I just got around to watching it today
I thought it was..........decent
Better than what the youtubers & critics were saying though
There was quite a bit of explanation/backstory
Probably for the casual fans who didn't remember...
The Incredible Hulk movie, the Eternals movie, or the Falcon/Winter Soldier tv series
The re-shoots & editing made a few things seem a little disjointed
Like a character would be at one location talking & then...all of a sudden...at a different part of the country/world
Like "hold up bruh, weren't you just talking to so & so in a completely different country"
So like why did it take the characters like half of the movie to figure out that super soldiers can be mind controlled?
So did everyone just forget about...longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, 17, benign, 9, homecoming, 1, freight car
I had to roll my eyes at the scene where ol girl takes down like 8 big ass dudes damn near by herself
Yeah yeah, I know she's supposed to be part of the black widow society, or something like that
But the chick is like 4 feet tall & can't be more than 75 pounds soaking wet
And then "a certain someone" makes a cameo appearance towards the end & is talking to Cap at a hospital (medical center)
Bruh pops in for like 2 minutes, does a cameo, & then disappears
While Cap is getting his ass kicked by the Red Hulk, just a few minutes later, in the very next scene, right outside the same medical center
Like bruh..... "where you go...you aint gonna help ya boy out"
The vibe was almost like watching the Kendrick Lamar Superbowl halftime show
It wasn't the best, but definitely wasn't the worse
He did his thing in some moments (Kendrick & Anthony Mackie)
And you know this is going to piss off some racist CAC's
But overall it was enjoyable