Detroit is a GHOST TOWN! what nex?!?


Man that place has dried up like one of those old western towns from the cowboy flicks! All that's missing is the big balls of wheat straw that rolls through when the wind blows!!!:smh::smh::smh:





BGOL Investor
Thanks for informing me.....I thought I saw People and cars...fat pretty ass females ...and just a bunch a shit...
Guess I was hallucinating.....Thank you so much.

So in the immortal words of Ron Artest..."Suck a Cock" Bitch!!


BGOL Investor
im telling people, especially Black folks, that this is the best time to buy property.
If i told you how many young college white boys that i know that are buying up hella property in poor BLACK NEIGHBORHOODS and neighborhoods that have been hit by this planned'd be like...Damn!

Also...consider investing in untapped African land also.
Get your piece of the pie! Join the capitalistic party!


Rising Star
if you move the black people out the white people will move in..

SO TRU - but it is all good


Rising Star
Ever since I been to Detroit years back, I always was amazed at the emptiness of the city yet in awe of its people still living life there. I had fun when I was there and the chicks were mad cool. It can be a beautiful tourist city with the right amount of money, planning and development put in it. Detroit could be the next Vegas or even Atlantic City! think about it!

But they did have a ABANDONED ZOO! :eek:

Mr. Del

Rising Star
the big balls of wheat straw that rolls through when the wind blows


All that typing for nothing. damn.


Rising Star
Detriot been on life support for 20+ years.

It's about time someone pulled the plug.

I mean, they elected a PIMP for a Mayor for God's sake.




"Don't let them do that to yawls boy ... don't let them do that to yawls boy"



Rising Star
all bullshit aside, how is that city able to sustain professional sports teams if it's so fucked up? :confused:


im telling people, especially Black folks, that this is the best time to buy property.
If i told you how many young college white boys that i know that are buying up hella property in poor BLACK NEIGHBORHOODS and neighborhoods that have been hit by this planned'd be like...Damn!

Also...consider investing in untapped African land also.
Get your piece of the pie! Join the capitalistic party!

Co-sign. Houses in the D are dirt ass cheap right now. A moderate size home goes for about $10,000 right now. And I'm wit u, the recession shit was planned even though most would probably disagree.


Rising Star
Co-sign. Houses in the D are dirt ass cheap right now. A moderate size home goes for about $10,000 right now. And I'm wit u, the recession shit was planned even though most would probably disagree.

Do you really think that?
Who's going to take advantage of it. There needs to be some sort of sustainable economy, and Detroit's is too dominated by a weakened and spiraling car industry.


Rising Star
im telling people, especially Black folks, that this is the best time to buy property.
If i told you how many young college white boys that i know that are buying up hella property in poor BLACK NEIGHBORHOODS and neighborhoods that have been hit by this planned'd be like...Damn!

Also...consider investing in untapped African land also.
Get your piece of the pie! Join the capitalistic party!



Potential Star
Unless the BGOL CSI has insider news about the next industry being built in Detriot...

You know, you could use all those factories to build unmanned aerial vehicles, like the Predator and the Reaper. I just read where the Air Force is training more remote drone pilots than aircraft pilots these days. Detroit may want to go over to defense contracts. Hell D for defense, maybe its not just a sports slogan.:hmm:


BGOL Investor
Detroit has to be the most depressing city ever, I think Flint has Detroit beat but damn, I went to this mall in Flint and I swear to god there were only literally 10 stores in the entire mall open, parking a ghost town on a Saturday.
im telling people, especially Black folks, that this is the best time to buy property.
If i told you how many young college white boys that i know that are buying up hella property in poor BLACK NEIGHBORHOODS and neighborhoods that have been hit by this planned'd be like...Damn!

Also...consider investing in untapped African land also.
Get your piece of the pie! Join the capitalistic party!

Chi, I don'y know about rebounding on our lifetime. Gubment got plans for that real estate.

Good luck w/that tho.

Wootten Hathaway
Detroit has to be the most depressing city ever, I think Flint has Detroit beat but damn, I went to this mall in Flint and I swear to god there were only literally 10 stores in the entire mall open, parking a ghost town on a Saturday.

Thats malls everywhere. Sprinfield mall in Northern VA was so robust, however a lot of vendors can't afford the 10k a month rent and have closed their doors.

Its not a great time for entrepenuers I'll tell you what.

Wootten Hathaway

Arctic Sun

Support BGOL
It has it's problems but you can still have a good time there. But it is amazing to drive through and see how empty it is. Thing is is that it's still got a bigger population than most cities in America (answer to why 4 sports teams can survive). The problem is is that the city was built probably to be the fourth largest city in the country and well that didn't happen.

Can it be turned around? Maybe, but there would have to be so many things that fall into place at the same time or in some sort of perfect sequence for that to happen. And as long as it is cold there you're going to have a hard time attracting people to the area as people are migrating to warmer areas.

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
C/S, 4 major sports team...:confused:

Detroit, has one of the richest surrounding suburbs in the US. Lots of Detroit fans in the surrounding area. As far as the city going under, like Heist said, it's been on life support for 20+ years, but really to a lot of Detroiters it's nothing new. We are used hearing, the city being labeled a warzone, economic diaster area, etc. So, while it looks like a ghost town to most outsiders, when I go back home it's really nothing new to me. I kick and go out with friends just as I did 10 years ago.:cool:


Support BGOL
It has it's problems but you can still have a good time there. But it is amazing to drive through and see how empty it is. Thing is is that it's still got a bigger population than most cities in America (answer to why 4 sports teams can survive). The problem is is that the city was built probably to be the fourth largest city in the country and well that didn't happen.

Can it be turned around? Maybe, but there would have to be so many things that fall into place at the same time or in some sort of perfect sequence for that to happen. And as long as it is cold there you're going to have a hard time attracting people to the area as people are migrating to warmer areas.
Pistons dont play in Detroit....Auburn Hills :smh: