Dems set to let Lieberman slide


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor

Word is that it's looking like Lieberman keeps the Homeland Security gavel, but -- get this -- loses the Environment & Public Works subcommittee on Private Sector and Consumer Solutions to Global Warming and Wildlife Protection.

(Blink, blink.)


I'm not making that up, either. It was actually in a newspaper:

A pair of Senate Democrats will offer a compromise plan today to sanction Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.) for his support of the Republican presidential ticket but allow him to keep a key committee chairmanship and remain in the party caucus.

Senators and aides said yesterday that Sens. Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.) and Ken Salazar (D-Colo.) would present a plan at a caucus meeting that would strip Lieberman of a low-profile subcommittee chairmanship, possibly one on global warming issues. But Lieberman would retain the gavel of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

So if that's right, and that's what they go with, then the plan is to strip Lieberman of the subcommittee where he's actually a good Democrat, but leave him in control of the full committee where he stands in opposition to the Obama administration, the Democratic Caucus, and most of America.

This is a good plan, because blah, blah, bipartisanship, mumble, mumble, reconciliation, hummina-hummina sixty.

The Caucus meets to vote at 9:30 this morning.


Team NoPullOut
OG Investor
Fuck Liebermann!!! He deserves shit in a hole. Mutha sold his party out and now crying to keep his job and ties?! Thats a straight up modern day Benedict Arnold:angry:


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
If they actually let this cat retain his chairmainship of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee... :angry:


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
man, this is why the dems had been losing up until 2006.


perhaps there are some behind the scenes machinations we're not privy to, and it's all a part of Obama's master plan.

well, it COULD be!


The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor
these dudes are cowards
these guys are the bitches who stood in the corner during the contract with america etc - spent the past 10 years not doing a fuckin thing and now they think America has given them a mandate to be who they were all that time rather than the progressives they claimed to be

i hate these bitches
theyre gonna fuck it all up intentionally and let repubs come back stronger than ever

MindHunter II

Platinum Member


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor

Makk. Do you think this displays just how powerful AIPAC is?.. I know the DEMS are soft...but damn...

Laughing Man

I know Obama wants to be the bigger man, but fuck that, get your bad cops to fuck that bitch ass fucker up, thats why you got fuckers like Rahm Emanuel for

I wont be surprised if Lieberman fucks up again, he will

This fucker spat in your faces, and you want to turn the other cheek, when you should be nailing his ass to the cross, you're forgiving Judas Lieberman?

This is bullshit man

Maybe Obama has an ulterior motive we are not privy to just yet


The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor

Makk. Do you think this displays just how powerful AIPAC is?.. I know the DEMS are soft...but damn...
it aint aipac - its his homies dodd and others trying to have his back - im hoping more people agree with leahy on this shit - if he isnt stripped they look weak - the fact theyre discussing it even makes them look weak

This bullshit along with the announcement no torturers will be prosecuted when Obama takes over has me ready for 4 more years of Bush lite.


The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor
I know Obama wants to be the bigger man, but fuck that, get your bad cops to fuck that bitch ass fucker up, thats why you got fuckers like Rahm Emanuel for

I wont be surprised if Lieberman fucks up again, he will

This fucker spat in your faces, and you want to turn the other cheek, when you should be nailing his ass to the cross, you're forgiving Judas Lieberman?

This is bullshit man

Maybe Obama has an ulterior motive we are not privy to just yet
Obama has to take the high ground. Reid and others dont. Reid is a coward. Dodd is a fuckin sellout. Even the fuckin independent from Vermont said to axe that bitch.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Remember we need him to vote with Obama. He usually votes moderate to liberal on issues. Like it or not he has alot of influence. We don't need him going to the right with his vote.

What we really need is a timely "heart attack or deadly stroke" to hit his ass.

Laughing Man

Obama has to take the high ground. Reid and others dont. Reid is a coward. Dodd is a fuckin sellout. Even the fuckin independent from Vermont said to axe that bitch.


Have that faggot on toilet duty, something

And you think this weakness of the Dems is due to AIPAC?

Laughing Man

I voted for Ned Lamont to get this fucker out, and he has yet to make me regret voting against his ass

The lack of support they shown Lamont after Lieberman lost the primary in CT was enough, and the fact they didnt pressure him to drop out like they said they would, especially Reid

This is bullshit, and Judas Lieberman is yet again, free to fuck around


The Quizatz Haderach
BGOL Investor

Have that faggot on toilet duty, something

And you think this weakness of the Dems is due to AIPAC?

I voted for Ned Lamont to get this fucker out, and he has yet to make me regret voting against his ass

The lack of support they shown Lamont after Lieberman lost the primary in CT was enough, and the fact they didnt pressure him to drop out like they said they would, especially Reid

This is bullshit, and Judas Lieberman is yet again, free to fuck around

it could be aipac - we got a aipac white house - i doubt it though lieberman burned many bridges and now these bitches actin like he didnt do shit
i think whether aipac is involved or not its more about reid being weak than anything else - i dont mean politically weak i mean mentally

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
You can't turn a hoe into a housewife and you can't make the democrats grow fucking balls.

The truth is the democrats are just as responsible for the fuck ups of the last 8 years as bush. On this board I have been saying they are spineless since 01. And in 02 when cocksuckers like billary and biden gave bush power..................................:smh: SPINELESS!!!!!!!!!

None of the shit they do surprises me. Shit was going good in 00 when the spineless fucks chose to distance gore from clinton cause the spineless fucks wouldn't stand up to the republicans and say clintons dick has nothing to do with how the country is run.



these dudes are cowards
these guys are the bitches who stood in the corner during the contract with america etc - spent the past 10 years not doing a fuckin thing and now they think America has given them a mandate to be who they were all that time rather than the progressives they claimed to be

i hate these bitches
theyre gonna fuck it all up intentionally and let repubs come back stronger than ever

Remember that convo we had about whether or not Hillary could punk this particular class of Dems in the Senate and run shit even with her Jr. status? Protocol be damned, these Dems are nutless.

Notice how Chuck Hagel flipped on Bush, but kept his mouth shut for the most part when it came to his party. He knew damn well the Republicans would have had his ass mopping floors if he had flipped and done what Lieberman did to the Dems (even though it was obvious he was backing Obama).


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Remember that convo we had about whether or not Hillary could punk this particular class of Dems in the Senate and run shit even with her Jr. status? Protocol be damned, these Dems are nutless.

Notice how Chuck Hagel flipped on Bush, but kept his mouth shut for the most part when it came to his party. He knew damn well the Republicans would have had his ass mopping floors if he had flipped and done what Lieberman did to the Dems (even though it was obvious he was backing Obama).

I was on the other side of the convo. And if Lieberman comes out of this unscathed, I would have to change my position. Hillary would cause hell in the Senate if she wanted. The dems in the Senate are as soft as fucking Tracy McGrady.

and you're right about Hagel.. Hagel knew where to draw the line.... in regards to the fuck do you go and speak at the Republican convention and rag on the Dem presidential candidate for months and not get penalized :confused:


I was on the other side of the convo. And if Lieberman comes out of this unscathed, I would have to change my position. Hillary would cause hell in the Senate if she wanted. The dems in the Senate are as soft as fucking Tracy McGrady.

and you're right about Hagel.. Hagel knew where to draw the line.... in regards to the fuck do you go and speak at the Republican convention and rag on the Dem presidential candidate for months and not get penalized :confused:

In a way, I wonder if Obama is going to just bully the Senate the way Bush did. His choice of Joe Biden and Rahm Emmanuelle makes me think that is a possibility. The congress forfeited their "check" in the checks and balances of government while Bush was in power and set a fucked up precedent, it's really up to Obama whether he wants to give them their "check" in the "checks and balances" back or not. The Republicans are about to split between the moderates and the hardline morons (I think Obama's meeting with McCain was to get those moderates on-board) and the Dems are about to have a major redistribution of power between the current group of pussies running things and the newer, tougher, Jr. class that was elected in 2006. The end result is the old guard on BOTH sides of the aisle could get neutered and Obama could form a coalition that fucks over both parties in a way (Clinton did it and Bush II did it, maybe that is going to be the new way presidents run their shit from here on out).


Overall I like Lieberman. I thought he was a very good choice for Gore as VP. He's not a staunch Dem but overall he does vote with them. He fucked up by supporting McCain.