If it weren't for this thread, I wouldn't have even thought about 'hate speech' on twitter. I deal with black creators and they been cool too. But again, we don't do politics or none of that type of shit on twitter. I fully admit it might be a different experience for folks engaging in that talk. A lot of people whacked the fuck out over politics. Hell, let folks tell it, crypto full of Nazis and I haven't really seen shit from them on crypto twitter.
What has your personal experience been like?
When I was really active I got a lil pushback on some of my tweets at times, but I didn't really have anyone unhinged coming at me. However, others that I followed who actually blogged primarily about politics, social or race issues had timelines full of trolls, hate speech and death threats. Some of them were doxxed.
Just go through the replies of any tweet that mentions something race related such as the death of Trayvon Martin or George Floyd. Or any controversial official like Pete Buttigeg. Lindsay Graham gets some homophobia. Or what ever the current talking point of the day is regarding CRT, immigration, racist highways. Michelle Obama has a lot of monkey memes and memes calling her a trans man.
Some of the comments are hateful, but don't cross the line to hate speech.