That's the fucking problem. Bunch of idiots on Twitter who want censorship and have ridiculous arguments. If Elon blocks someone or someone blocks trump, the person they block can still tweet. The person doing the blocking just doesn't see the shit.
If a person don't like something, don't fucking read it. That's how twitter should be.
Come on now. If you can't even admit that censorship is by far tilting one way, you're not engaging in an honest discussion.
I just am wondering how the fuck we got here. Growing up, it was the left who was for free speech and anti-censorship. The right wanted to censor everything from cartoons, to music, to video games, to movies, to print. I remember rappers like the geto boys fighting censorship. I remember the right sticking stickers on music and video games.
Now it's the left who has become the censorship nazis. And fueled by the far left, they are even crazier than the conservatives were when they were censorship crazy.
Problem is folks can't have an honest conversation because the pro-censorship people are being intellectually dishonest, hypocritical, and just stay moving goal posts. Then there are those on the left who know fuckery is going on but they too scared to speak or they might be called nazis. Most people are cowards, so they fall in line.
Easiest way to define free speech is if someone you don't like says something you don't like you don't want it censored. You don't burst into tears or require a safe space. Say that words are violence. etc. You just keep it moving and read what you want.
Again, I don't know how we got here. Even the ACLU has changed how they approach free speech. I just noticed people who want censorship usually are afraid truth will destroy their talking points. That's why dictators always use censorship.