Democrats Vote en Masse for 'Blue Lives Matter' Bill


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
House Democrats Line Up to Vote en Masse for Totally Unnecessary 'Blue Lives Matter' Bill

Emma Roller

Thursday 4:59pm
Filed to: POLICE

Photo: AP

To little fanfare, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a bill on Wednesday to create a new penalty for assaulting law enforcement officials. If it becomes law, the Protect and Serve Act of 2018 would make it a federal crime, punishable by up to 10 years in prison, for “knowingly caus[ing] serious bodily injury to a law enforcement officer, or attempts to do so.”

Similar so-called “Blue Lives Matter” bills have been snaking their way through state legislatures across the country over the past two years as citizens have continued to rise up and demand an end to police brutality. In 2016, Louisiana became the first state in the country to make police officers a class of citizen protected under hate crime law. (The bill was signed into law by Governor John Bel Edwards, a Democrat.)

Civil rights groups have denounced the Protect and Serve Act. In a Tuesday letter to members of Congress, more than two dozen groups, including the ACLU, Human Rights Watch, and the Southern Poverty Law Center, called the bill “superfluous,” and said it would negatively impact law enforcements’ relationships with the communities they are supposed to serve:

First, police already have substantial protections under federal and state law, rendering this bill superfluous. Second, this bill signals that there is a “war on police,” which is not only untrue, but an unhelpful and dangerous narrative to uplift. And finally, bills similar to Protect and Serve that have been introduced in states around the country—so called “Blue Lives Matter” bills—appear to be a political response to the growing national movement for police accountability in the face of continued killings and assaults of unarmed African Americans; therefore, this bill is divisive and will have a negative impact on the relationship between law enforcement and the communities they serve.

As Jonathan Cohn, a Boston-based editor and progressive activist, rightly pointed out, this bill—and others like it—is “a solution in search of a problem”: police officers already enjoy more protections than most citizens. And as others have noted, categorizing police officers as a group akin to oppressed minority groups is brutally ironic, given how many people of color live in fear of potentially deadly encounters with law enforcement.

So it’s a bit jarring to see that the majority of House Democrats, including some of the chambers’ more progressive members, lined up to support the bill (a total of 162 Democratic members backed the bill, while just 24 voted against the measure). Representative Keith Ellison, who represents Minnesota and has come to be affiliated with the Bernie Sanders wing of the party, voted for the bill, as did Arizona Representative Raul Grijalva, and Jan Schakowsky, of Illinois. You can read the full roll call of the vote here.

Voting in favor of this bill could be read as an effort by the Democrats to pre-empt more bad-faith attacks from Republicans ahead of this fall’s midterm elections. You can write the fear-mongering attack ads yourself: “DEMOCRATS VOTE TO SUPPORT COP KILLERS.” Still, the message this vote sends to Democrats’ constituents—and especially their black constituents—is that they are willing to put a thumb on the scale for the police.

Splinter has reached out to the offices of Ellison, Grijalva, and Schakowsky for comment on why they supported the bill and will update this post if we hear back.


Rising Star
OG Investor
so what, man

Pinks assault more police officers than any group by far and still will not be subjected to these laws.

This is another law that will lopsidedly affect black people, while pinks continue to get slaps on the wrist for criminal behaviour.

and where are those cats who claim that the repugnicans are so different than the demorats?


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
muthafucahs. they are throwing away a golden chance. Oh, well. Time to secure my shit for the trumpocalypse cause don't look like nobody is stopping him and his crew.


Rising Star
This is amazing. In a time where police brutality is being exposed in ways it never have in the past. And we must be clear it is being exposed not growing or spreading this has always been the modus operandi. Instead of creating laws to punish the abusers they making laws to protect them. Now resisting arrest will become assault on a peace officer and boom ten years.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Now, if you are black, resisting arrest will become assault on a peace officer and boom ten years.


We know who this law will affect.

Think about it.

With all the media attention recently, what demographic has had the police called on them for absolutely no reason at all?

Off the top of my head....

Gym incident
Park Barbecue
Girl sleeping in the dorm

If you are not doing anything wrong, common sense will kick in and you will refuse the arrest (kidnapping) which will in-turn be construed into "assault" by the arresting pigs.

So, the passing of this law along with the recent media attention was a call to arms for pigs to do what they do.....


Rising Star
Platinum Member
So let me get this straight. An asshole cop can have the entire department at his back, armed to the teeth with weapons and restraints, have access to advanced surveillance and forensic equipment and data, laws at local, state and now federal levels that support and defend him and he can still claim he was "afraid for his life" when confronting an unarmed black man?!? These bitch-made cowards are laughable! Cot damn!!!!!

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
That piece of shit obama already gave them the blue alert law now they want this? They better worry about those mass shooters.


Rising Star
OG Investor
So let me get this straight. An asshole cop can have the entire department at his back, armed to the teeth with weapons and restraints, have access to advanced surveillance and forensic equipment and data, laws at local, state and now federal levels that support and defend him and he can still claim he was "afraid for his life" when confronting an unarmed black man?!? These bitch-made cowards are laughable! Cot damn!!!!!

but what makes it worse are:

1. Their piss poor deescalation skills
2. Their penchant for engaging in violence
3. Their painfully obvious anti-black discrimination/racism

I was watching the first episode of that bullshit ass Flint documentary/series on Netflix. I turned that shit off in the first episode when one of the out-of towner pigs said that he came to Flint for the violence.

I was both floored and disgusted. He didn't come to Flint to protect people or help the citizens.

He came for the fucking violence. :hmm:

He wasn't even smart enough to turn on the filter in his mind that is supposed to block potentially offensive stupid shit that he could say.

Yet that is a "police officer". Someone who thinks that he is working in a fucking war zone.

I am not fucking with or giving sympathy to any pig........


Rising Star
Platinum Member
so what, man

Pinks assault more police officers than any group by far and still will not be subjected to these laws.

This is another law that will lopsidedly affect black people, while pinks continue to get slaps on the wrist for criminal behaviour.

and where are those cats who claim that the repugnicans are so different than the demorats?
It’s one issue and one that will give more ammo to republicans. The bill was passing no matter what.

People like you allowed the era of Trump and these are the consequences. If Democrats have any chance of taking back one branch of government they have to pick and choose their fights.

You are responsible for this bill passing with the democrats and republicans are the same narrative.

Obama/Hillary were speaking out against police brutality. That momentum gone now.


Rising Star
OG Investor
It’s one issue and one that will give more ammo to republicans. The bill was passing no matter what.

People like you allowed the era of Trump and these are the consequences. If Democrats have any chance of taking back one branch of government they have to pick and choose their fights.

You are responsible for this bill passing with the democrats and republicans are the same narrative.

Obama/Hillary were speaking out against police brutality. That momentum gone now.

Man, shut yo ass up....

Talking about..."people like me".


Pinks put Trump in office not black people voting or lack of voting.

This "protect police under assault" shit began on Obama's watch.

Dont try to make this a partisan issue, bruh.

Pigs have treated black people like shit in the US before, during and after Obama's administration.

This isn't about police or policing but anti-black racism and a perpetual lack of pig accountability.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
It’s one issue and one that will give more ammo to republicans. The bill was passing no matter what.

People like you allowed the era of Trump and these are the consequences. If Democrats have any chance of taking back one branch of government they have to pick and choose their fights.

You are responsible for this bill passing with the democrats and republicans are the same narrative.

Obama/Hillary were speaking out against police brutality. That momentum gone now.
Obama signs 'Blue Alert' law to protect police -

Have a seat CL

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor

That dude wants everybody to be a democrat. If you don’t see things his way you ain’t right. Police been doing harm to black under Obama and Bush, under Republican and Democrat. There is no difference between the two really. That’s why I’m neither.

Shit, even when obama was in office these niggaz refuse to take advantage of him anyway while he was helping everybody else. So to me they can’t complain about nobody anymore.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Man, shut yo ass up....

Talking about..."people like me".


Pinks put Trump in office not black people voting or lack of voting.

This "protect police under assault" shit began on Obama's watch.

Dont try to make this a partisan issue, bruh.

Pigs have treated black people like shit in the US before, during and after Obama's administration.

This isn't about police or policing but anti-black racism and a perpetual lack of pig accountability.

People like you saying dumb shit for years fatigue people into not voting. White and Black.

Allowing Trump and republicans to wipe any progressive under Obama.

Show me any republican talking about police brutality. You think they will be held accountable now?

There was real momentum against police happening under Obama. Gone


Rising Star
Platinum Member
That dude wants everybody to be a democrat. If you don’t see things his way you ain’t right. Police been doing harm to black under Obama and Bush, under Republican and Democrat. There is no difference between the two really. That’s why I’m neither.

Shit, even when obama was in office these niggaz refuse to take advantage of him anyway while he was helping everybody else. So to me they can’t complain about nobody anymore.
Wrong again idiot. Everyone should be against Republicans.

You keep saying the same dumb shit and it keeps getting worse. Minimum drug sentencing coming back isn’t different from Obama.

Shut the fuck up. You don’t say shit against Trump

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
Wrong again idiot. Everyone should be against Republicans.

You keep saying the same dumb shit and it keeps getting worse. Minimum drug sentencing coming back isn’t different from Obama.

Shut the fuck up. You don’t say shit against Trump

You a white boy like the dude been saying.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
So the fuck what.

law a measure that will require instant nationwide "Blue Alerts" to warn about threats to police officers and help track down the suspects who carry them out.

The Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu National Blue Alert Act of 2015 is named for the two New York Police Department officers killed in an ambush attack last December.

Yep your right. That’s the same as Trump bringing back minimum drug sentencing and enabling ICE to go after any brown skinned person.

Shut the fuck up clown. What have you said about trump and Jeff Sessions?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You are so against police brutality against Black people that you stay silent for the last 18 months on the issue...

Top law enforcement leaders say they have had no bigger advocate this year than President Trump, and they are hopeful he has set the stage for fewer dangerous confrontations between officers and the public, better-equipped departments and, ultimately, reductions in crime.

Why would a great advocate like you be silent under trump but posted daily against Obama.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
This just doesnt make any sense.
Soul on Ice, the great advocate against police, spoke out against Obama daily. Even though police unions hated Obama.

Emboldened by Trump, some police unions seek to overhaul Obama’s reforms

But now is silent about Trump. A person the police unions love.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is amazing. In a time where police brutality is being exposed in ways it never have in the past. And we must be clear it is being exposed not growing or spreading this has always been the modus operandi. Instead of creating laws to punish the abusers they making laws to protect them. Now resisting arrest will become assault on a peace officer and boom ten years.



Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
It’s one issue and one that will give more ammo to republicans. The bill was passing no matter what.

People like you allowed the era of Trump and these are the consequences. If Democrats have any chance of taking back one branch of government they have to pick and choose their fights.

You are responsible for this bill passing with the democrats and republicans are the same narrative.

Obama/Hillary were speaking out against police brutality. That momentum gone now.


No need to pass the buck here. This is a huge failure for the Dems and is yet another illustration why we need more political alternatives in this country. The fact that this is a bill at all in this era of casual police brutality (visited largely on people of color with no meaningful consequences) is an utter embarrasment.

Dems need to do better.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
This is amazing. In a time where police brutality is being exposed in ways it never have in the past. And we must be clear it is being exposed not growing or spreading this has always been the modus operandi. Instead of creating laws to punish the abusers they making laws to protect them. Now resisting arrest will become assault on a peace officer and boom ten years.

Should have just quoted this post and called it a day. This shit is a ridiculous embarrassment and Democrats only reinforce the feeling of voter apathy that produced Trump in the first place with this course of action. Who is advocating for the people in Congress?

When haven't there been severe consequences for those who assault police officers? This shit is a slap in the face.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

No need to pass the buck here. This is a huge failure for the Dems and is yet another illustration why we need more political alternatives in this country. The fact that this is a bill at all in this era of casual police brutality (visited largely on people of color) with no meaningful consequences is an utter embarrasment.

Dems need to do better.
Not passing the buck.

If Hillary was elected this bill wouldn’t exist. This is Trump’s America now and he controls every corner of the government. Reality is republicans voters turn out to vote and non republicans do not.

Democrats need the House or Senate back or things will unfathomably get worse. Trump wins the midterms after everything he has already haven’t seen nothing yet.

Republicans would have hung this around democrats necks for the midterms if they voted against it. It’s not like democratic/independent voters would have turned out because democrats blocked this.

Non republican voters need to do better.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I remember seeing this in the news shortly after Trump’s win. Watched to see if anyone on BGOL would give support to the Democrat. Nope, no show of support.


A tug of war between Democrats and Republicans over a controversial painting escalated Tuesday, with lawmakers taking turns removing the painting and re-hanging it in a Capitol thoroughfare.

Rep. Lacy Clay (D-Mo.) returned the controversial painting, depicting a confrontation between black protesters and police officers portrayed as feral pigs, to its original place in the Capitol complex on Tuesday after a Republican lawmaker personally removed it.

The painting had been displayed in a highly trafficked tunnel connecting the Capitol and two House office buildings since June as part of an annual high school art competition.

But Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) took down the painting and brought it to Clay’s office on Friday after conservative news outlets had taken notice in recent weeks.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
I remember seeing this in the news shortly after Trump’s win. Watched to see if anyone on BGOL would give support to the Democrat. Nope, no show of support.


A tug of war between Democrats and Republicans over a controversial painting escalated Tuesday, with lawmakers taking turns removing the painting and re-hanging it in a Capitol thoroughfare.

Rep. Lacy Clay (D-Mo.) returned the controversial painting, depicting a confrontation between black protesters and police officers portrayed as feral pigs, to its original place in the Capitol complex on Tuesday after a Republican lawmaker personally removed it.

The painting had been displayed in a highly trafficked tunnel connecting the Capitol and two House office buildings since June as part of an annual high school art competition.

But Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) took down the painting and brought it to Clay’s office on Friday after conservative news outlets had taken notice in recent weeks.
A painting
That's what you come up with lol