Europe is a mess: Germans ready to talk with Putin about ending the Ukraine conflict. I guess their stockpile of weapons is low


Platinum Member
From my perspective you seem to be confusing things not the least of which being your residency. "They are attacking the boat, not the sailors."

Do you know what that mechanism is or are you just quoting from an unnamed source?
Kinda both

Quoting from an unnamed source but I did hear something about the need for more African nations to adopt to Pan-Africa system.

Now how the Brics is connected to this idk, but I’m sure it will get addressed during the Brics summit in South Africa


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Algeria has closed its airspace to French military aircraft, and the ban also applies to government aircraft.

Maybe it has something to do with the situation in Niger.
Yeah they already told them and ECOWAS to fuck off with any plans of military intervention.


Platinum Member
More issues

“Guardian: Kenya launches investigation into British military contingent abusing the country's hospitality
▪️According to the words of this newspaper, the British in this country use a military training ground, and also participate in a training mission. However, members of the British contingent stood out for their dissolute behavior, where they were accused of sexually harassing local women, raping and even murdering them.
** The British newspaper warns that if these claims are proven to be true, it could greatly affect the extension of military cooperation between the two countries, including its complete termination.”


Platinum Member
:colin: :colin: :colin:

European countries may impose sanctions on Poland if the country does not lift the ban on grain imports from Ukraine after September 15


Platinum Member
The ultimatum given to the French ambassador to Niger has elapsed, yet the diplomat remains within the country.

In reaction to this defiance, the authorities have disconnected electricity and water supplies to the French embassy in Niamey.

Reportedly, Abdurrahman Chiani, the rebel leader in Niger, has commanded a cessation of food supplies to that location.

❗️ Update: The ECOWAS political affairs commissioner recently stated on Al Jazeera, "We haven't observed any tangible actions from the Niger military junta. We will not wait indefinitely."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What's really going down is the global parasitic banking elite..

Is movin to Asia and Africa...they are like muthafuck all you Europeans

And they are taking all their I'll gotten goods with them.

When England said fuck you EU it was the beginning of the end


Platinum Member
More problems for France

Military coups continue to roll across Africa.

The military of Gabon seized power in the country and announced the dissolution of the current government.
The country's borders are closed until further notice.
By a happy coincidence, Gabon is also a former French colony that has reserves of uranium, oil and gas.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
More problems for France

Military coups continue to roll across Africa.

The military of Gabon seized power in the country and announced the dissolution of the current government.
The country's borders are closed until further notice.
By a happy coincidence, Gabon is also a former French colony that has reserves of uranium, oil and gas.
I smile seeing this, and but I hope there are plans in place for real reconstruction not pocket padding.


Platinum Member
“ EU has started preparing sanctions against the participants of the coup in Niger

The EU countries have begun to prepare a special sanctions regime against the participants in the coup in Niger, said the head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell after an informal meeting in Spain between the heads of the defense of the union's defense countries.

"We will support ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States - ed.), as stated immediately after the coup... We will try to impose the same sanctions following ECOWAS. We are moving towards creating a separate sanctions regime to take action against the putschist, the work has already begun. Tomorrow, foreign ministers should move forward on this issue," he said.

According to Borell “logic” EU should have put special sanctions to the USA and Ukraine because of overthrowing legally elected government in 2014 or entire world should have sanctioned the “West civilised society” because of that government overthrow…”


Platinum Member

The coming European recession may be worse than 2008

Bank lending data paints a grim picture for the Eurozone economy​


Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank, is facing a long summer. Credit: Getty
The European statistics agency Eurostat has released its bank lending survey and the data does not look good. The survey tracks the credit conditions and amount of loan demand seen in the European banking system: as it is based on a survey of lenders, it is typically seen as a “forward-looking” indicator. That is, it picks up on trends before they emerge in the official data.

The release makes for grim reading. Credit supply across the board is tight, with banks reluctant to lend in the face of rising interest rates. Credit demand is poor, too, with Europeans reluctant to take out bank loans. But it is in the commercial sector that the picture looks particularly concerning: demand for loans among businesses is now at historic lows.

“Euro area firms’ net demand for loans decreased strongly in the second quarter of 2023,” the authors write, “dropping to an all-time low since the start of the survey in 2003.” This means that commercial loan demand is now lower than it was in the depths of the credit crunch of 2008-09, particularly worrying since high energy prices are currently putting pressure on European firms. This data is wholly consistent with the idea that Europe might be undergoing a profound deindustrialisation.

This may just be survey data, but it correlates clearly with the hard data typically released later by statistics agencies, enabling forecasts of future developments. The chart below shows the “soft” lending data together with the “hard” data of European fixed investment. It is not hard to see that the two are strongly correlated.


Looking at the forecast for European fixed investment, it implies that investment has fallen in Europe by around the same amount as in the recession of 2008-09. Since the business cycle is led by fixed capital investment, this data can also be used to forecast GDP growth in Europe. The chart below lays out GDP growth in Europe since 2003 together with this forecast.


The bank lending data implies that European economies are now deep in recession. It also suggests that this recession is even more violent than that of 2008-09. While the financial crisis started slowly before becoming gradually more severe, this forecast indicates that the present recession might start violently and then — well, who knows?

That said, there are other indications that Europe is not undergoing a recession. The unemployment rate, for example, is currently very low whereas in 2008-09, the last time bank lending survey numbers were so dire, it was rising rapidly. This leaves one of two possibilities. The first is that the lending data is contracting so rapidly that it is even more of a leading indicator than usual, implying that a very large recession is on the horizon in Europe, and it is only the bank lending survey data that is detecting it.

The other possibility is that this time is different, that the bank lending survey data no longer works to predict GDP growth. This would mean that something has gone seriously wrong in the commercial lending sector. On this reading, companies are contracting their lending as if the economy were in a major recession, all while the economy is still growing. The most obvious explanation here would be high energy prices.
It is not clear which of these alternatives is worse. But either way, the bank lending survey data demonstrates that the European economy is in a very tough spot.




Platinum Member

“According to the Financial Times, the EU has imported a record volume of liquefied natural gas from Russia.

The NGO Global Witness analyzed industry data for the first 7 months of this year and found that China, Belgium, and Spain were the top buyers of Russian LNG.

Overall imports have increased by 40 percent compared to the same period in 2021, prior to the commencement of the SMO and the imposition of additional sanctions.

The value of LNG imported between January and July, based on spot market prices, was €5.29 billion.”


Platinum Member
Germany predicts loss of 1.7 million jobs due to expensive energy.

According to the forecasts of leading experts from the Institute of German Economics and the international consulting company Frontier Economics, published on the website of the authoritative analytical center Dezernat Zukunft , the current high energy prices can seriously undermine the economic situation in Germany.

According to the study, if the German authorities fail to develop effective measures to contain energy costs for industry and business, by 2030 the German economy could lose up to 1.7 million jobs. This will inevitably lead to a reduction in the republic's gross domestic product by 1.7-4.5%.

At the same time, even after the implementation of large-scale energy transition programs to such a promising type of fuel as "green" hydrogen, electricity prices in Germany, according to experts, will exceed the world average by 30-65%.

A survey by the leading German Chamber of Commerce and Industry confirmed the fears of the country's business community: 52% of companies negatively assess the impact of the energy transition on their activities due to rising costs and the likelihood of energy shortages.

Without a return to low-cost Russian gas supplies, German fuel and electricity prices are likely to remain extremely high, analysts say, severely hurting the country's economic competitiveness. The rejection of Russian energy resources only exacerbated existing problems.

At the beginning of the week in Germany, they called for the restoration of Nord Stream.

Earlier in Germany, confidence in the country's economy decreased


Platinum Member
“French mining company Eramet, which has roots to the Rothschild family, announced an immediate halt to its operations in Gabon after the military coup”


Hip-Hop father
Germany predicts loss of 1.7 million jobs due to expensive energy.

According to the forecasts of leading experts from the Institute of German Economics and the international consulting company Frontier Economics, published on the website of the authoritative analytical center Dezernat Zukunft , the current high energy prices can seriously undermine the economic situation in Germany.

According to the study, if the German authorities fail to develop effective measures to contain energy costs for industry and business, by 2030 the German economy could lose up to 1.7 million jobs. This will inevitably lead to a reduction in the republic's gross domestic product by 1.7-4.5%.

At the same time, even after the implementation of large-scale energy transition programs to such a promising type of fuel as "green" hydrogen, electricity prices in Germany, according to experts, will exceed the world average by 30-65%.

A survey by the leading German Chamber of Commerce and Industry confirmed the fears of the country's business community: 52% of companies negatively assess the impact of the energy transition on their activities due to rising costs and the likelihood of energy shortages.

Without a return to low-cost Russian gas supplies, German fuel and electricity prices are likely to remain extremely high, analysts say, severely hurting the country's economic competitiveness. The rejection of Russian energy resources only exacerbated existing problems.

At the beginning of the week in Germany, they called for the restoration of Nord Stream.

Earlier in Germany, confidence in the country's economy decreased
Germany has the strongest Euro economy. The ripple effect will be felt throughout the continent

Crazy tho...The US blowing up Nord is indeed an act of war.


Platinum Member
Germany has the strongest Euro economy. The ripple effect will be felt throughout the continent

Crazy tho...The US blowing up Nord is indeed an act of war.
I’m not sure who did what but I must say I’ve come to believe that we provoked Russia into this conflict with Ukraine to force Europe to depend on our resources(that we have trouble providing).

The even crazier thing is them EU folks really went along with the hoodwinking.

many EU nations not sure if they coming or going…
France chokehold in Western Africa loosening…
Ukraine and Russia killing up each other
Military equipment stockpiles been depleted…

You have Europe leaders amazed that when they speak with Putin, he never asked about lifting sanctions…

Countries ready for Ukrainians to leave their land…they tired of looking at all of these spicy dressed gals etc…

(Well this was issues when I regularly listened to and read reports about the conflict)
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Platinum Member
The mutual closure of the airspace of the EU and Russia has worsened the situation in Estonia

This was stated by the Chairman of the Board of Tallinn Airport Riivo Tuvike.

“We used to be in an ideal strategic position in terms of trade flows between Asia, Europe and North America.

A couple of years ago, two planes a day went to Asia and North America. Now this business is gone. Before we were in an ideal place, now we are in a very bad place, ”Tuvike said in an interview with ERR.

Something is clearly wrong with the anti-Russian restrictions that harm only Russophobes in the EU. Soon, more sanctions will be imposed against Russia, for the fact that it does not suffer from anti-Russian sanctions.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Europe is a fucking mess right now America don’t fuck this up for us considering everything else we are doing pretty damn good right now thanks to the Dems


Platinum Member
Ukraine will complain to the European Commission if Poland extends the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain after September 15. This statement was made by the deputy head of Zelensky's office, Igor Zhovkva.


Platinum Member
ole girl say she ain’t going no damn where

The French openly refuse to expel the last ambassador from Niger

French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna announced her refusal to obey the demands of the new authorities of the country, since Paris does not recognize the current government

Recall that the Nigerien authorities gave the French diplomat 48 hours to leave on August 26.

Amid diplomatic skirmishes, thousands of Nigeriens are threatening to storm the French military base. 1,500 French troops remain at the base. The General Staff states that "the French army is ready to respond."


Platinum Member


“Chad also demanded the withdrawal of French troops from the country. The reason for the acceleration of events in this direction was the murder of a local resident by French soldiers, which led to protests against the French colonialists.

Ironically, France considered withdrawing its colonial troops from Niger to Chad, due to the fact that the Niger military demanded an exact date for the final withdrawal of all French troops. And now it turns out that they didn’t even have time to get out of Niger, as they are already being kicked out of Chad.

Previously, the French were expelled from the Central African Republic, Mali and Burkina Faso.
Niger, Gabon and Chad are next in line.”


Platinum Member
Most EU countries are against extending an import ban on Ukrainian grain beyond mid-September, four EU diplomats told POLITICO,pushing back against calls by five eastern member countries to keep the restrictions in place.

Ukrainian grain products — wheat, maize, rapeseed and sunflower seeds — are banned from the markets of Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Slovakia under a deal struck with the European Commission earlier this year to protect their farmers from an influx of cheaper produce from their war-torn neighbor.

The restrictions are due to expire on September 15, but the front-line five have been advocating for their extension until at least the end of the year.

At a meeting with the Commission on Wednesday, EU ambassadors from the remaining 22 member states either openly opposed the idea of extending the restrictions or remained deeply skeptical, a senior EU diplomat said.

France and Germany were among the countries most critical of the extension, the diplomat said.

Two diplomats said that while many countries recognized the difficulties faced by the five eastern countries, they have asked the Commission to propose alternative measures.