Good luck. Folks can't leave it alone. They keep coming on his platform to clown a man worth over $200 billion like he losing. Politics has driven people completely insane.Best advice I can give is to stop using the platform.

Good luck. Folks can't leave it alone. They keep coming on his platform to clown a man worth over $200 billion like he losing. Politics has driven people completely insane.Best advice I can give is to stop using the platform.
Sounds like you got hacked-- I don't think that is a common problem.
You should be able to easily unfollow by clicking profile, then "following" after the 900 number and then clicking "following" next to the names you don't want, which will give you the option to unfollow.
Exactly what politics of this Afrikanner Apartheid-Era Boer baby are we supposed to be embracing?Good luck. Folks can't leave it alone. They keep coming on his platform to clown a man worth over $200 billion like he losing. Politics has driven people completely insane.This comedy can go on for years.
I suspect you misunderstand me. One has to be driven insane by politics to go on to a hundrend billionaire's platform and try to clown him on how he is losing. He got people looking like fools while he is on his way to $300 billion.Exactly what politics of this Afrikanner Apartheid-Era Boer baby are we supposed to be embracing?
99% of people go on twitter for cat videos and funny shit. For free. A small group of people take twitter seriously because they are making money off of it. So they are clowning him on his own platform, and he is paying them for the privilege of being clowned lmao.I suspect you misunderstand me. One has to be driven insane by politics to go on to a hundrend billionaire's platform and try to clown him on how he is losing. He got people looking like fools while he is on his way to $300 billion.And mind you, I hated the grifting bitch way before the people driven insane by politics started going at him.
Elon Musk’s Shadow Rule
How the U.S. government came to rely on the tech billionaire—and is now struggling to rein him
Elon Musk’s Shadow Rule
How the U.S. government came to rely on the tech billionaire—and is now struggling to rein him
Elon Musk’s Shadow Rule
How the U.S. government came to rely on the tech billionaire—and is now struggling to rein him
It's beyond ridiculous.This is a bad idea. He's shown an unabashed willingness to twist, churn, hustle, and otherwise influence the crypto markets. Yet he's rewarded with an official brokerage type license. Oh well, he's rich and gets to do whatever.