Dr Umar crashes out on the Jews. “They run the hip hop industry”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Umar said what so many are scared to say in 2024: you can talk about everyone else but Jews,their a terrorist group.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


They run music in general.


Later we will talk about movies and TV your not gonna believe it when I tell you.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Oh oh oh oh Umar?

These devils don't just claim Judaism by the way...

Regular old cacs been raping artists (all colors but black especially sonce NONE of this would exist without us) since we set foot on this cursed soil a long long time ago

And then taught black folk to do it to our own

Much respect to Lil Richard, James brown and everyone before and after will show you this industry been a cesspool since white folk were involved.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster



Where he been?

What are we or actually HE going to do about though?

Where Umar been?

And like mentioned a WHOLE lot of black lawyers managers A&Rs and agents have been and still raping these artists...

Not even signed to majors

So what we doing about them?


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor


Where he been?

What are we or actually HE going to do about though?

Where Umar been?

And like mentioned a WHOLE lot of black lawyers managers A&Rs and agents have been and still raping these artists...

Not even signed to majors

So what we doing about them?
He still trying to collect donations for his school.

That's where the hell he been.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Better not talk all that jew stuff to Sir Paul cause the devil that took all his publishing was pale wore high water pants a jheri curl thin nose and one glove...
