Elon Musk reaches deal to buy Twitter for $44B - Brazil has lifted its ban on Twitter/X

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
No doubt. I agree with folks wanting an enjoyable experience. But let's cut the bullshit. This is the BGOL barbershop. No need for it.

Those purple haired freaks were on Elon's ass way before anything even happened. He was J.K. Rowling'd just by deviating from the narrative(then went full troll). So let's not pretend this is all about people being bombarded by anti-vax, conspiracy theories all day. Because it's seems to be all sunshine and unicorns when the misinformation is coming from the leftist authoritarianism types. :smh:

Pretending this is about algos and filters and not emotional ass weirdos is being dishonest. If they don't control all talking points, they come for fucking blood. Remember, J.K. is more left than probably anyone on BGOL and she is called a nazi and they want her dead. She strayed on one talking point.

Elon is a troll and grifter, so we know he really got them hot.

There aren't 100 million gay or trans people in this country. CLEARLY more than just them hate what Twitter has become.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
There aren't 100 million gay or trans people in this country. CLEARLY more than just them hate what Twitter has become.
Wait. What? How does signing up for a threads mean folks automatically hate twitter? :lol:And what does 100 million gay or trans people got to do with all the people who are literally politically insane in this country? You really ride or die about this shit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wait. What? How does signing up for a threads mean folks automatically hate twitter? :lol:And what does 100 million gay or trans people got to do with all the people who are literally politically insane in this country? You really ride or die about this shit.

Isnt it in fuckin sane, how we vote for the same goddam two parties Every fuckin year,

and expect shit to change...

Yea you cant get more politically psychotic than that...... the crazy shit is,

there is so much focus on abnormal sex and the gay agenda, you got muthafuckas thinking

fags and other queerdos are damn near half of the population,

thats some serious mindfuckery there, thanks to the biden adminstration making them

and their queerdo issues a PRIORITY that he whole fuckin nation has to stop for...

queerdos think your govt forcing you to be medically raped so some big pharma institution like

pfizer could get out the red and back into the black with a profit of BILLIONS by whoring out

the democratic party to economically bully its public citizens into being a labrat... wait till they find out,

how mrna changes you dna over time.. but thats another story for another time...

if you are still voting demoncrat or repukelieklan, and expect things to change..

You are a political psycho!!!

Politics is for those that have a business and can grease the palms of politicians

to get laws past that can help boost their business...

if you dont own a business then you are just food in the world of politics,

shit they dont teach you in our indoctrination centers we call Schools...

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Wait. What? How does signing up for a threads mean folks automatically hate twitter? :lol:And what does 100 million gay or trans people got to do with all the people who are literally politically insane in this country? You really ride or die about this shit.
If you don't think people are disgusted by twitter, you haven't been paying attention.

I get that you're a libertarian and none of the right wing stuff really bothers you. And you kind of want to burn things down.

But twitter actually sucks. I don't want to scroll past racist shit all day just to get the content I'm looking for. And if I can get the content on a site that doesn't allow racists to spew their shit, I'll do it.

It's that simple.

I don't want to be on a site that champions white nationalism where the CEO amplifies white nationalism whether he's trolling or not.

And 100 million people are willing to give threads a shot. If everyone was happy with Twitter, they wouldn't be signing up en mass for Threads.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
So what happened with Threads? Folks signed up and fucked off already? :confused: People back to Twitter to talk shit about Twitter? :lol: Are we done getting quote tweets posted from people with Ukraine flags in their bios as 'news sources' or what? I'm ready to see all the Thread quotes.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So what happened with Threads? Folks signed up and fucked off already? :confused: People back to Twitter to talk shit about Twitter? :lol: Are we done getting quote tweets posted from people with Ukraine flags in their bios as 'news sources' or what? I'm ready to see all the Thread quotes.

Threads is struggling...:rolleyes: :lol:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And threads is not even a direct competitor to Twitter. They won't have the same demographics until they let people be anonymous on Threads.

:yes: The hilarious thing is that all of the blue check MAGA idiots/contrarians/"freethinkers" et al. will leave twitter en masse once they realize the platform is just them. The entire appeal is that they are somehow being heard by regular people. See Truth Social etc.


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Threads is struggling...:rolleyes: :lol:


The key thing to be concerned with is not the number of installs, but the number of DAILY ACTIVE USERS.

Until you know these numbers, installs don't mean shit.

If Threads has 100 million daily users after a month, then yeah, twitter is in trouble.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The key thing to be concerned with is not the number of installs, but the number of DAILY ACTIVE USERS.

Until you know these numbers, installs don't mean shit.

If Threads has 100 million daily users after a month, then yeah, twitter is in trouble.

Elon isnt amplifying Tate and Tucker for no reason. He knows what is happening :lol:

Instagram Threads’ launch has been an overnight success, topping 100 million users within days of its arrival. Now, new data indicates the app has already achieved one-fifth of the weekly active user base of Twitter worldwide and 86 times the weekly active user base of the largest Twitter rival in the U.S., Truth Social, which had a weekly active user base of 1 million as of last week.



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

funny thing is - at the time - this analysis was very accurate

iPhones were GREAT readers and media devices
but before the 4 or 5 - the first iPhones weren't good at productivity,
or atleast not unitl GOOD Mobile plugged in iOS



My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor


India and Brazil account for 55% of those installs. The US is only 16%, which means only 16 million people in the US have signed up. You already know India is running bots.

I'm saying, how the hell is Threads gonna kill Twitter when Threads doesn't allow free speech (porn)? Porn is one thing that Twitter has that gives them a solid position in the game. Tumblr was solid too, UNTIL THEY TOOK AWAY THE PORN. Only some Karen ass soccer moms are sitting around saying they love Twitter but can't stand to use it because of all of the porn. What does Threads have to offer other than being an alternative for those who don't like Elon Musk? Twitter is the Coca-cola in this situation and Threads is the pepsi. Twitter has positioning.

Now if Threads does kill Twitter so be it, but still, I know I'll be on Twitter as long as the porn is there and I WON'T be on threads because I'll be on Twitter.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
From the comments:
Elon: i'm going to buy twitter, not for profit, but for preserving free speech
Elon: i don't want to buy twitter, it's full of bots
Elon: they forced me to buy twitter, now i have to make it profitable (went horribly wrong)
Elon: I'm suing that guy who forced me to buy Twitter
