Dumbass German Shepherd Gets into Gorilla Enclosure at San Diego Zoo


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That dog was scared shitless running for his life....was happy to see the dog catcher and the dog pound.

Franklin doesn't respect cac either I see,they were calling him that human name instead of the name his mother gave him
"ngurumo".....fuck what their talking about.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
That dog was scared shitless running for his life....was happy to see the dog catcher and the dog pound.

Franklin doesn't respect cac either I see,they were calling him that human name instead of the name his mother gave him
"ngurumo".....fuck what their talking about.
I was expecting a far worse outcome with OP posting this.... I saw the caption said dog removed. I was expecting them to be removing a body...... glad he made it out unharmed.... fuck Mighty Joe Young....they shoulda named him Lucky Joe Young

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Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
The fuck kinda German shepherd is that?
That short ass dog wasn't no Shep. God wanted that outcome and man got in the way.
True German Shepherd Colors
There are 7 acceptable German Shepherd colors:
  • Black and Tan
  • Black and Red
  • Solid Black
  • Sable (dark, black, red variants)
  • Black and Cream
  • Black and Silver
  • Bi-Color




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doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Am I the only one that wants to see the damage a Gorilla can do?

Sounds a pissed off Gorilla makes. You hear this late at night in a dark cabin, you'll piss yourself.



Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Am I the only one that wants to see the damage a Gorilla can do?

Sounds a pissed off Gorilla makes. You hear this late at night in a dark cabin, you'll piss yourself.

yes.... if you want to see it do damage...let it do damage to a cac.... or a Republikkkan... not a damn stray dog
sidebar: damn...seems like you have a hidden violent nature Moe.... like those cac mofos that abuse animals before they let their savagry upon us


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