Donald trump has filed for 2020 reelection

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Brotha Cornbread posted this earlier and I think it was worth deeper analysis.

I would like to know when sitting potus usually file for reelection

QUOTE="CORNBREAD, post: 17450916,

Are you ready for some real 3D chess?


Trump filed for 2020th candidacy 5 HOURS after being sworn in. Why?

>by doing this he is considered a candidate
nonprofit organizations are forbidden from campaigning
so they cant attack Trump on anything because technically he is a candidate for 2020, and not president
if they do attack him, they lose tax exempt status
infinite dimensional chess




darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
I posted this in another thread it really does seem to be his plan especially with the firing of the AG

Trumps media strategy

"With the news that Trump is about to announce his Supreme Court appointee, it's clear that his governing strategy in the face of opposition is "flood the zone," which I believe comes from Steve Bannon (it was mentioned in this article).

The idea is for you (team red) to keep your opponent (team blue) reeling and distracted from multiple small attacks that doesn't annihilate blue, but keeps him in disarray.

In other words, when blue is about to counter-attack red's first attack, red has already launched a second one. By proceeding with the original counter-attack, blue cannot provide resistance to counter-attack two. Blue then has to re-assign its forces for counter-attack two, and once that happens, red's third attack is launched.

This pattern prevents blue from successfully executing any counter-attack, and creates the optics of them as flailing and incompetent.

The frustration alone will create exasperation, paranoia, fear, and Senator tears. Essentially, team blue is being toyed about on the battlefield while gradually being weakened with each attack cycle.

Trump's plan to dominate the news cycle is to launch a new piece of chum (policy, executive order, proposal, controversial tweet) that hurts or agitates leftists at the exact time when they are counter-attacking on the previous piece of chum.

This "flood the zone" idea is essentially "stay on the offense." Based on Trump's actions from his first week, I expect that he intends to say on the offense for his entire four years in office.

Because it is very difficult to counter a constantly aggressive player, the left will collapse in disarray or go on the offense themselves, and the only way for them to go on the offense from this position of weakness when they don't control the levers of power is to start a major violent disturbance that could lead to a Civil War.

Based on the increasing violence of their protests, particularly this past weekend, I expect them to start a more systemic plan of violence by this summer."

29mRoosh‏ @rooshv
The battle strategy that Trump is using can only be countered with systemic violence that leads to a Civil War (link:


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
It's a formality all new presidents do as they are being sworn in. President Obama did this back in 2008 if I remember correctly.


Platinum Member
The system isn't prepared to deal with this kind of in-your-face political is used to working with career politicians who hide and thief...Trump going through loopholes that the Federal system never thought were loopholes

I thought I heard many of them wanted a non-tradition politician, if that was the case they got their man

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Dude Really is about Anarchy Chaos Theory Game Theory
Propaganda Nazi Regime Wartime Strategy MOFO...:hmm::hmm:

BLACK PEOPLE we have 2 step our Self Defense Second Amendment Rights Gun Game Guerrilla Tactics Counter Resistance Tactics Survivalist Militia Live off the Land Game up!!!$$..:yes::cool:

Check this out

from someone who lived thru a shithitsthefan moment in argentina

Colin dont click


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
How many of y'all still think voting ain't important? Hasn't even been a month yet, dude is all about himself.

Right on the money. The 50% of the population that for one reason or another did not vote can now be happy because they "proved their point." Ignorance, man. Pure ignorance.


DJ Trump is already raising money for his reelection or his impeachment farewell tour.

Trump Is in Debt, Already Running for 2020, or Both

Thirty-six hours after Donald Trump won the presidential election, his campaign committee is still asking supporters for money, calling into question the amount of debt the campaign racked up in the final days of the race.

An email to supporters with the subject line "Thank You," has a bright red "Contribute" button at the bottom of the email.

Campaign finance law says a candidate can continue to raise money after Election Day to pay off any debts or to raise money for re-election.

Debt is a possibility. At the end of the last fundraising report on Oct. 20, Trump had an uninspiring $16 million cash on hand and was also $2 million in debt.

Trump gave himself a $10 million infusion on Oct. 21 to help carry him through the final, expensive days of campaigning.

A disclaimer on his website says the first $2,700 donated "will be allocated first to 2016 General Election Debt Retirement." The next campaign finance reports detailing Trump's spending and debt will be released on Dec. 8.


Brendan Fischer with the Campaign Legal Center wonders why Trump would raise money to pay off any debt since he has contributed just $66 million to his own campaign — despite publicly and repeatedly saying he would contribute $100 million to his candidacy.

"Given these facts, it is surprising that Trump appears to be asking his supporters to pay down his campaign debts rather than paying out of his own pocket," Fischer said.

The alternative: He's already thinking about 2020. His website also says that a second $2,700 "will be designated to the 2020 Primary Election."

The fundraising email is from Trump's Make America Great Again Committee, a joint fundraising committee between Trump and the Republican National Committee in which the Trump campaign receives 80 percent of the donations. It's the committee that raised most of Trump's small-dollar donations.



the public sector cannot handle the speed ferocity that a private sector guy is doing. There are no checks balances.


Rising Star
dude is crazy.......he only doing this to stack paper...

He is trying to become a billionaire AGAIN. Those taxes he wont release would show a tremendous amount of liability. Trump is one of the godfathers of OPM - All of those late night real estate infomercial people are based on some part of his R/E investing strategy.

His claim to fame is trapping banks. So much leverage they would lose trying to recoup, so instead they become partners. He is a player , but he is no Sam Zell or Donald Bren. Trump is a name & people bought it.

He became who he is by borrowing & leverage. Very few points of true liquidity

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Wonder if this could be the real reason he was so quick to file for reelection


Team Trump Took Illegal Cash, Watchdogs Say
Trump raised more than $10 million right after the election. He says he’s paying off debts. Two groups say it’s an illegal fundraising scheme.

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign accepted illegal contributions in the weeks after election day and falsely recorded them as paying down the campaign’s debt, according to a complaint filed by two watchdog groups on Thursday.

The Campaign Legal Center and left-leaning non-profit Common Cause allege that the campaign violated federal election laws designed to prevent campaigns from circumventing contribution limits. The groups are accusing Team Trump of attributing donations for his 2020 campaign—yes, he’s already a declared candidate—to his previous, 2016 run, freeing up donors to give more down the line.

The campaign began fundraising almost immediately after Trump’s Nov. 8 victory, archived versions of its website show. It raised about $10.5 million from Nov. 9 through the end of the year, according to FEC filings.

By earmarking those donations for debt reduction, the campaign classified them as 2016 receipts, meaning those contributions will not count towards the donors’ 2020 contribution limits.

“By falsely reporting post-election contributions as being for 2016 debt retirement, Trump may be trying to illegally double what a contributor can give for the 2020 primaries,” Campaign Legal Center general counsel Larry Noble said in a statement on the complaint.

The Trump campaign did not respond to a request for comment on the allegations.

Dozens of the donors in question gave the legal maximum of $2,700. If the donations were in fact used to pay down campaign debt, the same donors would be free to max out once again after Trump’s reelection campaign officially began.

But CLC and Common Cause say the campaign’s reported debt figures show that large portions of those funds must have simply been deposited in the campaign’s bank account for future use. They cite debt figures showing that the campaign brought in far more than it owed during the period in question.

The campaign reported about $760,000 in debt in its post-general election FEC filing, but it had more than enough cash on hand to cover those obligations. By its next FEC filing period, it had no outstanding debt, but continued to raise money.

inRead invented by Teads
The campaign told the FEC that all of the money raised after the election—both from individuals and a Republican National Committee joint fundraising account—was earmarked for debt reduction.

According to Common Cause and the CLC, the numbers just don’t add up, and claims that all of those funds went towards paying down campaign debt simply cannot be true.

They “have reason to believe” that the campaign “violated [the Federal Election Campaign Act] and its implementing regulations by knowingly and willfully filing reports with the Commission that falsely attributed contributions for the 2020 primary election to the Committee’s debt retirement for the 2016 election,” the complaint alleges.

Trump declared his reelection candidacy hours after being inaugurated on Jan. 20. But the complaint alleges that under federal law he qualified as a candidate far earlier, and may have violated run afoul of yet another law in the process.

Federal deems anyone who has raised $5,000 for an election a “candidate,” and requires that they establish an accompanying campaign committee within 15 days.

If the funds raised by the campaign after the election did not go towards debt reduction, they were technically funds raised on behalf of the reelection campaign, which did not officially register with the FEC until inauguration day.

“In the rush to cash in on an unexpected election victory, the Trump campaign began raising and misreporting millions of dollars in campaign contributions more than two months before Trump was even sworn into office,” Common Cause vice president Paul Ryan said in a statement on the complaint.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
This is not news, he filed the first couple weeks he became president and it was in the news then and no one cared.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Damn using this shit as a slush fund wonder was this the plan all along


Man I just got to my computer and this is the first thing I see...

Trump Campaign paid Trump Jr's lawyer 50K over the last 3 months...

I mean... GAWD DAMN!!!!!!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it a violation of campaign finance law to use campaign funds to pay for things unrelated to the candidate's election?

Man. It's just incredible. They're using the 2020 campaign as the family's slush fund. Yes, this is illegal. You can't use campaigns funds for anything other than that campaign. He's violating FEC’s personal use rules.

Remember, John Edwards went down for this shit.