Debate: Are WE sleeping on Trump like the Jewish people slept on... Trump running in 2024 (serial numbers for immigrants!)


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


A crowd cheers Adolf Hitler as his car leaves the Reich Chancellery following a meeting with President Paul von Hindenburg. Berlin, Germany, November 19, 1932.

— National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Md.

In the early 1930s, the mood in Germany was grim. The worldwide economic depression had hit the country especially hard, and millions of people were out of work. Still fresh in the minds of many was Germany's humiliating defeat fifteen years earlier during World War I, and Germans lacked confidence in their weak government, known as the Weimar Republic. These conditions provided the chance for the rise of a new leader, Adolf Hitler, and his party, the National Socialist German Workers' Party, or Nazi party for short.

Hitler was a powerful and spellbinding speaker who attracted a wide following of Germans desperate for change.

He promised the disenchanted a better life and a new and glorious Germany.

The Nazis appealed especially to the unemployed, young people, and members of the lower middle class (small store owners, office employees, craftsmen, and farmers).

The party's rise to power was rapid. Before the economic depression struck, the Nazis were practically unknown, winning only 3 percent of the vote to the Reichstag (German parliament) in elections in 1924. In the 1932 elections, the Nazis won 33 percent of the votes, more than any other party. In January 1933 Hitler was appointed chancellor, the head of the German government, and many Germans believed that they had found a savior for their nation

JUNE 28, 1919

In the Treaty of Versailles, which followed German defeat in World War I, the victorious powers (the United States, Great Britain, France, and other allied states) impose severe terms on Germany. Germany, under threat of invasion, is forced to sign the treaty. Among other provisions, Germany accepts responsibility for the war and agrees to make huge payments (known as reparations), limit its military to 100,000 troops, and transfer territory to its neighbors. The terms of the treaty lead to widespread political discontent in Germany. Adolf Hitler gains support by promising to overturn them.

OCTOBER 24, 1929

The plummet in the value of stocks that is associated with the New York stock market crash brings a rash of business bankruptcies. Widespread unemployment occurs in the United States. The "Great Depression," as it is called, sparks a worldwide economic crisis. In Germany, six million are unemployed by June 1932. Economic distress contributes to a meteoric rise in the support for the Nazi party. As a result, the Nazi party wins the votes of almost 40 of the electorate in the Reichstag (German parliament) elections of July 1932. The Nazi party becomes at this point the largest party in the German parliament.

NOVEMBER 6, 1932

In the Reichstag (German parliament) elections of November 1932, the Nazis lose almost two million votes from the previous elections of July. They win only 33 percent of the vote. It seems clear that the Nazis will not gain a majority in democratic elections, and Adolf Hitler agrees to a coalition with conservatives. After months of negotiations, the president of Germany, Paul von Hindenburg, will appoint Hitler chancellor of Germany in a government seemingly dominated by conservatives on January 30, 1933.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Adolf Hitler rose to a place of prominence in the early years of the party. Being one of the best speakers of the party, he told the other members of the party to either make him leader of the party or he would never return. He was aided in part by his willingness to use violence in advancing his political objectives and to recruit party members who were willing to do the same. The Beer Hall Putsch in November 1923 and the later release of his book Mein Kampf (usually translated as My Struggle) introduced Hitler to a wider audience. In the mid-1920s, the party engaged in electoral battles in which Hitler participated as a speaker and organizer,'s_rise_to_power#cite_note-citizenship-2 as well as in street battles and violence between the Rotfrontkämpferbund and the Nazi's Sturmabteilung (SA). Through the late 1920s and early 1930s, the Nazis gathered enough electoral support to become the largest political party in the Reichstag, and Hitler's blend of political acuity, deceptiveness and cunning converted the party's non-majority but plurality status into effective governing power in the ailing Weimar Republic of 1933.'s_rise_to_power


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

The KKK Just Showed Up At The Nevada Caucus To Support Trump


BGOL Investor
Full disclosure; I didn't read the full article, but I get the analogy, and find it interesting. It does seem like history will be doomed to repeat itself. Trump is a true demagogue. Our electorial college however was set up to protect against demagogues, but I feel it would definitely fail us if he was elected and allow him to become POTUS.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Just the endorsement you don't want: KKK's notorious David Duke says 'voting against Donald really treason to your heritage'
  • Duke said during his radio show that he's not formally endorsing Trump - but he gave him the equivalent of his endorsement
  • The former KKK leader said he is 'supportive of his candidacy,' and he told his listeners to vote for the billionaire
  • 'I hope he does everything we hope he will

Read more:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
of the Trump coalition - how one-fifth think slaves shouldn't have been freed after Civil War and some say the white race is superior
  • Donald Trump has now won three states in a row and pollsters are shedding more light on the ideology of his voting bloc
  • Some 20 percent said they didn't think the slave should have been free after the Civil War
  • Another 70 percent of South Carolina supporters also said they wanted to see the confederate flag still flying at the state capitol
  • One-third of Trump supporters said they thought gays and lesbians should be banned from entering the United States


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor

If Hitler had been an American president he could have been overruled by the Senate and the Congress. In Germany he was chosen by the Senate and Congress, or by their equivalents anyway.

D Town Redd

The Bruh That Got Away
OP is right on the money...

Frankly, many analysts don't get why people support Trump...... Immigration has been a great BLESSING to the US. According to some population modeling projections, if the US didn't let in the MILLIONS of immigrants since 1964, the US' population would have been stagnant like Germany's or shrinking like Japan's.

You can't have a POWERHOUSE economy with a shrinking population... Just look at how Japan is sinking and has given way to China as the world's #2 economy.

Immigration is not the problem. It's using FEAR against immigrants... that's the problem.


The R&B Master
OG Investor
I don't think anyone is sleeping on Trump the media won't allow it. The media is all over this guy. Now do I look at him as being like Hitler? No! The world won't let that happen again. But he is someone you don't want running this country. I view Trump as an underhanded slickster that needs constant watching.

Potentially he's very dangerous, many of his comments alienate those who are not white or rich. I can see him dividing this country even further than it is today. Hitler like again no but the fact that the UK one of our biggest allies banned him says a lot. How can you have a "head of state" that one of your strongest allie bans from their country? He's an embarrassment at best and a direct reflection of what's wrong with America today.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
If the way non-Clinton supporters act on this board is indicative of the country then we will have a republican president.

I hope Trump gets the nomination.

He will achieve what he wanted and be done with it in 4 years. Rubio or Cruz will pander to the far right for 4 years so they can get re-elected.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If the way non-Clinton supporters act on this board is indicative of the country then we will have a republican president.

I hope Trump gets the nomination.

He will achieve what he wanted and be done with it in 4 years. Rubio or Cruz will pander to the far right for 4 years so they can get re-elected.

What has Hillary done or what had Hillary endorsed policy wise for you to support her ?

Don't come with that weak ass anybody but a republican shit either because that says why you would vote for her not why you support her.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
What has Hillary done or what had Hillary endorsed policy wise for you to support her ?

Don't come with that weak ass anybody but a republican shit either because that says why you would vote for her not why you support her.

I'm voting for Sanders but will vote for Hillary if she gets the nomination. Unlike a lot of people.

There are only 5 possibilities in this yea anyone but a republican.

What is perhaps most striking about the current in-fighting among Democrats is how one-sided it is. You don’t hear many Clinton supporters saying they would refuse to vote for Sanders if he is the nominee. In fact, they tend to acknowledge his appeal. But less than half of Democratic primary voters say they would enthusiastically support a Clinton nomination, according to a September CBS/New York Times poll. According to the Times, 27% say they would support her with “some reservations” and 14% say they would not support her at all.

It is reasonable that there should be some intra-party competition during a primary campaign. But it makes little sense that Sanders supporters would refuse to unite behind a Democratic ticket. From a liberal standpoint, this kind of insistence on political purity is dangerous rather than admirable. It risks both putting a Republican in the White House—leading to a potentially catastrophic rolling back of healthcare reform, federal subsidies, LGBT protections, and other achievements of the Obama administration—and encouraging a culture of non-participation. Ironically, political apathy and low voter-turnout are precisely the behaviors that Sanders is trying to change.

You can see it happening on this board.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No fuckin way is trumps rise is similar to hitlers rise who was jewish by the way...

the whole shit was zionist ashkeNAZI jewish bankster plot...

but to make a long story short.. hitler had backin of corporate america..

the financial parasitic elite aint feeling trump at all..... he is waay to

arrogant and uncontrolable...

he would be impeached waay before his first term is up....

they will make his first term so unbearable, he may have to be

hospitalized in his first year...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You think its gridlock now. If Trump got in, he would never get anything done. Both Dems and most importantly Repubs hate him. Nothing would get done for 4 years.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No fuckin way is trumps rise is similar to hitlers rise who was jewish by the way...

the whole shit was zionist ashkeNAZI jewish bankster plot...

but to make a long story short.. hitler had backin of corporate america..

the financial parasitic elite aint feeling trump at all..... he is waay to

arrogant and uncontrolable...

he would be impeached waay before his first term is up....

they will make his first term so unbearable, he may have to be

hospitalized in his first year...

but what they DO like is

how he keeps america divided,
they just hate

his blatant methods and ways he gets it done...

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
If the way non-Clinton supporters act on this board is indicative of the country then we will have a republican president.

I hope Trump gets the nomination.

He will achieve what he wanted and be done with it in 4 years. Rubio or Cruz will pander to the far right for 4 years so they can get re-elected.
It's not just this board. SOME people just don't like Clinton. If this thing between her and Sanders drags out, more people will dislike her. When was the last time such an unlikeable candidate was fielded by the democrats for president? Hasn't been one like her since I became eligible to vote.

Hate that I have to vote for that bitch. How many feel like I do and will stay home?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
No fuckin way is trumps rise is similar to hitlers rise who was jewish by the way...

the whole shit was zionist ashkeNAZI jewish bankster plot...

but to make a long story short.. hitler had backin of corporate america..

the financial parasitic elite aint feeling trump at all..... he is waay to

arrogant and uncontrolable...

he would be impeached waay before his first term is up....

they will make his first term so unbearable, he may have to be

hospitalized in his first year...


why is he SO uncontrollable?

according to reports none of his business ventures have EVER been successful

He made all of his money off his father

He isn't EXORBITANTLY rich or powerful...and he isn't a brilliant

and besides that birther stuff he spewed a few years back (and WE should have lopped off his head back THEN for that in hindsight)

why would they like dislike or fear him?


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
“After visiting these places, you can easily understand how that within a few years Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived.”

– John F. Kennedy

Kennedy was right. The pictures painted over history of Hitler are from the very people that feed us images of success, wealth, freedom, democracy etc. They ensure they're ahead of the curve at every turn and have done so for decades now.

When Hitler’s period as Chancellor of Germany began, the German people had no work, no money and were starving. A wheelbarrow full of 100 billion-mark banknotes could not buy a loaf of bread at the time, and many Germans were living in shacks after countless homes and farms had been seized by Rothschild/Rockefeller-controlled banks.

In his 1967 book The Magic of Money, Hitler’s Reichsbank President, Dr. Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht, let out the big secret:

“The mark’s dramatic devaluation began soon after the Reichsbank was “privatized,” or delivered to private investors.”

In other words, responsible for the post-war hyperinflation was not the German government, but rather the privately owned central bank in Germany, and its monopoly it had over the creation of money. Germany’s economy was crashed and devastated by bankers… that is, until Hitler arrived.

After Hitler was elected, refusing to play ball with the Rockefeller-Rothschild rules, one of the first things he did was fix the corrupt, debt-based financial system. By completely thwarting the international banking cartels, the Nazi government issued its own currency known as Reich Marchs, which were debt free and uncontrollable by international financial interests.

Debt Free Finance = Freedom

If America nationalized their currency as Hitler did for Germany, they would effectively sever all ties with international bankers, the manipulation of their government and economy would cease, and they would live debt-free. Just as Hitler issued debt-free currency for Germany, Abraham Lincoln setup an interest free banking system in the United States when he was President, and he was murdered for it. Former US president Andrew Jackson issued interest-free currency, and two shots were fired at his head in an assassination attempt, but the shots misfired and he survived. John F. Kennedy issued interest-free currency during his presidency and we all know how he met his untimely demise.

After Germany’s public banking system was installed, world Jewry responded by declaring war on Germany, including a global boycott of German goods. Within two years, the German economy was flourishing with its new-found stable, and inflation-free currency.

After setting up a public banking system, Hitler began his reign by constructing new roads, bridges, dams, canals, port facilities, and much needed repair of public and private buildings.

Everything was done with public money that owed no interest to the International “Banksters”. As Hitler said, “For every Mark issued, we required the equivalent of a Mark’s worth of work done, or goods produced.”

Next, the NAZI government encouraged women to be homemakers, and all the work being done to repair and improve the country’s infrastructure and transportation created jobs for men. The unemployment problem had been solved within only two years, and Germany was back on its feet.

It’s often been claimed, that Hitler’s success in reviving his nation’s economy was based largely on government spending for rearmament. This is a myth. As the renowned British historian A. J. P. Taylor noted: “Germany’s economic recovery, which was complete by 1936, did not rest on rearmament; it was caused mainly by lavish expenditure on public works, particularly on motor roads, and this public spending stimulated private spending also, as [British economist John Maynard] Keynes had said it would. …while nearly everyone else in Europe expected a great war, Hitler was the one man who neither expected nor planned for it.”
A. J. P. Taylor, From Sarajevo to Potsdam (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975), p. 140.

During the economic hardship just before Hitler was elected, Germany was seeing a declining rate of birth. In 1933, hitler passed a law that enabled married couples to obtain interest free loans minimum 1000 Reich Marks (equal to 9 months salary) to set up homes and start families.

For each child birthed, the couple was allowed to keep 250 marks and did not have to repay it. This system pioneered by the Nazi government exists today in Switzerland. In the eyes of Nazis, women were viewed as the preservers of the tribe, the guardians of future generations, and the priestesses of domestic virtue.

Recognizing that families are the primary unit around which a functioning society is built, Hitler emphasized the principle of maintaining a strong bond among family members. Admired for his high regard for mother’s, families were inspired and strengthened under the leadership of Hitler.

Poor families were helped by using financial incentives, and family allowances, marriage loans and child subsidies were provided equally to each and every segment of society.

Under the Nazi regime, mishandling an animal was considered a heinous crime, and if somebody was discovered mistreating an animal, they were sent to concentration camps. As someone with great admiration for animals, Hitler showed great concern for animals native to Germany, and passed laws that ensured their safety and well-being.

In 1934, Hitler passed a law called Das Reichsjagdgesetz (the Reich Hunting Law), which regulated how many animals could be killed per year, and to establish proper ‘hunting seasons’. This law has now been adopted by most western countries.

Animal conservation was included in Primary, Secondary and College levels, and in 1935, the Reichsnaturschutzgesetz (Reich Nature Protection Act) was passed. which placed several native species on a protection list including the wolf and Eurasian lynx. It is likely that this law saved some native forest-inhabiting species from going extinct.

The Nazi’s were also the first to create environmental protection laws in history. The German Imperial Conservation law of 1935 was passed, which protected “remaining portions of landscape in free nature whose preservation on account of rarity, beauty, distinctiveness or on account of scientific, ethnic, forest, or hunting significance lies in the general interest.”

“[It is] useful to know the laws of nature – for that enables us to obey them. To act otherwise would be to rise in revolt against heaven.”
– Adolf Hitler

Hitler was a well-known lover of animals.

Nazy Germany was the first country in the world to ban vivisection, or any experimentation on live animals. With its great concern for animal conservation, and human treatment, a complete ban of vivisection was enacted in April 1933.

The Prime Minister of Prussia Hermann Goring has said:

“An absolute and permanent ban on vivisection is not only a necessary law to protect animals and to show sympathy with their pain, but it is also a law for humanity itself…. I have therefore announced the immediate prohibition of vivisection and have made the practice a punishable offense in Prussia. Until such time as punishment is pronounced the culprit shall be lodged in a concentration camp.”

This German cartoon depicts animals that were saved from vivisection saluting Hermann Goring. The sign in the window reads “Vivisection Forbidden”.

Hitler was well aware that in order to truly escape the stronghold of economic manipulation by the international banking cartel he would need to find a way to eliminate Germany’s dependence on oil. An inexhaustible source of energy that was not monopolized by the private money cartels was required for true sovereignty, and this is what Hitler sought.

This pursuit led Germany to develop what has been called The Nazi Bell, which is described by author Joseph P. Farrell as “a hyper-dimensional physics device being researched under the auspices of the SS departments Entwicklungstelle-IV, Forschung, Entwicklung, und Patente, and SS General Hans Kammler’s super-secret weapons black projects think-tank, the Kammlerstab.

According to Farrell, “the mission brief of the Entwicklungstelle IV was to develop free energy and to make Germany independent of foreign oil.”

The Nazi Bell was designed, in Farrell’s estimation, for a threefold purpose:

  1. Energy Independence
  2. Advanced Propulsion Technology
  3. A Weapon of Tremendous Power
In his book Babylon’s Banksters, Joseph P. Farrell points to evidence that after the War, the United States made every effort to reconstruct the personnel team that worked on the Nazi Bell, so that they could develop the technology for themselves and restore the balance of power between “Nazi International” and “Anglo-American” elite factions.

With the goal of enhancing the standard of living for all German citizens equally, Adolph Hitler stimulated the spirit of integrity, comradeship and happiness, by funding numerous worker’s welfare programs including:

  • Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.
  • 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people (Between 1933-1938). 2 million people went on cruises, and 11 million went on theater trips.
  • Every citizen was given a radio.
  • A 5 day work week for all citizens.
  • Free Public Health.
  • Hitler’s government banned Trade Unions, and it was mandatory that all workers had to join the German labor Front trade union. Strikes were banned, and people who refused to work were imprisoned.
  • Every large factory had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools for its workers.

During the Third Reich, German workers were better treated than at any time before, or since.

As opposed to the current American economy, where production is driven by the pursuit of maximum profit, Hitler initiated a policy of self-sufficiency, where the goal was to produce only what is required by Germans. The goal of the Nazi government was to produce for its country everything the German people needed without having to rely on imports to meet the needs of its citizens.

Along with the calculated production of material goods, new policies were introduced so that the aim of farming was to produce what German’s needed, not what was most profitable. The government subsidized the farmers for loss of profit and farmers were given guarantees that all of what was grown would be purchased.

By giving social misfits and criminals jobs, Adolph Hitler was able to reduce the crime rate in Germany. In his 1976 book The Twelve-Year Reich,author R. Grunberger stated that there were significant drops in the rates of murder, robbery, theft, embezzlement and petty larceny during the Hitler years.

A canister used for collections during the Winter Relief Fund.

Many foreigners were impressed by the improved outlook and health of Germans, including Sir Arnold Wilson, a British M.P. who visited Germany seven times after Hitler came to power.

“Infant mortality has been greatly reduced and is considerably inferior to that in Great Britain,” wrote Wilson. “Tuberculosis and other diseases have noticeably diminished. The criminal courts have never had so little to do and the prisons have never had so few occupants. It is a pleasure to observe the physical aptitude of the German youth. Even the poorest persons are better clothed than was formerly the case, and their cheerful faces testify to the psychological improvement that has been wrought within them.”

A prime philosophy of Germany at the time was that all citizens should share the same standard of living. With this in mind, Nazi Germany boasted one of the largest public welfare programs in history with the slogan “None shall starve nor freeze”. Every year, high-ranking Nazi’s and citizens would take to the streets to collect charity for the unfortunate, which generated a feeling of comradeship toward those in need.

They even went to the extent of publishing names of those who didn’t give charity in the paper as a punishment or reminder of their neglect. According to Mark Weber of the Institute for Historical Review,

“On one occasion, a civil servant was prosecuted for failure to donate, and his argument that it was voluntary was dismissed on the grounds it was an extreme view of liberty, to neglect all duties not actually prescribed by law, and therefore an abuse of liberty.”

Nazi doctors were the first to write a major scientific paper linking smoking to lung cancer. Following this report, smoking was banned in restaurants and public transportation systems. Advertising of smoking and cigarettes was severely regulated by the Nazis, and tobacco tax was raised to deter people from smoking. In what was one of the most expensive and effective anti-tobacco movements in history, numerous German health organizations began educating the public that risks of miscarriage were heightened when pregnant women engaged in smoking.

Nazi Anti-Tobacco Ad: “He does not devour it, it [the cigarette] devours him!”

In the year 1940, while annual cigarette consumption per capita in America was over 3,000, in Germany it was only 749.

  • Hitler prohibited the sale of cigarettes to women.
  • Hitler prohibited smoking for people under the age of 18.
  • Hitler prohibited smoking for people in uniforms.
  • Hitler prohibited smoking in public areas.
  • Hitler was the first to place “warning” photos of cancerous lungs on cigarette boxes.

Recognizing the importance weaving music into the fabric of a country rich in culture, Hitler founded the State Music Institute in 1933 after he came into power. Its purpose was to promote the timeless work of composers such as Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, Wagner, among others. The Nazis ensured that every German citizen had a radio.

Youngsters were encouraged by the Nazi government to pursue music as a career in order to preserve the rich ancient German cultural heritage. Jazz, Swing, and sexually provocative music were all banned in Germany during the Hitler era.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

why is he SO uncontrollable?

according to reports none of his business ventures have EVER been successful

He made all of his money off his father

He isn't EXORBITANTLY rich or powerful...and he isn't a brilliant

and besides that birther stuff he spewed a few years back (and WE should have lopped off his head back THEN for that in hindsight)

why would they like dislike or fear him?

he is an arrogant piece of chicken shit, that has a hard time taking orders...

its NOT fear.. its more like embarassment...

trump swears because he has nice things, he has class....

trump identifies with white trash because deep down inside....

he knows

birds of a feather flock together...

personally I think its all bullshit, just to keep the nation distracted..

its between, the dyke, the jewish guy or one of the spanish cacs or should I say cacafied spainards...

elite cacs cant stand po cac trash, they despise them more than any other race..

believe that shit...

they will use them and kick em right back to the trailor park...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm voting for Sanders but will vote for Hillary if she gets the nomination. Unlike a lot of people.

You don’t hear many Clinton supporters saying they would refuse to vote for Sanders if he is the nominee. In fact, they tend to acknowledge his appeal. But less than half of Democratic primary voters say they would enthusiastically support a Clinton nomination, according to a September CBS/New York Times poll. According to the Times, 27% say they would support her with “some reservations” and 14% say they would not support her at all.

I don't hear Clinton supporters saying much about Sanders except he can't win. So they don't refuse to vote for him because they don't acknowledge he can beat her...So it is a non discussion.

I will vote for Clinton if she is the nominee but it damn sure won't be enthusiastic support and I will have reservations just as I have now.

The difference is there is no doubt where the GOP stands so they aren't an option.

Seems you are asking a lot wanting enthusiastic support for Hillary . She has not in her words or deeds done anything to warrant that.

She has to earn it . If she wins the nomination and goes to the WH she will have four years to earn any enthusiasm.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
he is an arrogant piece of chicken shit, that has a hard time taking orders...

its NOT fear.. its more like embarassment...

trump swears because he has nice things, he has class....

trump identifies with white trash because deep down inside....

he knows

birds of a feather flock together...

personally I think its all bullshit, just to keep the nation distracted..

its between, the dyke, the jewish guy or one of the spanish cacs or should I say cacafied spainards...

elite cacs cant stand po cac trash, they despise them more than any other race..

believe that shit...

they will use them and kick em right back to the trailor park...[


but wouldn't THEY have done something by now?

He is doing irreparable damage to the Republicans with Latinos Blacks immigrants

which is a really tough thing to do because they were sh*t to begin with but

after birthers tea baggers and now THIS?

Republicans will NEVER be taken seriously.

regardless if he wins or NOT.

and if all this white elite is REALLY embarrassed why has NO ONE publicly denounced him from that camp

Hell mr. golden boy I don't get involved with causes Tom Brady had his book in PLAIN sight in his locker during a pres conference.

They don't seem too embarrassed.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I think trump caught a lot of them by surprise and they never expected him

to come on so strong in these latter rounds, I also feel they are using this time

to really feel out the population and to see how we react....

again they love the way he keeps the country divided, they need that division to

keep them in power, and that works in trumps favor..

as far as tom brady, that fuckin weirdo.... I think he is just

attracted to trumps arrogance and the way he just says what he feels..

since brady is too much of a bitch to really be himself, with his

manufactured man made fame.....

new england patriots are like the san antonio spurs, put any average player into their system and watch them excel
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I think trump caught a lot of them by surprise and they never expected him

to come on so strong in these latter rounds, I also feel they are using this time

to really feel out the population and to see how we react....

again they love the way he keeps the country divided, they need that division to

keep them in power, and that works in trumps favor..

as far as tom brady, that fuckin weirdo.... I think he is just

attracted to trumps arrogance and the way he just says what he feels..

since brady is too much of a bitch to really be himself, with his

manufactured man made fame.....

new england patriots are like the san antonio spurs, but any average player into their system and watch them excel

would think after ALL we have seen...Trump's bullshit would UNIFY us AGAINST them instead of divide us further