Elon Musk reaches deal to buy Twitter for $44B - Brazil has lifted its ban on Twitter/X


Rising Star
Platinum Member

The ego on this cac, waiting on these techs and engineers to give him a big wake up call.

So if everyone quits and not enough staff to engineer then what? He needs this to fail . I really hate this cac

it's all part of his "ingenious plan" :roflmao: :lol:

This colonial Africakaner beneficiary has it all figured out, all part of a "grand plan" that the world is too naïve to see :lol: :roflmao:

Well, that's according to a few Elon STANS on here and abroad.
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Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
it's all part of his "ingenious plan" :roflmao: :lol:

This colonial Africakaner beneficiary has it all figured out, all part of a "grand plan" that the world is too naïve to see :lol: :roflmao:

Well, that's according to a few Elon STANS on here and abroad.
That Autistic racist cac thinks he’s smarter than everyone. Those types always have a downfall. Even that giant asshole Steve Jobs didn’t behave this way, he knew who kept shit running.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We can likely guess this truth but I’d be curious to know the race and gender make up of twitter users that constantly defend his actions.

last thread I was reading had a lot of reply’s from people saying that if you talk shit about your CEO publicly, it makes sense to be fired. I get that. Yet, when you have a CEO who is loud and wrong, who is fucking up your work and firing whole teams that protect the validity of the product. As a CEO, you don’t get to be free of any criticism.


Transnational Member
Besides setting up Elon with false rape accusations due to his purchase of a historically progressive tech monopoly, here is my report on some of the problems on Twitter:


There are a bunch of celebrities that are promoting their projects getting free advertisement on the platform. They produce content to build followers that they later promote their big money commercial projects. One infamous one is Tariq Nasheed, Boy Watkins, Candace Owens they does this with his Weekly podcast on YouTube where they produces content for free then later promotes some initiative that lines their pocket.

Twitter needs to develop an algorithm that flags these users or abusers to charge a tidy sum for getting around advertising on the platform which can cost millions of dollars. Once you expose the benefits that these freeloading Twitter users are getting then they are more likely to accept higher blue check fees that can vary significantly between them based on followers and projected revenue.

It would be similar to Mary Barra or Jim Farley becoming a celebrity CEO by saying outrageous things and going on Twitter to build millions of followers, than promoting their products without paying any advertising saving their companies billions of dollars in ads.

I would study the relationship of the Average Twitter user whether they use the platform to communicate amongst each other or if they like the engagement with their celebrity icons that they follow and their upcoming projects. These celebrity icons do produce content to attract followers that they later exploit for free promotion of their projects. This model is also used for political candidates such as President Trump, his removal shut down this scheme, he should have paid money.
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Transnational Member
After producing significant content on BGOL to attract followers and users, I exploit them later for a commercial project or non profit initiative for millions of dollars.

He needs to do these freeloading Twitters not paying advertisement like property taxes. Looking at your house, improvements, and appreciation in home value; than sending a bill. You mentioned this big money commercial project to your millions of followers, and you paid for no advertising.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member

MKBHD was a HUGE Tesla fanboy
I wonder what his opinion is of Elon now?
MKBHD has a gigantic following
So if he were to take shots at Elon, for all this bullshit, it would resonate very loudly
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Transnational Member
I had mentioned that many people are exploiting the platform, making bank. I believe we need to create a tech religion that is beneath your main one.


As a God like messianic figure, what people need to do is make sacrifices or tithes to me when you are doing well due to the platform I provide. I prefer money and naked women tied up that I just stumble across, with the peasant appreciative of the prosperity I brought to them.



Twitter would love for you to buy ads when the platform has made you prosperous.

I just saw Jeff Bezos pledging to give all his money away, again making sacrifices to ensure it rains so that your crops can grow, continue to receive views. No wonder California and Nevada are living in drought like conditions with Lake Mead disappearing. I wrote in another post that Twitter should forcible charge, when it should be the appreciative/prosperous making an offering.

I believe many of these people are deplatformed not because of their statements, they made no offering to the Big Tech monopoly Gods, who punished them. President Trump over used the Twitter platform, and paid for no ads at all/sacrifices to Jack Dorsey.
