Diagnosed with pre-diabetes—- damn


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Went to my dock because I was feeling like shit. Headaches, constant urination, totally feeling like shit. After my blood test came back I found out my sugar level was over 400. Goddamn. Doctor said either get your diet under control or you’re going on insulin. I immediately cut out all Sugar, drinks, juices, and all carbs. No bread no pasta no rice nothing that had any carbs in it. After three weeks I lost 22 pounds and feel better. Got fitted with a continuous glucose monitor that attached to my arm and I can watch my sugar levels continuously on my smart phone. Now I average well under 200. I feel like a goddamn robot. Upside I feel fantastic. Now I know what I can eat and not eat on a regular basis. And up my cardio and water drinking on a daily basis. Conclusion, fellas, watch your diet stop eating like a fucking teenager.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Damn bra, I thought my shit was high at 110 A1C 6.2. Conrgats at trying to eat healthier. For me, my pancreas probably like, nikka, you been abusing me for decades. Eat fucked up if yo stankin ass wants to and we going full blown sugar up in this beeotch. Pancreas like,



knowledge alone ≠ power
OG Investor
sugar is the ultimate drug...keep working at it, all we got is our health in the end

for me, finding out that sleep regimen, and having a good one, has a lot to do with it

if i'm tired, i make bad decisions...including giving in to cravings


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Went to my dock because I was feeling like shit. Headaches, constant urination, totally feeling like shit. After my blood test came back I found out my sugar level was over 400. Goddamn. Doctor said either get your diet under control or you’re going on insulin. I immediately cut out all Sugar, drinks, juices, and all carbs. No bread no pasta no rice nothing that had any carbs in it. After three weeks I lost 22 pounds and feel better. Got fitted with a continuous glucose monitor that attached to my arm and I can watch my sugar levels continuously on my smart phone. Now I average well under 200. I feel like a goddamn robot. Upside I feel fantastic. Now I know what I can eat and not eat on a regular basis. And up my cardio and water drinking on a daily basis. Conclusion, fellas, watch your diet stop eating like a fucking teenager.
What is your A1C
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Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Props on the lifestyle change, @trstar

We have a guy at work who lost 100lbs over time by cutting down on snacking, and increasing walking and tai-chi. Really helped him decrease back and knee pain too. 5’4” and went from 240lbs to 130 something in the 20 years I have known him. Turns 65 next month. Told him years back it was cool to see him aging in reverse as a Type 2 diabetic who was having a tough time w/ his decision-making.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
sugar is the ultimate drug...keep working at it, all we got is our health in the end

for me, finding out that sleep regimen, and having a good one, has a lot to do with it

if i'm tired, i make bad decisions...including giving in to cravings
I’m going to say something provocative.

Whatever little Frederic Douglass ate during slavery is immeasurably better than the food we consume now. Why are soda companies pumping 3 days of sugar into one bottle? And why isn’t the government doing anything about it?

Slaves versus serfs. What a conversation.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Age? How much exercise were u getting before and how much now?

What excercise are you doing?

Stress and sleep habits?

I also need to do better in all areas.
92 year old mother in assisted living, that I have to supplement

2 kids in college

Trying to get a few more certs before my contract ends in November?

Wife yapping about going to Ghana next year with the church group.

So, yeah, I am living the dream.


Thinkn with My 3rd Eye!
Platinum Member
Went to my dock because I was feeling like shit. Headaches, constant urination, totally feeling like shit. After my blood test came back I found out my sugar level was over 400. Goddamn. Doctor said either get your diet under control or you’re going on insulin. I immediately cut out all Sugar, drinks, juices, and all carbs. No bread no pasta no rice nothing that had any carbs in it. After three weeks I lost 22 pounds and feel better. Got fitted with a continuous glucose monitor that attached to my arm and I can watch my sugar levels continuously on my smart phone. Now I average well under 200. I feel like a goddamn robot. Upside I feel fantastic. Now I know what I can eat and not eat on a regular basis. And up my cardio and water drinking on a daily basis. Conclusion, fellas, watch your diet stop eating like a fucking teenager.

Good job bruh!!
I'm in the process of dropping weight as well! Although in my mind I feel great, I actually feel like I did when I was 35! A few months ago.. I was like u know what imma drop some pounds.. so u know how things go, u start to feel your shirt getting lose n stuff.. I told my buddy at work I was losing weight n dat nicca looked down at my stomach n looked back up at me! He never said nothing, but right then I was like wtf!

So the next morning my wife and I was talking and I was on the stair at home and seen myself in the mirror and that's when the fog came out of my eyes!! I was like damn bruh you got a big ass stomach that's why my brogha @ wrk was looking at me like that! So I stopped eating my donuts and cookies being that they were my biggest problem! I never went on a diet I have only cut back on how much I consume, plus added much exercise with it..

We have a treadmill and I bought a weight bench that has the leg extension on it as well as a part where I strengthen the top portion of my back! Over the pass 3 months, I dropped 50 pounds and looking to drop at least another 60.. that stomach shit gotta go.. I dont have high blood pressure or sugar and never have...but its on and popping!!

On top of all that me doing that just for me, I ended up encouraging my wife without me even telling her she should lose weight!! Sorry I wrote a lot... but I wanted to share my story too and maybe it may encourage someone else! Keep it up famo!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Previously I would thought this was some woo woo bullshit. But this so true for me
