Damn.. This is some wild shit


Rising Star
Shotgun should of just stayed his ass in the house cause its not his kid and not his fight.
If the father would of got physical with the mother that's a nother issue but he still should of dialed 9-1-1 cause now he's murdered the kids father and the chances of him and the mother being together after this is slim.....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Only a white man would still get in somebodies face when they got an semi auto weapon in their hand. Now that white man is singing with the angels.


International Member
Is he dead?
Damn, he is!

Yep, he's very much dead.... but no charges against the shooter.... :eek2:


Police have not laid any charges after a man shot and killed a woman’s ex-husband on his porch in a heated confrontation caught on video.

Lawyers for a Texas man who shot and killed a woman’s ex-husband after a heated confrontation outside their home say the killing was a “justifiable homicide” under the state’s self-defence laws.
Police have not laid any charges against William “Kyle” Carruth, who shot and killed Chad Read, 54, in the north-western city of Lubbock on November 5, local media reported.

Two videos of the deadly incident, one released by Mr Read’s widow and one by Mr Carruth’s lawyers, depict the confrontation between the two men moments before the shooting.

In the videos, Mr Read is seen arguing with a woman, identified as his ex-wife, over a child custody issue.

Mr Carruth tells Mr Read to leave, before stepping back inside the house and returning with a gun.

The men go head-to-head as Mr Read yells at Mr Carruth to “use it, motherf***er because God damn it I’ll take it from you and f***ing use it on you”.

Mr Carruth steps back and fires a shot into the ground.

Mr Read then grabs the gun and swings Mr Carruth, who steps back off the porch and fires two shots, killing the other man.

“I told you, I told all of y’all to leave,” Mr Carruth says to the woman filming from the car, as Mr Read lies on the ground beside him.

Mr Carruth’s lawyer, David M. Guinn, told the Everything Lubbock news outlet the shooting was self-defence.

“All Texans may lawfully brandish a firearm to protect themselves, their property and their business,” he said.

“When Kyle did that, Chad Read advanced on him, and instantaneously, he tried to take the gun away from Kyle. In doing so he was powerful enough to sling Kyle 180 degrees around on Kyle’s patio.

“Raising his left leg, he was continuing his advance on Kyle, threatening him and posing an immediate threat. Kyle responded. This is a justifiable homicide.”

The lawyer praised the Lubbock Police Department’s handling of the case.

“It is my opinion, because of their knowledge of all the facts and the Texas Castle Doctrine and having done a thorough job, LPD knew this was a justifiable homicide,” he said.

“They knew they lacked probable cause, and did not arrest him. I’m sure this and other information will be provided to a Lubbock County grand jury for further review. Kyle co-operated with law enforcement. Our hopes are that a Lubbock grand jury will do a thorough investigation of all the facts and will clear Mr Carruth.”

He added that “everyone regrets the entire situation”.

“Though Read came unarmed, he announced his intent to kill Kyle Carruth with Kyle’s own gun and took immediate powerful action to do so,” he said.

“[It] was unsuccessful. Careful study of the video showed Kyle’s gun was brandished but never pointed at Read. It was only after Mr Read said ‘I’ll take your gun,’ and slinging him across the patio like a scarecrow – then stepped toward him – that Mr Carruth pointed the gun at Mr Read.”
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That dude in the green shirt is dumb as fuck! Didn’t he see what happened last time?

I guess he just likes getting killed



Always Choose The Higher Dose
BGOL Investor
that why I don’t have any kids to much drama … My friend married a girl w/ 2 kids & 2 baby daddies one day driving home from work somebody shot at him twice it’s was on the news they NEVER caught who done it but any fool can put 2&2 together :happymad: :eek:


It takes a nation of millions to keep us black
BGOL Investor
He killed this mofo over a her kid that ain’t his what a fucking fool but on the good side another racist, Trump, Republican is dead :lol: just 40-100 million to go