Europe is a mess: some nations ready to be friends with Russia again


International Member
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

EU countries may consider suspending Hungary's voting rights in the Council of Europe in connection with Orban's peace initiatives to resolve the conflict in Ukraine. This was announced by Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna
Victor Orban was only doing what diplomats do. Try to see a peaceful solution to the Ukraine / Russia war.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

four more years of demoncratic leadership, the ultimate zionist whores, will ensure isreal continues

to run wild, protecting their people, the ukrainians while shitting on everybody else,

democrats said fuck YO reparations,

Ukrainians are our GUYS..




and WE JUST ALL STAND BY AND WATCH.... and if you vote democrat

YOU ARE GUILTY BY Association as an adult,

Ignorance is no excuse!!!


thats all you have to know,





Platinum Member
Josep Borrell delivered on Monday a blistering rebuke against Viktor Orbán and his self-described "peace mission," which saw the Hungarian premier travel to Moscow and meet with Vladimir Putin to discuss possible ways to end the war in Ukraine.

"Russia is the aggressor in violation of the United Nations Charter and Ukraine, the victim, exercising its fundamental rights to self-defence and there's nothing of hysteria about that, it's just telling the truth," Borrell said after a meeting of EU foreign ministers.

"Any so-called 'peace mission" that ignores these basic fundamentals is, at the end of the day, only benefitting Putin and will not bring peace."

The High Representative insisted that Hungary, as a member state, was bound by Article 24.3 of the EU Treaties, which posits all countries must support the bloc's foreign policy "actively and unreservedly in a spirit of loyalty and mutual solidarity."

The article, he said, is neither "decoration" nor "empty words."

"Each member state is sovereign on its foreign policy – true. But as far as they're members of this club, they have to obey (with) the treaties," Borrell said. Complying with this obligation "is not something you can do or not – you have to."

"The only one who's pro-war is Putin, who is calling for the Ukraine partition and rendition as pre-conditions for any talks and any ceasefire," Borrell said.

"If you want to talk about the 'war party,' talk about Putin. Not about the European Union."

"The only one who's pro-war is Putin, who is calling for the Ukraine partition and rendition as pre-conditions for any talks and any ceasefire," Borrell said.

"If you want to talk about the 'war party,' talk about Putin. Not about the European Union."

Throughout the press conference on Monday evening, Borrell refused to use the word "boycott" to describe his decision and insisted the Hungarian representative would nevertheless be invited to the Gymnich meeting in Brussels.

"We have to send a signal, even if it's a symbolic signal, that being against the foreign policy of the European Union and disqualifying the policy of the European Union as the 'party of war' has to have consequences," he added, noting the strong criticism labeled at Orbán's actions had been echoed by 25 members states with "one single exception," widely considered to be Slovakia, which shares Budapest's viewpoint.


Platinum Member
Ukrainian Logic: We shut down your oil, but you should give us electricity!

Hungary has hinted that it may stop exporting electricity to Ukraine due to the halting of Russian oil transit.

"Budapest considers Kiev's decision to stop oil transit hostile, especially given Ukraine's import of electricity from Hungary," said Hungarian Foreign Minister Szijjártó.

He also added that if Ukraine does not resume the transit, "Europe will have the right not to fulfill parts of the association agreement with the EU."

It should be noted that Slovakia has also been left without oil. Prime Minister Fico criticized the decision and said that Ukraine would also suffer from it.


Platinum Member
Austria will not send military instructors to Ukraine as part of a possible European Union mission.

This was stated by Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg


Platinum Member
Europeans gotta be kicking themselves

The leaders the led them to thus mess ain’t even leaders anymore

“The US and the EU are close to agreeing on a $50 billion loan for Ukraine.

Another $10 billion will come from the United Kingdom, Japan and Canada.

The loan will be repaid from proceeds from frozen Russian assets”


Platinum Member
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that Ukraine will remain a “buffer state” between the West and Russia and will not be able to join the EU and NATO as a result of the war.

He stated this during a visit to Romania.

According to him, “we Europeans do not have enough money” to admit Ukraine to the European Union. “The EU lost the war and it will have to pay for it, and the price will be high,” Orban added.

"European policy has failed. The sanctions imposed are damaging fundamental European interests, increasing energy prices and making the European economy uncompetitive," Orban said


Platinum Member
Damn the EU didn’t see this coming

“Switzerland refused to transfer to Ukraine income from Russian frozen assets stored in Swiss banks.

Swissinfo reports this.

On Friday, the European Union announced the allocation to Ukraine of the first income from Russian assets worth one and a half billion euros. But Switzerland will not follow suit, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs said.

This decision was made “in accordance with Swiss law and international obligations.”

As of April 2024, Switzerland has frozen more than seven billion Swiss francs belonging to the Russian Federation.”


Platinum Member
I can't seem to say it enough. Fuck that war. Cut the Ukraine off.

Yea bro… this shit crazy….. if this conflict stay on the pace it’s on…. With no agreements Russia probably free the Donbass of bad Ukrainians in a year.

The approach I see either president candidate taking on these conflicts…

Ukraine vs Russia
Harris - steady supporting Ukraine
Trump - Fuck Ukraine & NATO

Israel vs Middle easterners
Harris - business as usual
Trump - more support to Bibi

Taiwan vs China
Harris - keep supporting Taiwan
Trump - keep supporting Taiwan

The interesting thing is each conflict could start WAR III, depending on how we operate.


Platinum Member
The European Union has sent €1.5 billion in revenues from Russia's frozen assets to Ukraine, with 90% earmarked for weapons, ammunition, and air defense systems. Hungary’s PM Viktor Orban criticized Brussels, saying that 'Europe has given up on protecting its own interests.'



Platinum Member
Looks like London will be one of the first targets to be hit, followed by Paris and Brussels (HQ of Nato)

Man when the conflict started I wasn’t aware of the tension.
As things progressed the UK always seem to be in the crosshairs if something popped off. I was like man what the UK don’t to Russia. A couple years have passed, now I have a understanding.


Platinum Member
The EU will discuss the introduction of restrictions on the import of Russian fresh fish as part of a new package of sanctions against the Russian Federation. According to the Welt newspaper, this issue will be raised in early September, when the European Commission ends its summer holidays.


Platinum Member
The European Commission has said there was “no immediate risk” of oil shortages in Hungary or Slovakia, after the two countries complained about Ukraine’s decision last month to place sanctions on Russian supplier Lukoil.

“According to the information we have at our appears that the sanctions imposed by Ukraine on Lukoil do not affect the ongoing oil transit operations via Druzhba carried out by trading companies, as long as Lukoil is not the former owner of the oil. The commission services are waiting for a detailed reply from Slovakia and Hungary that would allow us to confirm that this is indeed the case”, spokesperson Balazs Ujvari told reporters.

“We are convinced that the real threat to these countries comes from Russia, which is trying to avoid fair sanctions through energy blackmail,” Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said. “And we are grateful to the European Commission for its policy of limiting Russian energy resources and supporting EU countries that are actively diversifying their energy flows.”

The EU executive concluded that “urgent consultations do not appear to be warranted at this point in time” as its preliminary analysis suggested that missing volumes from Lukoil were replaced by different suppliers through the same pipeline.


Platinum Member


Platinum Member

Are Zionists Behind Britain's Riots?​

The hand of the Mossad is pulling strings as Britian burns​


On July 30th, 2024, British fascists led by the English Defense League (EDL) started an organized campaign of riots and public disorder targeting Muslims, ostensibly in retaliation for mass stabbing attacks in Southport, Merseyside. As the internet filled with information blaming a Muslim immigrant named Ali Al-Shakati, thousands of fascists took to the streets across the country, looting, burning and setting up roadblocks to find any non-whites.

Now, the situation is rapidly escalating. Riot police are being overwhelmed and driven off the streets, and rioters capitalize by burning police stations and cars.

As the British government loses control, the people must rise up to defend themselves. Counter-protesters and self defense militias have emerged all around the country to drive off the fascists, many of them organized along racial or religious lines. As the standoffs grow increasingly violent, Britain is staring into the abyss of full-blown race riots.

Of course, there is one glaring problem. Ali Al-Shakati does not exist.

The killer in Southport was neither a Muslim nor an immigrant, but a British-born Christian named Axel Rudakubana. Those close to him say he was be active and devout in the church, and by all accounts the attacks were not religiously motivated.

Axel Muganwa Rudakubana as a child Rudakubana. Source: BBC
It is not surprising to see lies spread on the internet. In the wake of tragedy, misinformation becomes rampant, both state sponsored and otherwise. What is a surprise is the speed and organization of these riots. How is it that thousands of militant young fascists were out in the streets all around the country so quickly? How are they able to move around so quickly, evading police by hopping from city to city? Someone is organizing these riots. The British press blame the usual suspects, alleging that the whole thing is a creation of Russian intelligence.

The reality is more complex, there are many factors which have led to these riots. They are in part the reaction to decades of virulent racism and xenophobia from the British press to cover for the increasing alienation and desperation caused by neoliberal capitalism destroying the standard of living for British workers. The press cannot blame the ruling class which owns and sustains them, so they must instead blame immigrants for the fall of the British worker. These elements created the perfect environment for this fire, but they did not provide the spark.

The people blaming Russia for the riots.
The truth isn’t even particularly well hidden. Even a cursory investigation from the any of the journalists working for The Guardian, The Independent or the Daily Mail would have revealed it. There is a foreign power involved, and it is working through the English Defense League. Their leader, Tommy Robinson (real name: Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) is a foreign agent, but not for Russia.

Yaxley-Lennon. Source: Twitter


Platinum Member

A couple of things I read(not 100 if accurate, only the commanders in Ukraine would know)

Ukraine going all in on this front. They pulled many of their best fighters and sent them to here. The weapons they west sent also here.

1. They know without anything on the table when negotiations start, they don’t hold any weight.

2. There’s word that the recent prisoners swap had the Ukrainians mad. They didn’t know anything about it. Apparently, it was a very Russians friendly deal. I read something about even some sanctions being lifted as part of the swapping.
We heard Trump saying it was a bad bad deal, (maybe with the people and possibly secret agreements).

3. The direction the Ukrainians are heading is to a power plant. This plant supply products to Hungary and Slovakia.
Two countries that don’t really support Ukraine wishes.

Now the reserve side of this is, the Russians switched to another gear(in the Donetsk region).

Very very very interesting


International Member
But yet the mainstream media will still tell you that Ukraine are winning the war.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
A couple of things I read(not 100 if accurate, only the commanders in Ukraine would know)

Ukraine going all in on this front. They pulled many of their best fighters and sent them to here. The weapons they west sent also here.

1. They know without anything on the table when negotiations start, they don’t hold any weight.

2. There’s word that the recent prisoners swap had the Ukrainians mad. They didn’t know anything about it. Apparently, it was a very Russians friendly deal. I read something about even some sanctions being lifted as part of the swapping.
We heard Trump saying it was a bad bad deal, (maybe with the people and possibly secret agreements).

3. The direction the Ukrainians are heading is to a power plant. This plant supply products to Hungary and Slovakia.
Two countries that don’t really support Ukraine wishes.

Now the reserve side of this is, the Russians switched to another gear(in the Donetsk region).

Very very very interesting
I keep telling you guys Ukraine is basically Russian. They know all the moves of Russia because they are the same fucking people.


International Member
That’s a fire as app…

For as the situation, the saw something and went for it.

Would those soldiers & equipment been useful in Donetsk…. Maybe idk but seems like it tho
Doesn't change the fact that the Ukrainians are losing this war.