Embarrassing Knockout, Forget His Girl Leaving Him He Might Have to Leave Earth!

doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member

He got carries off like a drunk baby with his pants down around his ankles!!!!

His girl like.....



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
first off, dude looked like he slipped on the ground, and instead

of guarding his grill he laid on the floor like he wasnt just in the middle

of the fight.. thats when dude got the punch in, they probably both drunk,

how dude knocked her man out, then lifted him off the ground as his pants

is falling off, then sat him on a car... and then grabbed the dude he just knocked

out girls TITS.. like whaa da fuck??

they must all know each other or some shit..


That looked really bad. Dude was carrying another man on his shoulders with that man’s pants hanging down to his ankles. Dude looked like his must’ve done that before in the pen. Lol. And homboi had a wanna be flattop with a high, bowl fade. Fuck! Wrong choice of words. I mean…damn. Lol.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
first off, dude looked like he slipped on the ground, and instead

of guarding his grill he laid on the floor like he wasnt just in the middle

of the fight.. thats when dude got the punch in, they probably both drunk,

how dude knocked her man out, then lifted him off the ground as his pants

is falling off, then sat him on a car... and then grabbed the dude he just knocked

out girls TITS.. like whaa da fuck??

they must all know each other or some shit..

Yeah, they definitely know each other. Ain't nobody gonna pick you up and carry you after a fight but yo boy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:lol: @ dude grabbing ol' girl titties.

Respect to him for getting dude out of the street.


A Goddamn Sailor!
BGOL Investor
niggas doing nigga shit but we mad at everyone else calling out niggas doing nigga shit. this was video was disturbing on so many levels but nobody cares because its niggas doing nigga shit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
niggas doing nigga shit but we mad at everyone else calling out niggas doing nigga shit. this was video was disturbing on so many levels but nobody cares because its niggas doing nigga shit.

Look like you woke up and just wanted to use the world “Nigga”.

It was a simple fight, but in this fight the other fighter actually tried to help the guy he was fighting. Far from “Nigga Shit”, but feel free to be upset and call them out about “Nigga Shit”.

And what exactly was disturbing on so many levels in the video? One guy got knocked out and he was assisted after getting knocked out, where’s the “Disturbing” part?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Look like you woke up and just wanted to use the world “Nigga”.

It was a simple fight, but in this fight the other fighter actually tried to help the guy he was fighting. Far from “Nigga Shit”, but feel free to be upset and call them out about “Nigga Shit”.

And what exactly was disturbing on so many levels in the video? One guy got knocked out and he was assisted after getting knocked out, where’s the “Disturbing” part?
I don't know about the n word part, that was a bit much, but the disturbing part is how quickly a dispute can escalate to a manslaughter charge. You can go from chillin with your lady about to go get some ass to being in lockup on a homicide, or on the bad end of the homicide. Dude slippd and fell, if ol boy wouldn't have come back and hit him on the ground it would have been over with. But no. He realized his mistake may cost him his freedom. Life comes at you fast....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Seemed like there could have been a significant weight difference as well. And they do seem like a family/friend squab. Otherwise he prob would have just walked the fuck off after the KO.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
first off, dude looked like he slipped on the ground, and instead

of guarding his grill he laid on the floor like he wasnt just in the middle

of the fight.. thats when dude got the punch in

I think he was done from the punch/slip. It looks like he hit his head on the pavement and was seeing stars and that final blow put him into a different realm. Street fights are terrifying to me because just a simple KO can turn into a homicide because of the ground.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't know about the n word part, that was a bit much, but the disturbing part is how quickly a dispute can escalate to a manslaughter charge. You can go from chillin with your lady about to go get some ass to being in lockup on a homicide, or on the bad end of the homicide. Dude slippd and fell, if ol boy wouldn't have come back and hit him on the ground it would have been over with. But no. He realized his mistake may cost him his freedom. Life comes at you fast....

Yes life comes at you fast and you just never know the outcome, especially after a simple fight.