Elon Musk reaches deal to buy Twitter for $44B - Brazil has lifted its ban on Twitter/X


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Breaking news Elon musk buys BGOL



Transnational Member
Twitter was a tech monopoly that was used to impose left wing ideology onto users. President Trump is not failing at the platform he is building, he is establishing that this tech monopoly (Twitter) denied his ability to create a rival competitor due to government inaction and not charging a subscription fee..

It reminds me of Bill Cosby buying NBC, white people and advertisers couldn't mass exodus from the company. They will comb through you background looking for a pretextual reason to justify not doing business with you, even setting you up. This is why my racial consulting practice is flourishing, helping many of these athletes/entertainers keep safe and avoid pitfalls that OG made in the past.


Just like Cosby, you are going to have to pretend that his ownership would have meant nothing to you. You are stuck, you can't flee to a white channel and expose yourself. The only people that can do this is the next generation since they have no baseline of use. This is why I stayed off the platform and used BGOL mostly. Those fools that are embedding Twitter links and 'following' other people are stuck with the conspiracy theories and right wing ideology that will be spewed at you.


Transnational Member
The culture of San Francisco and many cities on the West is stealing other people work and getting VC funding, pretending you created it. This is a lame effeminate culture with no honor to me. When I use somebody work, I mention their name. I will see women doing it, and I let it slide because it is in their nature, but seeing another beta male, I just want to expose them.


Many of these Twitter employees will go to VC and Bill Gates pretending they created something. I am going to see a flurry of shit I invented being funded when many of these Twitter employee hit the street.
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Transnational Member

I have started using many of the concepts that these online services employ in my physical realm to isolate and keep troubled individuals/entities away from me. I want to publish an online ban or suspension of people or entities due to their alleged conduct. I am setting up Rules that individuals must follow to be able have close proximity to me.

I can't have every loser on the street running up on me.

If you are a puny, low level scam school that I and many other people have never heard of chasing me around in cars, staging crashes - immediate ban. Plagiarizing other people work as an effeminate male, getting VC funding - ban.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
My fucking goodness everybody seen this coming. Twitter was barely hanging on, and Elon musk just drove it over the damn cliff. A lot of those people are not coming back.
Do you remember the Loki tv show? Do you remember the Loki that was so good at warping reality Thanos really felt he killed him? Twitter was positioned to only appeal to a man whose ego was still developing. “The Market” built up Twitter so the Tesla guy would take the bait. And he took the bait. And on this planet we don’t mourn a water buffalo at a crossing. We celebrate it.