Elon Musk reaches deal to buy Twitter for $44B - Brazil has lifted its ban on Twitter/X

Walter Panov

Rising Star


Trump said he would never go back even if Musk unbanned him. Only reason he's back is cause he's running in 2024 and Twitter's free advertisement for him.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Racist tweets quickly surfaced after Musk closed Twitter deal

A wide range of anonymous Twitter accounts celebrated Musk’s takeover and argued it meant the old rules against bigotry no longer applied

By Drew Harwell
October 28, 2022 at 9:27 a.m. EDT

An emboldened cast of anonymous trolls spewed racist slurs and Nazi memes onto Twitter in the hours after billionaire industrialist Elon Musk took over the social network Thursday, raising fears of how his pledge of unrestricted free speech could fuel a new wave of online hate.

Twitter has struggled to enforce its rules against harassment and extremism, and the company has not yet published any broad-scale changes to its content-moderation policies.

But Musk, a self-described “free speech absolutist,” has fiercely criticized the company’s previous leaders as overly rigid and suppressive and said he would work to overturn some of the company’s main enforcement mechanisms, such as indefinitely suspending accout

A wide range of anonymous Twitter accounts celebrated Musk’s takeover and argued it meant the old rules against bigotry no longer applied.

“Elon now controls twitter. Unleash the racial slurs. K---S AND N-----S,” said one account, using slurs for Jews and Black people. “I can freely express how much I hate n-----s … now, thank you elon,” another said.

In a tweeted letter Thursday, Musk had sought to soothe advertisers worried over the moderation changes by saying he did not want it to become a “free-for-all hellscape.”

But the first hours of his purchase have shown how difficult that promise could be. One account, created this month, included a Nazi swastika as its profile picture and retweeted quotes from Musk alongside antisemitic memes. Another tweet, showing a video montage glorifying Nazi Germany with the comment, “I hear that there have been some changes around here,” was liked more than 400 times.

Racial slurs were posted rampantly overnight. One single-word tweet, showing a single racial slur in all capital letters, was retweeted more than 500 times and liked more than 4,000 times. It was tweeted at 9 p.m. Thursday night and remained online nearly 12 hours later.

Some of the Twitter influx was organized on other platforms, including the pro-Trump forum TheDonald, where its top posts Friday morning showed tweets celebrating lies about Trump’s 2020 election loss and memes criticizing transgender people under the headline “When you can’t get banned on Twitter anymore.”

“Cold Meme War, Twatter Defenses Down, Fire Away,” another poster said, attaching an image of a soldier with a rifle and a “Make America Great Again” hat.

Musk’s acquisition and almost-instant firing of its top executives was also widely celebrated in Telegram groups devoted to QAnon, the jumble of pro-Trump conspiracy theories. “Sometimes it takes a while, but the good guys win,” one QAnon influencer wrote.

Some Twitter rules, however, still appeared to apply. Stew Peters, a far-right conspiracy theorist and radio host who was banned from Twitter, created a new account Thursday night and posted, “I’m BAAAAAAAAAAACK.” By Friday morning, however, the account had been suspended.

But Musk’s takeover is still fresh. After a right-wing influencer tweeted that he was still “shadowbanned, ghostbanned [and] searchbanned” on the platform, Musk tweeted Friday morning that he would “be digging in more today.”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Here are some examples: you can write as many polite letters to advertisers as you want, but you cannot reasonably expect to collect any meaningful advertising revenue if you do not promise those advertisers “brand safety.” That means you have to ban racism, sexism, transphobia, and all kinds of other speech that is totally legal in the United States but reveals people to be total assholes. So you can make all the promises about “free speech” you want, but the dull reality is that you still have to ban a bunch of legal speech if you want to make money. And when you start doing that, your creepy new right-wing fanboys are going to viciously turn on you, just like they turn on every other social network that realizes the same essential truth.

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
Good let the racism out. I don’t want racism hidden. Let it be out in the open so cats can make the right moves. Closet racists are the worst. For some reason you niggaz can’t see this.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Good let the racism out. I don’t want racism hidden. Let it be out in the open so cats can make the right moves. Closet racists are the worst. For some reason you niggaz can’t see this.

It's twitter. Unless you are a blue check or doxxed by someone, it's closet everything. You don't know who is behind the screen names or at the keyboard


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

This cac is like trump, just a tad bit smarter. He's able to rile up the common folks to his cause and enrich himself, the same idiots are just too stupid to realize what he's doing. Wasn't he fighting Twitter about bots and fake accounts? Now in order to make twitter look more attractive to investors, he's restoring all those banned accounts to increase the number of users and using that narrative to increase his bottom line. He doesn't really believe in "free" speech. No cac does, they cry free speech but then get mad at CRT and ban it.


Transnational Member
I wrote about this a while back when there was talk about big Tech monopolies, since they do not charge for their services and everything is free, it creates a monopoly since people will choose the alpha over the beta company. The Advertisers will also engage in the same behavior and shift their business to one company where all the uses are.

It is the same thing that happened when I bought a car just recently, I chose the cheaper model versus the more expensive one that had more features. Have the price been the same and advertiser supported, of course I would have chosen the more expensive car.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Wait so we don't want racist outing themselves out in public?
What are we doing bgol?

Unless they are using real names or something that leads back to them, technically they aren't being outed to the general public. Alot of them are hiding behind usernames/fake accounts and feeding the flames for potential violent acts in IRL.

Even if you count the people who will really commit violent acts or abuse their power ( judges, police officers, doctors, politicians), innocent people will be hurt as a result of the people hiding behind usernames. In a perfect world, you want to stop the people who will actually follow through on crimes before people are hurt. In most cases we know that isn't going to happen.

For the racist that do use their real account and names are public, you don't want one person who has the ability to influence a mass number of people to do dumb shit like Trump with the January 6 attack. Imagine what Hitler could have done with a tool like Twitter and he could say whatever he wanted.