I sort of see what you're saying
I do
But you're saying that you're not wanting a bunch of anonymous users to fan the flame of hatred.
Pretty sure that we're way past that in America. You're 400 years to late.
We are not way past that in America and if we are not careful history will repeat. High level i get what you mean by your statement,so don't take my response too personally.
When I say fan the flames of hatred, I'm speaking to the current day. As much as people today like to complain, we have it much better than our parents, grandparents or great grandparents. This doesn't mean racism and bigotry don't exist. However, most of us have never been called a ****** to our face by a white person. If you encounter bigotry, it's usually subtle and you're guessing. Keep in mind I grew up during the 80/90s in DMV area and i can't speak for other areas.My father is in his mid 60s and grew up in a small town in Georgia. Literally two weeks ago he told me how when he was growing up black people weren't really allowed to be cashiers and definitely not my great grandmother's time as an adult. For the most part, all they could be were servants.
Respectfully, people from my generation and younger take the current world for granted and don't respect what our elders experienced. Most of our elders don't like to discuss what they experienced growing up and normally only mention certain things in passing. As dumb as it sounds, I didn't realize that my grandmother picked cotton or tobacco in South Carolina until my great aunt told me after my grandmother had passed. Clearly, they were not slaves, but i couldn't imagine them doing that type of work as kids until i thought about it in depth. You don't have to go back 400 years because we're not that far removed from slavery and Jim Crow. You could have just used today's state of affairs to make your point.
While I've never been called a ****** to my face, I've heard white people openly say it while gaming. I've seen them use it hiding behind usernames on sites like Twitter. Racism somewhat moved to the shadows compared to the past. Hate crimes still happen, but you aren't likely to see literal daily stories of black people being hung from a tree by white people. If I travel to a small white town in the south, I may be cautious but im not necessarily in fear of losing my life. Our elders were definitely in fear and in all likelihood avoided being in the wrong town day or night. My father also mentioned that at age 17 he dated ( not in Georgia) or fucked a white woman. Today, you may get a few looks but you don't need to concern yourself with being killed in most places because you are dealing with a white woman.Today, racism is mostly masked in comparison to the past.
I think of the internet as being similar to going away to college. When you were in high school, you may have been an outcast or maybe you had an interest your friends didn't. Once you got to college, you discovered you were not the only person who shared said interest, you organized and you take part in the activities with the group. The internet does the same thing except way faster. I hate to use the same example twice but Trump and the January 6 incident are a prime example of what happens if shit isn't checked. People who are ordinarily cowards and would never do anything in the real world see that they are not alone and worse may have a spokesman to rally more troops for them to hid with. They don't feel the need to hid laws or racist policies in 5000 page documents because they are the decision makers and have the support of other racist that will support them by voting.
Some people like to down play something like this happening at a large level. However, I'm sure Jewish people didn't pay Hitler much attention until it was too late. Had they taken the steps to stop the propaganda from the start possibly there is no Holocaust. It's also the reason why today the Jewish community don't play that shit. If you so much as look at them wrong, they label you as antisemitic.there is no free speech with them. They are shutting it down. Some may feel like some of it is petty but I understand where it is coming from and black people should have the same energy for disrespect imagined or real. Granted we don't have the same resources as Jewish people to stop things in the exact same manner/extent.
We may not be in the best of times, but it is a slap in the face to compare our lives to those who came before us. If you could go back in time 400 or even 90 years, anyone of them would gladly trade places with anyone of us.