had to take to get them to where they SAID they were after taking them. Yet they did so. Why?

There is no fun in the women taking the pills consensually. Dude got off at drugging the chics without their knowledge and and fucking them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Personally I don't believe he did it, especially with all the people that died under suspicious circumstances who worked at that restaurant that Goldman was employed at. And even if he did how many white people have gotten away with shit in this country? I'm still a fan of the Juice. I remember when he played with the Bills and I remember his last game with the 49ers before they became what would be the team they are known as now.

If you’re Black, OJ didn’t give a damn about your or my Black ass until it was time to support him! :lol: :smh:

But that was a crime of hate, anger and passion. It could‘ve been over money, but it had to be a whole lot of it!

I really don’t know man, but if I had to bet on it... :scared:


Rising Star
The proof is the FACT he said he gave them to his victims!
WTF you can't be this stupid defending a rapist and weirdo like Cosby smh.
where is the evidence from the doctor indicating there were drugs in her system... he gave her quads does not mean she use it at that time your being naive by taking every thing at face vaule


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
If you’re Black, OJ didn’t give a damn about your or my Black ass until it was time to support him! :lol: :smh:

But that was a crime of hate, anger and passion. It could‘ve been over money, but it had to be a whole lot of it!

I really don’t know man, but if I had to bet on it... :scared:
Why are all these niggas in Brentwood?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No he didn't say it was consensual.
Dude is a creep and a rapist.

"This Cosby worship is embarrassing read the shit yourself. The dude was giving women quaaludes and Due to its sedative effect and strong interaction with alcohol, it has come up often in sexual assault allegations, including those against the film director Roman Polanski, and now against Cosby."

Won't question your intelligence but the fact that people AREN'T looking at the OBVIOUS and asking how the fuck did THAT MANY people take the drug WITH ALCOHOL and not one person had an ADVERSE EVENT. NOT ONE. How did THAT many people take the SAME drug and experience the EXACT same response. It's almost as if they were reading the same script huh? The WARNING EXISTS because the odds EXIST. By the way, I doubt there's ONE PERSON in BGOL who has read that deposition more than I have. No one.

Abuse, hundreds of deaths from illegal use, and resulting bad publicity saw the one US maker of the drug halt production in 1983. Ronald Reagan signed an outright ban in 1984, making trafficking it far more dangerous.

And YET, ONCE AGAIN, NOT ONE adverse event reported by his accusers. The drug was pulled because of its popularity, safety profile and use of as a recreational drug. We will overlook the popularity of the drug, the fact folks were taking it with alcohol recreationally and the LOGICAL path of questioning HOW MUCH had to be given to elicit the response his accusers said they experience. Case in point, Beverly Johnson who said he gave her the same shit with coffee and she IMMEDIATELY knew she had been drugged. We will ignore EVERY DRUG has what is referred to an ONSET OF ACTION. Her story doesn't add up.

The drug was still manufactured abroad, and intermittently available. But the DEA actually embarked on a campaign to convince manufacturers around the world to stop making it, and eventually it became nearly impossible to get in the United States.
The drugs that largely replaced Quaaludes as sedatives and sleep aids, benzodiazepines and their near cousins such as Ambien, have become the best-selling type of prescription drug in the world, despite abuse, dependency, and long-term use problems of their own.

Yeah I would think BY NOW most folks would get a fuckin' clue that I might know a little something about this shit but okay.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There is no fun in the women taking the pills consensually. Dude got off at drugging the chics without their knowledge and and fucking them.

Being a weirdo isn't a crime. What he allegedly did is and that's why his ass is in prison. I'm going to go out on a limb and say any WHITE woman, especially during that period, who actually had sex with a Black man (even Cosby) could walk their ass into a police station, say she was raped and wouldn't need ONE PIECE of evidence other than her word to do so. Which is precisely what the woman who settled the Civil suit did.

I think a LOT of folks are missing the point. It's not about his intent. It's not about guilt. It's not about how much Black folks hate uppity negroes. (Maybe it is a little) It's about DUE PROCESS. It's a simple question. Based on how the arrest, trial and retrial occurred was Bill Cosby treated fairly by the judicial system and if not WHY THE FUCK are negroes so okay with this shit? Hurt feelings? (It's a question)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is what I mean about the PROCESS as it pertains to Cosby.
1) Constand accuses Cosby and goes to police.
2) Police investigate and determine there ISN'T sufficient evidence to charge him with a crime.
3) Police tell Cosby that if he's deposed they will not prosecute him and only do so to provide the alleged victim with ammunition for a Civil Case. (Why Cosby's attorney would allow this to happen without having it signed by the DA is negligent but that falls on Cosby's shoulders and not his attorney.)
4) Constand sues Cosby and he settles out of court.
5) YEARS later that fuckin' idiot Hannibal Burress makes a joke about Cosby being a rapist.
6) Women come forward using his joke and settlement with Constand as PROOF of guilt.
7) The DA running for office uses Cosby as a platform during his election.
8) Arrests Cosby and uses the deposition as PROOF of his guilty even after confirming with Police that Cosby was told that if he gave one he would never be prosecuted.
9) Cosby goes to trial. They offer his deposition into evidence, the alleged victim's testimony and several other alleged victim's testimony into evidence and ONLY TO GET a hung jury. (So much for all the overwhelming evidence.)
10) The DA decides to RETRY Cosby but this time the ONLY difference is he ADDS several more alleged victims into evidence because people are fuckin stupid. The whole where's there's smoke, there's fire.
11) Cosby is found guilty.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Because he's a shortsighted muthafucka who played an INTEGRAL part in lowering the burden of the state to try and convict a Black man. There's a ripple effect. Let the judicial system get away with that shit without opposition and they WILL repeat it. Years later it's safe to say we've had mroe than a few examples of the state trying to sweep shit under the rug. Use the system to cheat and deny justice. There are also examples where the cheating occurred and the ONLY WAY it was reopened and or reexamined was through protest. That muthafucka LOWERED the bar whether he realizes it or not.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He is a bad guy for bringing up the Cosby rapes? You going to ignore the fact that Cosby he been costantly being accused of rape over the decades and have been paying off bitches?

We live and HAVE lived in an era where folks are able to make BIG money for either an illicit picture or story. Here you are asserting that he's been doing this shit for years. You'd think at least ONE muthafucka would have attempted to collect what would have been a six figure payment. Don't you find that a little odd? I'm going to ignore stories until someone offers proof. After a decade, as you suggested, there would have had to be something.

Humans greedy as fuck. If it happened, at least ONE person would have tried to collect. He would have had to pull a Michael Jordan and walk around with a NDR in his pocket. The odds aint in it.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
who the fuck is scotty beam?

In the context of this specific conversation... the lack of explanation of the background of the writer of the tweets and even USING random tweets as some type of evidence of ANYTHING is lazy hack journalism that even the vulture we criticized is better than.

Any and all media really need to end that bullsh*t.
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
In the context of this specific conversation... the lack of explanation of the background of the writer of the tweets and even USING random tweets as some type of evidence of ANYTHING is lazy hack journalism that even the vulture we criticized is better than.

Any and all media really need to end that bullsh*t.

And her take as her want was unnecessarily harsh.

But ummm eternally raw my baby Ms. Beam