did u black em out?


Wait for it.....
OG Investor
:yes::bravo::cheers::clap: Have not watched the NFL in 2 years and never plan to again, and don't think I'm not a football fan and buy merchandise, I still have a whole set of Steeler babies in my basement and plan to sell them online, I have all my Steeler memories and am still fond of the history, but never again will I waste my fucking time looking like a fool, buying beer, wings and gear for these crakka billionaires who showed no appreciation for my people! (Even tho the Steelers have been a pillar of NFL diversity in a lot of ways) this is about the whole NFL and owners, just like I can't excuse the police for brutality just because their are a few good cops.

That statistic is wayyyy wrong we make up at least 25% of their market and well over 50% of their players and staff, I know most are and will be addicted to supporting the NFL but if we can hit 10% damage to their bottom line, it will be powerful.

Hate if you want but this is a very doable way to support the efforts to stop police brutality and reign in these race soldiers killing our youth and then hi-fiving about it.

Wanna stop black on black violence? Get the police to really do their job in the community and start treating folks like citizens instead of animals!

Fuck every bitch made, motherfucking Jason whitelick motherfucker who don't like my reply, you ain't shit and your need to come at me for saying it proves it!
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jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor


jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
I ain't mad @ u I know how it is when you psychologically invested in something that everyone else is on some shit about but because I know you a true, it's all factored in, not everyone marched on Washington with King but that did not mean they weren't down for the cause.
Right. Excellent points man. Most on here are watching but are afraid of the backlash from a few members. Fuck dat I'm not.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
I'm done wit the nfl..I played football and was a fucken beast..but this new shit I ain't wit..brah


Rising Star
How can you be done with something and it’s still on your mind. If you’re done with it you can’t be secretly checking the scores explaining to everyone why your done making vids saying your done and everything else people who are so called boycotting the nfl are doing for attention. Are you trying to convince me or convince yourself? And if your done with the nfl again I ask are you done with the nba because they have quietly had the same anthem rules in their books long before the nfl tried it and when the nfl shit hit the fan last season the nba went out their way to remind their players of it.


Wait for it.....
OG Investor
How can you be done with something and it’s still on your mind. If you’re done with it you can’t be secretly checking the scores explaining to everyone why your done making vids saying your done and everything else people who are so called boycotting the nfl are doing for attention. Are you trying to convince me or convince yourself? And if your done with the nfl again I ask are you done with the nba because they have quietly had the same anthem rules in their books long before the nfl tried it and when the nfl shit hit the fan last season the nba went out their way to remind their players of it.
Peaceful protest maybe..
Ratings maybe..
Market share maybe..
Public opinion maybe..
Faith maybe..
In memory of victims maybe..
To show support for Kap maybe..

Who knows but if you don't then why all that yada yada, if you don't understand or care take yo' ass to the game stand proudly for that anthem and get all teary eyed, but if you black don't say shit if you get yo ass beat by badge wearing race soldiers on your way back from the game or if it happens to someone you care about.

You guys are unbelievable when that mutant coon gene kicks in!:smh:o_O


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:yes::bravo::cheers::clap: Have not watched the NFL in 2 years and never plan to again, and don't think I'm not a football fan and buy merchandise, I still have a whole set of Steeler babies in my basement and plan to sell them online, I have all my Steeler memories and am still fond of the history, but never again will I waste my fucking time looking like a fool, buying beer, wings and gear for these crakka billionaires who showed no appreciation for my people! (Even tho the Steelers have been a pillar of NFL diversity in a lot of ways) this is about the whole NFL and owners, just like I can't excuse the police for brutality just because their are a few good cops.

That statistic is wayyyy wrong we make up at least 25% of their market and well over 50% of their players and staff, I know most are and will be addicted to supporting the NFL but if we can hit 10% damage to their bottom line, it will be powerful.

Hate if you want but this is a very doable way to support the efforts to stop police brutality and reign in these race soldiers killing our youth and then hi-fiving about it.

Wanna stop black on black violence? Get the police to really do their job in the community and start treating folks like citizens instead of animals!

Fuck every bitch made, motherfucking Jason whitelick motherfucker who don't like my reply, you ain't shit and your need to come at me for saying it proves it!
i didnt watch not one NFL game yesterday.......shit felt pretty damn good. i could have cared less.
i was more pumped up watching college football on saturday.


Rising Star
I wonder how many people who are boycotting the league are fans of winning teams or teams that play well


Rising Star
Peaceful protest maybe..
Ratings maybe..
Market share maybe..
Public opinion maybe..
Faith maybe..
In memory of victims maybe..
To show support for Kap maybe..

Who knows but if you don't then why all that yada yada, if you don't understand or care take yo' ass to the game stand proudly for that anthem and get all teary eyed, but if you black don't say shit if you get yo ass beat by badge wearing race soldiers on your way back from the game or if it happens to someone you care about.

You guys are unbelievable when that mutant coon gene kicks in!:smh:o_O
You showing support for kaep and he tweeted out support for players on the field.


Wait for it.....
OG Investor
So say bills call him in this week are you dropping your boycott
No man, what's wrong with you?

If you wanna watch and enjoy I'm not mad or even confused about your desire to do so, but my stance is a continuation of the sentiment and purpose of his protest, he inspired me to do what I can, he is a player, a good one who deserves a contract, I'm just a former fan who will do what little I can to contribute, that's all.

Truth be told I had already had the desire to leave the sport alone and focus more on my life so and community and his protest moved me over the hurdle of the habit, it fell in line with what I felt about the state of things that I felt I had no control over anyway ...

I'm not gone battle with you about why, just can't see why it bothers you so much?

Maybe you should ask yourself why too.

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
So say bills call him in this week are you dropping your boycott

I'd entertain it but dunno. Are they calling?o_O Man I'm all in. My in Law came to the house and tried to turn on the game and I let him know that shit banned in my house. I watch the highlights sometimes in passing but never the games or I hear barbershop talk or see news.

Now if Colin got a deal to me that would mean a lot, some levity at least. Right now though, I hate everything about the NFL


Rising Star
I'd entertain it but dunno. Are they calling?o_O Man I'm all in. My in Law came to the house and tried to turn on the game and I let him know that shit banned in my house. I watch the highlights sometimes in passing but never the games or I hear barbershop talk or see news.

Now if Colin got a deal to me that would mean a lot, some levity at least. Right now though, I hate everything about the NFL
Don’t know if they are calling are not but the way that CAC played yesterday they should have had him in uniform at halftime.