Debate: Are WE sleeping on Trump like the Jewish people slept on... Trump running in 2024 (serial numbers for immigrants!)


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Pay closer attention to this shit. Trump is rogue as fuck. The establishment doesn't want a rogue guy in office who doesn't owe anyone shit.

I don''t believe that a man that rich
that opinionated
that loud
that obnoxious
with that many bankruptcies

aint owe nobody NOTHING?

Aint got some POWERFUL enemies?

He making a living essentially SELLING his name to real estate properties

dude is damn near a Kardashian.

He aint no BILLIONAIRE...someone gotta tell me why Trump of all people is suddenly the one man in America who owes no one anything nan can dio what he wants...

dude couldn't even open up that golf course in Scotland had to go to Ireland (saw it on Real Sports).


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Pay closer attention to this shit. Trump is rogue as fuck. The establishment doesn't want a rogue guy in office who doesn't owe anyone shit.

What does that MEAN though?

Cause the last politician I heard everyone calling rouge and maverick?


how a clown who made his ENTIRE fortune off his father and got lucky being a blowhard and put his name of liqueur water cologne tv show and hotels a damn political rouge now?

He was failed UP pretty much at every turn

he is the real estate version of Lane Kiffin

I'm not disagreeing with you necessarily but I want to know how in the hell does this happen?

What PROOF have we got of all this rouge-ness?

besides the general public being in-comprehensively stupid AND EXPOSING their racism and prejudices and hatred for Blacks and Latinos

and exposing OUR own inability to mobilize, unify and shout down this hairpiece?

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I don''t believe that a man that rich
that opinionated
that loud
that obnoxious
with that many bankruptcies

aint owe nobody NOTHING?

Aint got some POWERFUL enemies?

He making a living essentially SELLING his name to real estate properties

dude is damn near a Kardashian.

He aint no BILLIONAIRE...someone gotta tell me why Trump of all people is suddenly the one man in America who owes no one anything nan can dio what he wants...

dude couldn't even open up that golf course in Scotland had to go to Ireland (saw it on Real Sports).

You know what I mean. Politicians typically owe DIRECT FAVORS. He isn't even spending money on this campaign. Who does he owe? Twitter? He basically has stated he's the type of person politicians owe. Said he donated to both parties. He's calling the game what the game is, and that's why it's crazy to think the establishment wants this guy in. On the other side, it's Sanders who is hated. Free college and other shit? What if people actually show up to mid-terms. That shit WOULD HAPPEN.

Palin isn't a comparison. She didn't have the ability to attack like he has. She was also a true republican, where anyone who is following this closely knows Trump is really an independent. He's already threaten to blatantly destroy the party if he doesn't get that nomination. No fucks to give. Trump talking all that good shit about illegals now, but watch him switch if he survives to the general. He already has his IMMIGRANT wife trying to straighten up that immigrant stance. Basically, pitting legal vs illegal.

I hope Sanders makes it, because Clinton is about as divisive as this guy.

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
Do not under estimate these cacs.

They have not lost their desire to control us and will continue to take any liberties given to them to do so.

Prepare for the worst. Hope for the best because with Trump it's not looking good.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
You know what I mean. Politicians typically owe DIRECT FAVORS. He isn't even spending money on this campaign. Who does he owe? Twitter? He basically has stated he's the type of person politicians owe. Said he donated to both parties. He's calling the game what the game is, and that's why it's crazy to think the establishment wants this guy in. On the other side, it's Sanders who is hated. Free college and other shit? What if people actually show up to mid-terms. That shit WOULD HAPPEN.

Palin isn't a comparison. She didn't have the ability to attack like he has. She was also a true republican, where anyone who is following this closely knows Trump is really an independent. He's already threaten to blatantly destroy the party if he doesn't get that nomination. No fucks to give. Trump talking all that good shit about illegals now, but watch him switch if he survives to the general. He already has his IMMIGRANT wife trying to straighten up that immigrant stance. Basically, pitting legal vs illegal.

I hope Sanders makes it, because Clinton is about as divisive as this guy.

thanks for the knowledge...

that whole rogue thing was confusing me.

But wait who you think would win between Bernie and Trump?

And what in the HELL would happen to Hillary IF that scenario really comes to fruition?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
would think after ALL we have seen...Trump's bullshit would UNIFY us AGAINST them instead of divide us further

I dont think he is dividing us carbon rich aka melanin rich folk...

as much has he is dividing the so called liberal from the so called conservative...

because deep down we know we can survive anything, we survived european savage enslavement and its jim crow laws,

anything else is a walk in the park in comparison....

I think the division comes more as a nation than as a race of people...

we are going to as a majority vote democrat...

the truth is I dont think trump is any better or worse than ted cruz..

in fact as much of a fuckin dick clown I think trump is, I think cruz and rubio are more sooo....

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
thanks for the knowledge...

that whole rogue thing was confusing me.

But wait who you think would win between Bernie and Trump?

And what in the HELL would happen to Hillary IF that scenario really comes to fruition?

Bernie has a better chance than Hillary. He's a relative unknown, while Hillary invokes a lot of hate. You see that bitch say 'back to the issues' after that protester in SC? Man listen. Raising taxes isn't going to sit well, but Hillary isn't going to get people out to vote. Are you really hype to vote for Hillary or would you be doing so to keep Republicans out? When you answer that question, you realize just how ugly shit can get.

The Hillary vs Sanders shit is getting ugly online. It's going to turn out like some Shiite vs Sunni shit if it keeps going this way.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I dont think he is dividing us carbon rich aka melanin rich folk...

as much has he is dividing the so called liberal from the so called conservative...

because deep down we know we can survive anything, we survived european savage enslavement and its jim crow laws,

anything else is a walk in the park in comparison....

I think the division comes more as a nation than as a race of people...

we are going to as a majority vote democrat...

the truth is I dont think trump is any better or worse than ted cruz..

in fact as much of a fuckin dick clown I think trump is, I think cruz and rubio are more sooo....



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Bernie has a better chance than Hillary. He's a relative unknown, while Hillary invokes a lot of hate. You see that bitch say 'back to the issues' after that protester in SC? Man listen. Raising taxes isn't going to sit well, but Hillary isn't going to get people out to vote. Are you really hype to vote for Hillary or would you be doing so to keep Republicans out? When you answer that question, you realize just how ugly shit can get.

The Hillary vs Sanders shit is getting ugly online. It's going to turn out like some Shiite vs Sunni shit if it keeps going this way.

co sign

And I do not think she will bow down like she did for Obama...

and it took EVERYTHING to get her to concede

Bernie gonna have to make her a Supreme Court justice or something

the women RIDE with Hillary and they VOTE and MOBILIZE extremely well.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
co sign

And I do not think she will bow down like she did for Obama...

and it took EVERYTHING to get her to concede

Bernie gonna have to make her a Supreme Court justice or something

the women RIDE with Hillary and they VOTE and MOBILIZE extremely well.

She ain't about to concede a damn thing. She has the back of the establishment. Sanders is the people's champ. Much like Trump, she'll see shit go down in flames before giving up. Sanders and Clinton supporters are going to fight proxy wars over this shit. Look for blogs every fucking day. Sanders has the younger people putting in groundwork.

Big Tex and Ballscout about to have a boxing match over this shit.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
I'm not sleeping on Trump or the anger and fear in CACs hearts. Trump represents what a lot of CACs want to be, rich, unapologetic, and a beacon of white supremacy in an outward manner. I cant believe that BGOL thinks AmeriKKKa will empower a white woman (Hillary) over a rich white male like Trump in a general election. That idea goes against white supremacy and patriarchy. The white man is not gonna create that kind of balance of power and disorder in his house.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

yea trump aint a real politician so you see what you are getting straight up..

rubio and cruz are bonafide seasoned whores, they hide their diseases very well, you fuck with them, think its all good,

boom yo ass is left burning and on medication....and thats their republican ilk... if you a democrat.. they will make sure you get a

terminal disease..

dont trust them demons at all....


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
yea trump aint a real politician so you see what you are getting straight up..

rubio and cruz are bonafide seasoned whores, they hide their diseases very well, you fuck with them, think its all good,

boom yo ass is left burning and on medication....and thats their republican ilk... if you a democrat.. they will make sure you get a

terminal disease..

dont trust them demons at all....

well damn what the f*ck are we supposed to do?

realistically we damn if we do damned if we dont

the system aint changing ANYTIME soon...

what exactly are supposed to do now?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Mark my words. The country is looking for fundamental change. You aren't going to get that with Clinton. Obama promised it and didn't deliver but he is charasnatic enough to overcome his failures. Clinton is not. Trump will most likely lose, but Hilary will allow for a more charismatic sophisticated authoritarian figure to arise. Trump winning would probably help the establishment because he is more likely to be a debacle and people will see they lost their minds for a short period.

Americans think that the Constitution is going to stop a tyranny from occurring. That is magical thinking at its best. Time and time again Tyrants arise and all it takes is for the right circumstances.

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The one glaring difference between this situation on Nazi Germany is minority demographic and guns. Rounding up Blacks and Mexicans, good luck with that. It would have to all out war and the Constitution would have to be scrap in the process. Not saying it can't happen, but it's highly unlikely.


Superstar ***
BGOL Legend
Most Americans are prostitutes for money. Trump knows how to manipulate through his wealth.

But he also is rallying pissed off CACs ...who are afraid and insecure about everything. I see a eery similarity to Hitler and his rise.

If he gets in he'll be effective because hoes do anything for money


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
I think Trump is paving the way for the next Hitler..
Because we are one economic collapse from meeting the true conditions that allows the Hitler to rise to power.


Lover of Africa
BGOL Investor
I cannot believe how much support there is for Hitler in
some of these posts


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Professor who’s predicted 30 years of presidential elections correctly is doubling down on a Trump win

Last month, the man who's tried to turn vote prediction into a science predicted a Trump win.

Allan J. Lichtman, distinguished professor of history at American University, said Democrats would not be able to hold on to the White House.

In the intervening weeks, the campaign was rocked by a series of events. The release of the Access Hollywood tape obtained by The Washington Post was followed by accusations from a growing list of women of various improprieties on Trump's part, ranging from verbal abuse and harassment to outright sexual assault. Fix founder Chris Cillizza named Trump the winner of the inauspicious “Worst Week in Washington” award for four weeks running. At the same time, WikiLeaks released internal Clinton campaign emails, and the U.S. government flatly accused the Kremlin of being involved. And let's not forget those presidential debates.

So plenty has changed. But one thing hasn't: Lichtman, author of “Predicting the Next President: The Keys to the White House 2016,” is sticking with his prediction of a Trump victory.

If you aren't familiar with his somewhat unique prediction system, here are the basics: The keys to the White House, he says, are a set of 13 true/false statements. If six of them are false, the incumbent party loses the presidency. His system has correctly predicted the winner of the popular vote in every U.S. presidential election since 1984. Our first interview went into the keys more in-depth, and in September he said the keys were settled enough to make an official prediction of a Democratic loss and a Trump win.

The Fix caught up with Lichtman again to find out more. Our conversation is below, edited only for length and clarity.

THE FIX: Readers can learn a lot about the keys from the previous interviews we’ve done, but let’s remind people of the quick version: Your system for predicting the outcome of the election stays away from polls, electoral college maps and candidates’ histories in favor of a more broad historical evaluation.

LICHTMAN: The 13 keys are a historically based prediction system that were founded on the study of every presidential election from 1860 to 1980, and I’ve since used them prospectively to predict, often well ahead of time, the results of all eight elections from 1984 to 2012. The keys basically assess the strength and performance of the party holding the White House. There are 13 keys. An answer of true on these true/false questions always favors the reelection of the party in power. And if six or more of the 13 keys are false, the party in power, the party holding the White House, is the predicted loser — any six or more.

The first time we talked, you weren’t willing to predict a winner. Take me through that process and how you came to predict a Trump win.

Early on, the keys were inconclusive. That is, remember, six or more and the party in power is the predicted loser. And for some time, there were five keys out against the incumbent Democrats.

And since that time, as we discussed last time, that sixth key has turned against the Democrats, and that is the third party key, and that is based on an assessment that you would expect the third party candidate, in this case the Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson, to get five percent or more of the vote. That’s a big sign of discontent with the party holding the White House. And so, again on the knife edge, you had exactly six fatal keys against the incumbent Democrats.

And remember — this was before the sex tape — this was before any of those allegations or other things emerged.

A lot of people would look at the events of the last month — the Access Hollywood tape obtained by The Washington Post, the presidential debates and the shifts in polling — and say, this has got to effect the keys somehow.

Donald Trump’s severe and unprecedented problems bragging about sexual assault and then having ten or more women coming out and saying, “Yes, that’s exactly what you did” — this is without precedent. But it didn’t change a key.

By the narrowest of possible margins, the keys still point to a Trump victory. However, there are two major qualifications. And I’m not a hedger, and I’ve never qualified before in 30 years of predictions.

Qualification number one: It takes six keys to count the party in power out, and they have exactly six keys. And one key could still flip, as I recognized last time — the third party key, that requires Gary Johnson to get at least five percent of the popular vote. He could slip below that, which would shift the prediction.

The second qualification is Donald Trump. We have never seen someone who is broadly regarded as a history-shattering, precedent-making, dangerous candidate who could change the patterns of history that have prevailed since the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860.

Your critics might say that if Secretary Clinton wins the election, or somehow the keys shift and the prediction changes, then what was the point of a prediction in the first place? Is it possible you’ll have to reevaluate the keys if they don’t turn out to be right this time?

I do think this election has the potential to shatter the normal boundaries of American politics and reset everything, including, perhaps, reset the keys to the White House. Look, I’m not a psychic. I don’t look at a crystal ball. The keys are based on history. And they’re based on a lot of changes in history, they’re very robust. But there can come a time when change is so cataclysmic that it changes the fundamentals of how we do our politics, and this election has the potential — we don’t know yet, but it has the potential.