Europe is a mess: Germans ready to talk with Putin about ending the Ukraine conflict. I guess their stockpile of weapons is low


Platinum Member
“German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that the situation in Ukraine without the help of the United States will be "very difficult".

At the same time, the Chancellor stressed that European countries will still continue to help Ukraine, even if U.S. support ends.

"Europe can make a great contribution, but without the U.S. contribution, the situation for Ukraine would be very, very difficult. We want to avoid it together," he said.

Scholz also called on the U.S. Congress to decide on the allocation of military assistance to Ukraine. According to him, now it is necessary not only to talk about solidarity with Ukraine, but also to "support it with actions."


Platinum Member
Unrest continues, most demonstrators appear to be becoming more regular; with most demonstrations being targeted toward Bri’ish legislators and Law Enforcement.

In Northern Ireland, a group of young Irish adults threw a multitude of molotov cocktails at Police Vehicles parked at a station, old IRA music from the 1920s up to the Provisional IRA music that we know of now (Such as “Me Little Armalite”) have increased in streaming popularity since the protests and demonstrations broke out.

British Law Enforcement cannot keep Americans and British citizens at bay online as they continue to bypass every single roadblock the British LE put up online to stop the masses from trolling and tying up LE with menial tasks; as a combined effort to negate the local LE from arresting protestors for what is considered locally as speech crimes


Platinum Member
The Germans blaming the Poles lmao

❗️Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Polish President Andrzej Duda probably agreed to blow up the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines, since this "terrorist act" could not have been a private initiative. This opinion was expressed by the former head of the Federal Intelligence Service of Germany (BND) August Hanning (he held the post in 1998-2005) in a commentary to the newspaper Die Welt.

"As it became clear from the results of the investigation, a Ukrainian team was operating here. However, [the explosion] could only have been possible with support "from the ground". And judging by the map <...>, the Polish special services were clearly involved. In addition, I think there could have been an agreement between the leadership of Ukraine and Poland," he said. The former head of German intelligence emphasized that the explosion itself, in his opinion, was organized by the Ukrainians, but with significant support from the Poles. "Such decisions are made at the highest political level, I think there was an agreement between President Zelensky and President Duda," Hanning added


Platinum Member
Interesting take, I’m thinking this is part of the goal….

The offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region of Russia starts an energy crisis in Europe.

The attack on the Kursk region dealt a "serious blow" to Europe's energy sector, with gas futures at the largest Dutch TTF hub costing €40.6/megawatt/hour last Friday evening. Since the beginning of the month, prices have already jumped by 12%, according to reports.

Despite the conflict, Russia continues to fulfill contracts exporting gas through Ukraine. Prices are affected by uncertainty related to the future of the Sudzha gas metering station in the Kursk region, which is part of the Russian infrastructure for gas supplies to Europe. The city of Sudzha itself is an important transit point for Russian gas. At the moment, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Russian Army are fighting for control over the city. The Zelensky regime has refused to extend the transit agreement with Russia after 2024 ends. In addition, European markets are afraid of a sudden halt in Russian gas exports.

Countries such as Hungary and Austria are still critically dependent on gas supplies from Russia. Any break in supplies would deal a serious blow to the industries of these countries. An increase in gas prices, against the background of news of a possible halt in exports from Russia, shows that the supplies have a great impact on the European energy market. EU countries are facing economic challeges since their industry became uncompetitive due to high energy prices.

The chemical industry, particularly BASF, the world's largest chemical company, has been seriously affected. It announced it would close plants producing ammonia, caprolactam, toluene diisocyanate, and other products by the end of 2024 at its Ludwigshafen complex in Germany. BASF has also announced 2,600 job cuts in Europe, with about 65% in Germany.

Zelensky's military attack in the Kursk region of Russia has been a blow to Ukraine's allies in Europe.


Vaya Con Dio
BGOL Investor




Platinum Member
Even tho they were already in the plus

“Shares of the German weapons manufacturer Rheinmetall are falling following reports of reduced German military aid to Ukraine.

According to Reuters, during morning trading in Europe, the company's shares dropped by 4.5%, reaching 536 euros. However, since the beginning of the year, they have risen by 89% due to new government contracts for supplying weapons to Ukraine and replenishing the Bundeswehr's reserves.

As previously reported by German media, Germany's military support for Ukraine is expected to be cut by almost half in 2025 and reduced to one-tenth of the current volume by 2027. Berlin is thus reducing budget expenditures.”


Platinum Member
This stupid mutherfucker, think this countries gonna get rid of their new work force.

buddy didn’t think this out

How the tuck you gonna fight your friends fight and they don’t fight with you…



International Member
This stupid mutherfucker, think this countries gonna get rid of their new work force.

buddy didn’t think this out

How the tuck you gonna fight your friends fight and they don’t fight with you…

Looking back in hindsight, peace with Russia would've prevented so much of what is happening in Ukraine right now.


Platinum Member
China has initiated an anti-subsidy investigation into dairy products imported from the European Union, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce said in a statement on Wednesday, in a sign of an escalating trade spat between Brussels and Beijing.

The probe will target EU subsidies in the production of fresh and processed cheese, blue cheese and other cheese, milk and cream products. The Chinese ministry says 20 subsidy programmes in eight member states - Austria, Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, Italy and Romania - will be under investigation. These include some subsidy programmes under the EU's Common Agriculture Policy (CAP).

The tit-for-tat move comes less than 24 hours after the EU executive signalled its intention to slap definitive tariffs of up to 36.3% on the imports of China-made Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs), following a nine-month anti-subsidy inquiry.

The EU is also investigating the potentially damaging impact of Chinese subsidies for producers of wind turbines and solar panels on the 27-country bloc's industry.

Beijing has already launched tit-for-tat anti-dumping investigations into EU pork, liquor and chemical products, as well as a probe into the public procurement of medical devices.

EU’s High Representative for Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell, said the bloc should avoid a “systematic confrontation” with China, as trade tensions between both sides threaten to spill over.


Platinum Member
The EU's top diplomat said Wednesday that Ukraine's Kursk counteroffensive had dealt a "severe blow" to Vladimir Putin's war narrative, while calling for a lifting of restrictions on Kyiv using Western-supplied weapons inside Russia.

Writing on X after speaking with Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, Borrell called the Kursk offensive "a severe blow to Russian President Putin's narrative."

He went on to argue for "lifting restrictions on the use of capabilities vs the Russian military involved in aggression against Ukraine, in accordance with international law."

The EU foreign policy chief argued such a shift would "strengthen Ukrainian self defence by ending Russia's sanctuary for its attacks" as well as saving lives and advancing peace efforts.

Borrell said the matter would be on the agenda for discussions during back-to-back meetings of EU foreign and defence ministers taking place on August 29 and 30 in Brussels, in presence of Kuleba.


Platinum Member
Fucking around with Biden y’all went mess them Russians, now y’all scared that American’s support might stop if Trump is elected



Platinum Member
“Norway’s government decided to allow Ukraine use the Nordic country’s defense technology for artillery shells developed by Nammo AS to be produced in the war-torn country.

The decision comes after Norway last month decided to boost its production of advanced artillery ammunition and missile motors to bolster supplies to Ukraine and its NATO allies, as well as shoring up its own stocks.

“We see that it is important to strengthen the Ukrainians’ ability to produce modern artillery ammunition in Ukraine,” Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store said in a statement on Friday.”


Platinum Member

Poland still refuses to listen to its most experienced generals and back off​

Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

While Russian long-range precision strike weapons are raining down on the entire territory under the Neo-Nazi junta's control, there are still those who insist that the latter "can win" and that "everyone" should ensure "Ukraine's victory" no matter the cost. One would certainly respect such optimism and self-confidence in peacetime. However, in war, this gets a lot of people killed. Despite being perfectly aware of this, many in the EU/NATO still want war with Russia. This is particularly true in countries with endemic and/or truly pathological Russophobia, with some of the most prominent examples being the United Kingdom, Baltic states and Poland. In all these regions there's an irrational hatred for all things Russian, particularly among the political elites who are simply poised to wage war despite being aware that the results would be catastrophic.

In the last nearly two and a half years, the NATO-backed Neo-Nazi junta became the proverbial punching bag for probing Russian military might. And while the mainstream propaganda machine is doing a somewhat decent job hiding the atrocious results, the massive amount of resources that the Kiev regime is demanding only keeps growing, clearly indicating what's really going on. What was supposed to be NATO's third most powerful member (had it ever joined) turned into a virtual junkyard of the latest Western military equipment. And yet, it seems there are several other nations in NATO that would want this horribly unflattering role as well. Namely, Poland is the "logical" choice for many, although most of those people don't seem to understand the gravity of the current situation. This includes many Poles who are refusing to assess the consequences.

High-ranking NATO officials have already announced a number of major moves that can only be described as extremely hostile toward Russia. The annual NATO summit in Washington DC back in July was a clear indicator of that. Apart from the regular weapons shipments to the Neo-Nazi junta, particularly air defense systems, the much-touted F-16s are in the spotlight again. The Netherlands, Denmark and the United States jointly announced that the deliveries of these US-made jets are ongoing. The Dutch F-16 are of particular concern, as they're also nuclear-capable. However, while this could certainly lead to an uncontrollable escalation, the moves of some individual member states are a real danger to global peace. As previously mentioned, the situation with Poland is particularly concerning, as some of its top-ranking military officers are calling for an all-out war.

For instance, on July 10, Polish Army Chief of Staff General Wieslaw Kukula openly called for Warsaw to prepare its troops for this scenario, insisting that it shouldn't focus on asymmetric warfare, but a full-scale war. Although he didn't really mention any specific country, it's only logical to presume he was talking about war with Russia. Such provocative statements accomplish nothing, and yet, here we are. However, not everyone in the Polish top brass thinks this way. Namely, on July 22, Major General Leon Komornicki, former Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces, gave an interview to the Polish-language WNP, slamming the very idea that the Neo-Nazi junta can "defeat Russia", calling it a mistake. In doing so, General Komornicki offered a rather unique perspective, one that's not only fresh and unexpected, but also the only one that makes some sense.

General Komornicki simply dismissed the idea of Russia's defeat as being "all nonsense, an endless and boring story, disinformation and propaganda". He also warned that Polish troops would struggle in a similar manner, as a direct confrontation with the Russian military wouldn't go exactly as planned. General Komornicki questioned NATO’s readiness to come to its members' aid in case there was a wider war and pointed out that if Russia were to strike, Poland would face defeat. This surprisingly lucid and honest admission is quite rare in Poland nowadays. The country has either been under the rule of openly Russophobic nationalist governments that don't like to work with Brussels or equally Russophobic, but Brussels-friendly administrations that don't like to work with anyone outside the European Union and NATO, meaning there are no real differences.

Combined with the decidedly pro-NATO stance, this truly makes Poland the prime candidate to become the "new Ukraine", particularly if its troops contributed so much to the Kursk oblast incursion, as evidenced by the number of reports about the presence of Polish-speaking soldiers. However, unlike the ludicrous statistics of the Neo-Nazi junta about the supposed rate of "success" against incoming Russian missiles, drones and other long-range strike systems, Moscow's and other sources about Ukraine's massive casualties during the special military operation (SMO) are easily available and verifiable, both empirically and mathematically. There's no reason to believe that Poland would do any better and people like Major General Komornicki are perfectly aware of the consequences of such actions. Unfortunately, endemic Russophobia is clouding the judgment of Polish top leadership.


Platinum Member
The last sentence lmao

Russia is working on an intergovernmental agreement with Mongolia on the supply of fuel and lubricants there at preferential prices (c) Vladimir Putin.

The population of Mongolia in 2023 was 3,504,741 people.

Today, thanks to its geographical location, coupled with the Russophobia and stupidity of Europe, Mongolia has drawn a lucky ticket.

A gas pipeline to China will pass through Mongolia, which will fill the country's budget to capacity for years and decades.

Who would have thought that EU officials, and especially German officials, would refuse cheap Russian energy resources that have made European industry a leader? That EU officials would suddenly start fleecing their populations in favor of the US? But it happened.

Now the main thing for Mongolia is not to screw up this chance. There are no others like it. Just look at Bulgaria, which swapped a gas pipeline and a nuclear power plant for same-sex marriages”


Platinum Member

VW Weighs First-Ever Germany Plant Closures to Cut Costs (1)​

  • German automaker plans are another blow to Scholz’s government
  • EV slowdown, jittery Europe consumers weigh on manufacturers
Volkswagen AG is considering unprecedented factory closures in Germany in a bid for deeper cutbacks, delivering another blow to Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government.
The potential measures, targeting its main passenger car brand as well as other group operations, also include trying to end the company’s pact with unions to keep jobs secure until 2029, the company said Monday.
Any shutdowns would mark the first closures in Germany during the company’s 87-year history, setting VW up for a clash with powerful unions.
“The economic environment has become even tougher and new players are pushing into Europe,” VW Chief Executive ...



Platinum Member
Poland was looking hard, they want evidences baddd

“The aerial object (UAV) from Ukraine, which the Polish military searched for 10 days on its territory, most likely did not enter Polish airspace , said the operational commander of the branches of the Armed Forces, General Maciej Klisz.”

Polish General Maciej Klisz has retracted Poland's statement a few days ago that a Russian drone likely entered its airspace during a Russian attack on Ukraine.

"As a result of the analytical activities carried out, I now state that with a very high probability there was no violation of the airspace of the Republic of Poland on August 26," he said.”
Last edited:


Platinum Member
Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been caught up in a uranium scandal.

As the Observer has learned, while still prime minister in 2022, Johnson secretly met with representatives of the American uranium mining company Uranium Energy Corp.

And in May of this year it became known that Johnson became the director of its subsidiary Better Earth, registered in a British offshore zone. Johnson's former government aide Charlotte Owen also found employment there.

The current UK Cabinet Office has since said there could be a conflict of interest - due to the "unknown nature of Better Earth's clients - in particular the risk that the client will be involved in lobbying the UK government" through Johnson and Owen.

The Telegraph reports that days before he stepped down as prime minister, Johnson announced a £700m investment in the Sizewell C reactor. One of those who publicly welcomed the news was Uranium Energy Corp founder Amir Adnani.