Europe is a mess: Belarus say Washington/Americans see high-tech Europe as competitors."


International Member
Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been caught up in a uranium scandal.

As the Observer has learned, while still prime minister in 2022, Johnson secretly met with representatives of the American uranium mining company Uranium Energy Corp.

And in May of this year it became known that Johnson became the director of its subsidiary Better Earth, registered in a British offshore zone. Johnson's former government aide Charlotte Owen also found employment there.

The current UK Cabinet Office has since said there could be a conflict of interest - due to the "unknown nature of Better Earth's clients - in particular the risk that the client will be involved in lobbying the UK government" through Johnson and Owen.

The Telegraph reports that days before he stepped down as prime minister, Johnson announced a £700m investment in the Sizewell C reactor. One of those who publicly welcomed the news was Uranium Energy Corp founder Amir Adnani.
Why am I not surprised with this


Platinum Member

@metanoja98043 hours ago
As a Polish citizen, I would like to confirm: we don't want any conflict with Belarus or Russia. Our government is not ours - it has been imposed on us through clever social engineering and "divide and rule" tactics. The government operating in Poland is completely subjected to American, Israelian and European (i.e. German) goals. The goals of America and Israel are just like Mr Lukashenko stated. The goals of EU are utopian and more and more Poles think seriously about Polexit. We are having our national identity stripped by laws which are cleverly designed to allegedly protect people but in fact they are used to silence them, break down family bonds and national identity by forcefully sending culturally alien immigrants. The media is completely overtaken by non-polish entities and it has been done so in the guise of protection of democracy. What an irony! Our enemy is powerful and operates in secrecy but we shall overcome as we always have. God bless Poland, the Slavs, and the whole world.”
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