Drug Co sent 3,000,000 opioids to ONE West Virginia drug store in 10 MONTHS (Pop: 406, BLACK Pop: 1)


Beep beep. Who's got the keys to the Jeep? VROOM!
OG Investor

This was the SIXTH largest drug company... counting for just TEN MONTHS
And that ONE Black person was aged 15-19
: http://censusviewer.com/city/WV/Kermit
Sixth-largest American drug firm sent more than 3 MILLION opioid prescriptions to West Virginia town with population of just 400 in 10 months
  • McKesson Corp. sent 'massive quantities' of hydocodone to the now closed Sav-Rite Pharmacy in Kermit, West Virginia
  • The deliveries continued even after a McKesson warehouse in Ohio flagged the orders in 2007
  • More than 3 million prescription opioids were delivered to West Virginia in the span of 10 months - that averages out to 10,000 pills a day
  • McKesson had reported to the Drug Enforcement Administration that purchases made were 'reasonable' during that period

The six-largest drug firm in America shipped more than 3 million prescription opioids to a single pharmacy in West Virginia over the course of 10 months - averaging out to 10,000 pills a day.

McKesson Corp. sent 'massive quantities' of hydocodone to the now closed Sav-Rite Pharmacy in Kermit, West Virginia, according to a congressional report that was released on Wednesday.

The deliveries continued even after a McKesson warehouse in Ohio flagged the orders in 2007, added the report obtained by the West Virginia Gazette Mail.

McKesson had reported to the Drug Enforcement Administration that purchases made were 'reasonable' during that period.

The shipments made to Kermit and to other southern coalfields in the state were among a dozen 'case studies' used in the report, released by the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

Cardinal Health and AmerisourceBergen were also blasted by the scathing report - which also included regional suppliers Miami-Luken and H.D. Smith.

The report claimed that all took part in systemic 'failures that contributed to the worsening of the opioid epidemic' by sending an 'inordinate' number of painkillers to the state.

Between 2005 and 2016, McKesson, AmerisourceBergen and Cardinal Health shipped 900 million hydrocodone and oxycodone pills.

The number of those who fatally overdosed in West Virginia as a result reached the thousands.

The DEA was also critiqued heavily in the report.

'Our bipartisan investigation revealed a number of alarming failures by the DEA and drug distributors to address the opioid epidemic,' said Representative Greg Walden, R-Oregon, the committee's chairman.

'In instances identified by the report, [the] DEA and the drug distributors did not meet their obligations, and played a part in contributing to our nation's opioid crisis.'

Included in the report was a transcribed interview with Dr. Joseph Mastandrea, board chairman of Miami-Luken, where he referred to the shipments sent to the small town as an 'abomination.'

Only Miami-Luken has accepted any wrongdoing for the prescriptions, while the other four have denied any wrongdoing.

On Wednesday, Cardinal Health said it would 'continue to implement rigorous anti-diversion controls,' adding that it was an 'intermediary' in the supply chain.

AmerisourceBergen added: 'The comparatively few examinations of AmerisourceBergen's actions primarily focus on due diligence surrounding physicians.

'AmerisourceBergen has virtually no interaction with physicians and limited legal ability to gather information on their practices and prescribing behavior.'



Among other findings spotlighted in the report:
  • Distributors’ shipments often increased dramatically from one month to the next — or even week-to-week. In just two weeks, Cardinal Health’s sales jumped 1,500 percent to a drugstore in Williamson.
  • Distributors continued to supply pharmacies with prescription painkillers, even though the companies were aware the drugstores were filling prescriptions for rogue doctors under investigation.
  • In 2011, AmerisourceBergen, which shipped to Westside Pharmacy in Oceana, had a list of “pain doctors” who were writing the bulk of the store’s prescriptions. Five of the six had been convicted of federal charges or are under investigation. One doctor was located in Pembroke, Virginia, 100 miles away.
  • The companies ignored federal laws that require them to report pharmacies that ordered a questionable number of prescription pain pills. Between 2006 and 2012, McKesson shipped 162.6 million hydrocodone and oxycodone pills to West Virginia, but didn’t send any suspicious-order reports to the DEA. During the next four years, McKesson submitted 10,000 such reports.
  • Distributors set limits on the number of opioids pharmacies could buy, but the companies routinely allowed the drugstores to exceed those caps. In Kermit, Sav-Rite ordered and received 36 times as many pills as McKesson’s in-house drug monitoring program permitted.
  • As overdose deaths increased, the DEA’s enforcement actions against distributors declined — from 58 in 2011 to five in 2015.
  • The DEA failed to use its drug-tracking database to flag massive shipments of painkillers to small towns like Kermit, Mount Gay and Williamson. Distributors shipped 13 million prescription opioids to Kermit between 2006 and 2012. By contrast, four Rite-Aid pharmacies combined only received about half that number of pills.
  • For years, the DEA assigned only two agents to investigate the illegal diversion of prescription drugs in the entire state. West Virginia had the highest drug overdose death rate in the nation those years — and still does. The agency now has eight drug diversion investigators here.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's fucked up!! I messed up my knee a few weeks ago and was in sum serious pain!! My dr treated me as if i was trying to scam him for sum pain pills!! People that are in sum serious pain, are being treated like $5 heroin junkie!! But, thats how this system works. Instead of treating to problem, they are going to make everyone suffer!! This corporation is unbelievable 99% of the time..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's fucked up!! I messed up my knee a few weeks ago and was in sum serious pain!! My dr treated me as if i was trying to scam him for sum pain pills!! People that are in sum serious pain, are being treated like $5 heroin junkie!! But, thats how this system works. Instead of treating to problem, they are going to make everyone suffer!! This corporation is unbelievable 99% of the time..

They are cracking down on those perscriptions.....folks are very reluctant to prescribe opioids


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Interesting how it was West Virginia they made the decision to flood a state with Opiods.

You would think a state with a large Black population would have been chosen.

They wanted this state because it was a new customer base outside of the Black community which means new money.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Interesting how it was West Virginia they made the decision to flood a state with Opiods.

You would think a state with a large Black population would have been chosen.

They wanted this state because it was a new customer base outside of the Black community which means new money.

And very unsuspecting.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Interesting how it was West Virginia they made the decision to flood a state with Opiods.

You would think a state with a large Black population would have been chosen.

They wanted this state because it was a new customer base outside of the Black community which means new money.
Sounds like law enforcement was only worried about big city crime. Pushers figured out they could quietly buy large quantities of legal product and not be flagged by law enforcement because it wasn't being bought and consumed by black folk.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Interesting how it was West Virginia they made the decision to flood a state with Opiods.

You would think a state with a large Black population would have been chosen.

They wanted this state because it was a new customer base outside of the Black community which means new money.
Cacs are the biggest drug addicts... I could easily see why they would flood the biggest consumer base with product...supply and demand


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
Interesting how it was West Virginia they made the decision to flood a state with Opiods.

You would think a state with a large Black population would have been chosen.

They wanted this state because it was a new customer base outside of the Black community which means new money.
Big picture bruh... follow the playbook from history they used for the crack epidemic. Start from the end result and work your way back. End result was increased heroin sells and military/covert operations backing the popie field in Afghanistan. To get there they needed to create a demand. To do that they hand cuffed the agencies and protocols that watched corporations that sold legal heroin. Once enough people got hooked and it created an epidemic they then pretended to care and cut off the legal supply. This creates the demand for the Afghanistan AND (unfortunate side effect of the game) Mexican heroin (back to that later). Notice no legal pharmas get prosecuted. That's just part of doing business. The Mexican cartels are also useful in the destabilizing of the southern American regions so its not much of an unfortunate side effect.

USA drug policy 101

The one thing not forseen in all this is that fyntnal. China fucked the game up for the USA with that one and now they're playing catch up with the new pharma controlled fyntnal pain drugs. But it's already on the streets and the pharma industry didn't put it out first.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Cacs are the biggest drug addicts... I could easily see why they would flood the biggest consumer base with product...supply and demand

They also the biggest con artists too, them mofos will fake injuries....then go down to the clinic and get pain pills, then get their insurance too pay for it.
After that they will be out on the street selling that shit.

Even the one that got legitimate injuries will be down there in wheelchairs over selling their injuries so they can get more pills/ stronger dosage then they will use the ones they need and sell the rest.

The doctors don't give a fuck because they getting points on the shit they sell so when you come in there faking an injury
they be like "cool, I can get another commission".

Then the word gets out and you got everybody in the state coming down getting pills and the doctors moving a truckload of shit every week.