Elon Musk Says His Child Is 'Dead' To Him In Disturbing Anti-Trans Tirade


Rising Star
I don't have an issue with trans with the exception that I do think there should be reasonable restraints placed on PDoT (public displays of transnicity) for the sake of public decency. Ain't nobody tryna see ru Paul lookin niggas running around weilding dildos and shit especially around kids. The sexual deviance must be restricted to tightly restricted closed settings as should some of the more esoteric drug use.

I do believe and support the rights of adults be different in ways I might find off-putting, weird, or grotesque as long as it's consensual.... in the privacy of controlled and out of eyeline settings.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I don't have an issue with trans with the exception that I do think there should be reasonable restraints placed on PDoT (public displays of transnicity) for the sake of public decency. Ain't nobody tryna see ru Paul lookin niggas running around weilding dildos and shit especially around kids. The sexual deviance must be restricted to tightly restricted closed settings as should some of the more esoteric drug use.

I do believe and support the rights of adults be different in ways I might find off-putting, weird, or grotesque as long as it's consensual.... in the privacy of controlled and out of eyeline settings.
Its this plus the insistence that I believe the mentally ill on sex and gender theory.
Don't pronoun police me.
Don't tell me I'm looking at one sex when I'm clearly seeing what you actually are, not what you identify as.
Don't display perversion around children. Wear your dresses and what not but keep the sexual shit (BDSM gear, etc.) in the privacy of your own home.
This is my problem with Gavin Newsom. He completely supports pronoun policing and not notifying parents when children decide to change their pronouns.
Anyone who wants to support doing something that involves a child behind the parents' backs is anti-family.
The lettergang loves this guy but its shit like this that is a stone's throw away from a child being able to get gender reassignment without the parents' knowledge. That is dangerous and can't be supported on any front, IMO.
As far as Musk disowning his child - well the kid is probably lucky.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
OP he didn't say his child is dead to him.
He said his child is dead and killed by the Alphabet Community.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
They gonna find them boys in his basement eventually and I’m gonna say I told you this pedoface looking nig was 1 of those types


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Nick Cannon better take notes. Being rich & having a gang of kids with multiple women sounds cool, but best believe at least one of those kids will resent you.
I think we just discovered Ghostface has mental issues. How many children does he have? How does he treat them? Are any of them non heterosexual? How does he treat them?

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
I can't stand that cunt. Yet I understand. Don't nobody in their right mind want no faggot ass kids. My children know that faggotry will not be accepted by me. Also. don't bring home no fucking white people.


International Member
I can't stand that cunt. Yet I understand. Don't nobody in their right mind want no faggot ass kids. My children know that faggotry will not be accepted by me. Also. don't bring home no fucking white people.
That fool prolly wasnt even in their lives. He divorced like 3 times. Cant be crying if u wasnt there. Then even if he was u see how crazy he is. I would been ran away from home lol.

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't disagree on this one. This trans shit jumped the shark awhile ago. They pushing this shit on our kids and I would feel the same way. They call these drugs puberty blockers, but that shit does not delay puberty, it fucks up kids because you can't delay puberty and then all of a sudden go through it at 30 years old or whatever. You will never be the same. Fuck this bullshit.
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Rising Star
I don't disagree on this one. This trans shit jumped the shark awhile ago. They pushing this shit on our kids and I would feel the same way. They call these drugs puberty blockers, but that shit does not delay puberty, it fucks up kids because you can't delay puberty and then all of a sudden go through it at 30 years old or whatever. You will never be the same. Fuck this bullshit.

Hey Julian!

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He said in the article his old son got put on puberty blockers. These so called puberty blockers they make sound like it's just some temporary reversible effect and it's bullshit. If you delay someone puberty you are changing them for long term. You can't just never got through puberty and magically start it back anytime you want. That's bullshit.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor

This article is hilarious. Musk says he didn't know puberty blockers were actually sterilization drugs?

Did he really think these pills would give his trans daughter the ability to produce eggs? Did he think she would be blowing backs out and filling the maternity ward?

Said he signed the papers because he was tricked into thinking his daughter might commit suicide.

Like the moment he signed she popped up behind them and yelled "haha jokes on you dad. I never wanted to die. Now toodles, I'm off to pick out my new tits."

If Musk doesn't like trans people then fine. Was is it really worth alienating his own flesh and blood? Does he really need to shoot off his mouth to the whole world about a private family matter?

Most billionaires are reclusive. Elon chose to be famous, but his children didn't! Musk needs to save his talk of imaginary viruses for the family dinner table. At least the rest of the world wouldn't know what a shit father he is.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't disagree on this one. This trans shit jumped the shark awhile ago. They pushing this shit on our kids and I would feel the same way. They call these drugs puberty blockers, but that shit does not delay puberty, it fucks up kids because you can't delay puberty and then all of a sudden go through it at 30 years old or whatever. You will never be the same. Fuck this bullshit.

He said in the article his old son got put on puberty blockers. These so called puberty blockers they make sound like it's just some temporary reversible effect and it's bullshit. If you delay someone puberty you are changing them for long term. You can't just never got through puberty and magically start it back anytime you want. That's bullshit.

lemme guess... one of the supposed most intelligent people on planet earth couldn't figure out scientifically with all his knowledge of science how to verify what that drug can do ?like hes some high school dropout who doesn't have knowledge of science or cant access the best doctors, research scientist, medical doctors money can buy to explain it to him ?:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: that dude is a fukkin special case