Dirty cac cops try to search & pat down brotha illegally.....Here we go again fellas :(


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Take a look at the video & tell me what ya'll think

Quick summary fellas:

I guess the brotha got some kind of ticket with his bike
Again.....just a regular ticket (probably like a parking ticket or something)
But the CAC cops wanted to go on a fishing expedition afterwards
Basically they profiled bruh, and so they wanted to "pat him down"
So I guess some random people happened to walk past & start recording the incident
The video starts from there.....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Because the officer has reasonable suspicion to stop doesn’t mean that he has the right to pat someone down for weapons. Once the police lawfully stop someone, they can only conduct a pat down if the officer reasonably believes that the suspect may be armed or a danger to the officer or others. Looks like in this case, the pig doesn't have a valid reason. So ole boy was well within his rights to deny the search. Since he was cited,...that means they had his info, more than likely ran a background check....came up with nothing.....now they on a fishing expedition.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Because the officer has reasonable suspicion to stop doesn’t mean that he has the right to pat someone down for weapons. Once the police lawfully stop someone, they can only conduct a pat down if the officer reasonably believes that the suspect may be armed or a danger to the officer or others. Looks like in this case, the pig doesn't have a valid reason. So ole boy was well within his rights to deny the search. Since he was cited,...that means they had his info, more than likely ran a background check....came up with nothing.....now they on a fishing expedition.

Yeah fam, you summed it up perfectly
Are you in law enforcement? Or in the legal/judicial field?
(Not to get in your business or anything)

Basically I wanted to create this thread to help educate the other bruhs on here
As the saying goes....."If you don't know your rights, you will lose your rights"
Cops nowadays will use all types of bullshit tactics
And if people don't know what thier rights are (even just the basic rights like the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th amemdments)
Then you might get hemmed up dealing with these crooked ass pigs



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah fam, you summed it up perfectly
Are you in law enforcement? Or in the legal/judicial field?
(Not to get in your business or anything)

Basically I wanted to create this thread to help educate the other bruhs on here
As the saying goes....."If you don't know your rights, you will lose your rights"
Cops nowadays will use all types of bullshit tactics
And if people don't know what thier rights are (even just the basic rights like the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th amemdments)
Then you might get hemmed up dealing with these crooked ass pigs

Nah.....im not in neither.
But since i open carry a lot, and i've been stopped a lot by police when they see me open carrying,
i've made myself aware of the various laws in states i've frequently visit with regards to stop and frisk,
stop and ID, my rights as a passenger in a car,...even down to Supreme and State Court decisions,
specific penal codes.....especially 38.02 (Failure to Identify) here in Texas. Cops try to use that a lot as
a means to arrest people. But here in Texas, there has to be a crime (or a suspicion of a crime) in order to ID someone.
So just because they see me walking around with a gun on my hip or in my shoulder holsters doesn't justify suspicion of a crime....so they can't
just stop me and ask for ID.

a few that i've reviewed for my own knowledge and come in useful:
Terry vs Ohio
Florida vs. JL
United States vs Spears
United States vs Quinn
Arizona vs Gant
United States vs. Lenderos
Delaware v Prouse, 1979 (Police can't pull you over for the purposes of just wanting to see if you have a drivers license.
This is a 4th amendment violation.)

and of course, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals recently upheld in 2019 that passengers of a car in traffic stops, Do Not have to ID themselves.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Looks like the vid is already getting some traction
This youtuber is actually really good at breaking down these types of vids
Check this out.....Don't sleep.....



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Nah.....im not in neither.
But since i open carry a lot, and i've been stopped a lot by police when they see me open carrying,
i've made myself aware of the various laws in states i've frequently visit with regards to stop and frisk,
stop and ID, my rights as a passenger in a car,...even down to Supreme and State Court decisions,
specific penal codes.....especially 38.02 (Failure to Identify) here in Texas. Cops try to use that a lot as
a means to arrest people. But here in Texas, there has to be a crime (or a suspicion of a crime) in order to ID someone.
So just because they see me walking around with a gun on my hip or in my shoulder holsters doesn't justify suspicion of a crime....so they can't
just stop me and ask for ID.

a few that i've reviewed for my own knowledge and come in useful:
Terry vs Ohio
Florida vs. JL
United States vs Spears
United States vs Quinn
Arizona vs Gant
United States vs. Lenderos
Delaware v Prouse, 1979 (Police can't pull you over for the purposes of just wanting to see if you have a drivers license.
This is a 4th amendment violation.)

and of course, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals recently upheld in 2019 that passengers of a car in traffic stops, Do Not have to ID themselves.

And don't forget a couple more.....

Pennsylvania vs Mimms
(Cops love to misuse this to pull us out of the car, for any fucking thing)

United States vs Rodriguez
(Cops can't extend traffic stops just to get drug dogs, for no fucking reason)

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Cop is a straight dickhead



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Cop is a straight dickhead


Yeah fam, basically the cops wanted to illegally search him for guns or drugs
Just straight up profiled that dude
Cops can't just search us "for the hell of it"

They need 3 things:
Reasonable suspicion of a CRIME
Reasonable suspicion the person has a weapon
Reasonable suspicion the person is dangerous

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Yeah fam, basically the cops wanted to illegally search him for guns or drugs
Just straight up profiled that dude
Cops can't just search us "for the hell of it"

They need 3 things:
Reasonable suspicion of a CRIME
Reasonable suspicion the person has a weapon
Reasonable suspicion the person is dangerous
Right. We gotta know our right and not fall for the bullshit.



Rising Star
Platinum Member

Their tone would be completely different if that woman's camera wasn't on. Fuck them for not knowing how to do their job!

That yt cop's comment about "all I want to do is make sure that we all get home tonight" is loaded AF!!!! And pseudo threatening. Would have had me triggered.

Props to that young man for standing on business - at minimum knowing that he's got rights and what they are. In the future, he should say less. 80% of the interactions with pigs are about how much they can get you saying to raise their levels of suspicion and reason to validate their bullshit. If and when im stopped - I'm ready to bank unless they shoot me first. We all need a modern day green book of rights to make sure that we don't fall for the bullshit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's going to be real interesting to see how these laws that favor civilians will play over the next 10 years between Trump getting in office and/or some of these SCOTUS cases getting re-examined.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Jay been showed us how these pigs act.....

"Son, do you know why I'm stopping you for?"
"Cause I'm young and I'm black and my hat's real low"
Do I look like a mind reader, sir? I don't know
"License and registration and step out of the car"
"Are you carrying a weapon on you, I know a lot of you are"
I ain't stepping out of shit, all my papers legit
"Well do you mind if I look around the car a little bit?"
Well my glove compartment is locked, so is the trunk in the back
And I know my rights so you goin' need a warrant for that
Well, I ain't passed the bar, but I know a little bit
Enough that you won't illegally search my shit
"Well we'll see how smart you are when the K-9 come"
I got ninety nine problems but a bitch ain't one
