Drake, Lebron, Melo, Snoop, Beyonce, Kim K & others respond to Alton Sterling #blacklivesmatter


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Drake wrote an open letter about Alton Sterling's death

On Tuesday, July 6th, a 37-year-old black man named Alton Sterling was shot and killed by two white police officers outside a convenience store in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where he had been selling CDs. Many have taken to social media to express their condolences, outrage, and grief in the aftermath of the shooting and YouTube star Issa Rae has even raised over $400,000 for Sterling‘s children. Last night, Drake added his own voice to this important conversation in a heartfelt Instagram post.

As a Canadian, Drake called America his “second home” and said that after he watched the video recording of Sterling’s death, he felt “disheartened, emotional, and truly scared.” He continued:

“I woke up this morning with a strong need to say something. It’s impossible to ignore that the relationship between black and brown communities and law enforcement remains as strained as it was decades ago. No one begins their life as a hashtag. Yet the trend of being reduced to one continues.”

Drake added that he’s concerned “for the safety of my family, my friends, and any human being that could fall victim to this pattern.”

Drake’s open letter comes after the outpouring of celebrity and influencer responses on social media after the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, who was shot by police in his car in Minnesota after being pulled over for a busted taillight.

We’re grateful that Drake and others are speaking up and we hope the conversations continue.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

This week we watched Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, two innocent black men, get senselessly murdered by police officers. Like a lot of you guys, I watched the videos, and was appalled and completely heartbroken. I was left speechless, angry and numb.

I want my children to grow up knowing that their lives matter. I do not ever want to have to teach my son to be scared of the police, or tell him that he has to watch his back because the people we are told to trust—the people who "protect and serve"—may not be protecting and serving him because of the color of his skin.

The last thing we need is to fuel anger with more hate or violence, especially toward the many incredible police officers who risk their lives every single day to protect our families and communities. We must peacefully use the power of our voices and the strength of our numbers to demand changes in the judicial system so that brutality doesn't ever go unpunished.

It is our responsibility as Americans and as parents to create a safe future for our children. We must do something NOW. We must speak up until we are heard and real, effective changes are made.

Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, Tamir Rice, Sandra Bland, Sean Bell … and unfortunately so many more.

Hashtags are not enough. This must end now.

Click here to find your legislator.

Donate to Philando Castile's family here.

Donate to Alton Sterling's family here.




g0nbad real bad

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It annoys me seeing shit like this. These celebs only coming forward cause its national news. Where are they the other 364 days day of the year?

Keep making your corny bubblegum tracks and stay in your lane.

BGOL is never satisfied. Damned if you don't damned if you do but not fast enough or often enough or he did it on Twitter instead of Instagram .

More voices the better more feet on the ground the better. Less fucking complaining about other black people the better.


Rising Star
Drake wrote an open letter about Alton Sterling's death

On Tuesday, July 6th, a 37-year-old black man named Alton Sterling was shot and killed by two white police officers outside a convenience store in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where he had been selling CDs. Many have taken to social media to express their condolences, outrage, and grief in the aftermath of the shooting and YouTube star Issa Rae has even raised over $400,000 for Sterling‘s children. Last night, Drake added his own voice to this important conversation in a heartfelt Instagram post.

As a Canadian, Drake called America his “second home” and said that after he watched the video recording of Sterling’s death, he felt “disheartened, emotional, and truly scared.” He continued:

“I woke up this morning with a strong need to say something. It’s impossible to ignore that the relationship between black and brown communities and law enforcement remains as strained as it was decades ago. No one begins their life as a hashtag. Yet the trend of being reduced to one continues.”

Drake added that he’s concerned “for the safety of my family, my friends, and any human being that could fall victim to this pattern.”

Drake’s open letter comes after the outpouring of celebrity and influencer responses on social media after the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, who was shot by police in his car in Minnesota after being pulled over for a busted taillight.

We’re grateful that Drake and others are speaking up and we hope the conversations continue.


So y'all expect a nigga that don't write his own raps, that he wrote this bullshit


Rising Star
Platinum Member
BGOL is never satisfied. Damned if you don't damned if you do but not fast enough or often enough or he did it on Twitter instead of Instagram .

More voices the better more feet on the ground the better. Less fucking complaining about other black people the better.
That's where your wrong. People are dying every single day. And these losers only open their weasel little mouths when its universally accepted.

Everyone is busy looking for the perfect victim. Trying to curate the right sorrow.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
BGOL is never satisfied. Damned if you don't damned if you do but not fast enough or often enough or he did it on Twitter instead of Instagram .

More voices the better more feet on the ground the better. Less fucking complaining about other black people the better.

Just be consistent is all i'm asking. If you haven't said shit about ANYTHING, when there's absolutely ZERO media coverage, don't come waving in your cape as if you're gonna help the cause now.

He would've been better off saying nothing.


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
BGOL is never satisfied. Damned if you don't damned if you do but not fast enough or often enough or he did it on Twitter instead of Instagram .

More voices the better more feet on the ground the better. Less fucking complaining about other black people the better.
Actually, it's not voices. How can we be sure that these celebrities and athletes are really taking time out of their lives to type up these messages? Could just be their publicist. Don't these social media sites allow recoding short videos now? Why not use that instead.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Actually, it's not voices. How can we be sure that these celebrities and athletes are really taking time out of their lives to type up these messages? Could just be their publicist. Don't these social media sites allow recoding short videos now? Why not use that instead.

double damn...

could they be shook after what happened to Timberlake?


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
I will not complain when someone with influence finally does the right thing.
Will not ever happen.
Be fucking happy he is finally waking up to the bullshit and the world that exists outside of his bubble.
Not complaining, but I would feel better if they released a video. Let us see that they really care. For all we know, some dude behind a desk is typing up all these messages. They Snap and FB video everything else, why not do that while showing how they feel about these situations.


BGOL Legend
Not complaining, but I would feel better if they released a video. Let us see that they really care. For all we know, some dude behind a desk is typing up all these messages. They Snap and FB video everything else, why not do that while showing how they feel about these situations.
It's just a start hopefully
and with more support from US lifting them up and responding positively to taking a stand and knowing we have their backs they'll have the courage to do even more openly and defiantly


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Everyone has to start somewhere... hope it's consistent. Not gonna shit on this.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Full statement posted on her webpage:

“We are sick and tired of the killings of young men and women in our communities. It is up to us to take a stand and demand that they ‘stop killing us.’ We don’t need sympathy. We need everyone to respect our lives. We’re going to stand up as a community and fight against anyone who believes that murder or any violent action by those who are sworn to protect us should consistently go unpunished.

These robberies of lives make us feel helpless and hopeless but we have to believe that we are fighting for the rights of the next generation, for the next young men and women who believe in good. This is a human fight.

No matter your race, gender, or sexual orientation. This is a fight for anyone who feels marginalized, who is struggling for freedom and human rights. This is not a plea to all police officers but toward any human being who fails to value life. The war on people of color and all minorities needs to be over.

Fear is not an excuse. Hate will not win. We all have the power to channel our anger and frustration into action. We must use our voices to contact the politicians and legislators in our districts and demand social and judicial changes. While we pray for the families of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, we will also pray for an end to this plague of injustice in our communities.

Click in to contact the politicians and legislators in your area. Your voice will be heard. —Beyoncé”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's where your wrong. People are dying every single day. And these losers only open their weasel little mouths when its universally accepted.

Everyone is busy looking for the perfect victim. Trying to curate the right sorrow.

boom! but guess what we'll take their voices right now , its okay, we know they cower and run when the heat turns up, but right now ,we'll take their votes to get this action moving along with the numbers we generate!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

“If you’re pro-Black Lives Matter, you’re assumed to be anti-police, and if you’re pro-police, then you surely hate black people. It seems that it’s either pro-cop and anti-black or pro-black and anti-cop, when, in reality, you can be pro-cop and pro-black, which is what we all should be.” Noah then discussed the evidence of both racial bias in policing, and — pointing to the recent death of a white unarmed teenager by an officer — unnecessary gun use. “This isn’t just a black problem, this is an American problem,” he said.​

Multi - Personality

Rising Star

“If you’re pro-Black Lives Matter, you’re assumed to be anti-police, and if you’re pro-police, then you surely hate black people. It seems that it’s either pro-cop and anti-black or pro-black and anti-cop, when, in reality, you can be pro-cop and pro-black, which is what we all should be.” Noah then discussed the evidence of both racial bias in policing, and — pointing to the recent death of a white unarmed teenager by an officer — unnecessary gun use. “This isn’t just a black problem, this is an American problem,” he said.​

interpretation - all lives matter


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
It is VERY interesting which celebrities have said NOTHING absolutely NOTHING

but have endorsed #alllivesmatter bullshit in the past

just saying...
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