Ex-Illuminati Dutch Banker Exposes the Elite - Ronald Bernard


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
Many will dispel a lot of what he is saying as mistruth and say this is tin foil hat wearing stuff, and that's fine. But if you take the time to listen and see what's really going on behind the scenes, it's pretty eye opening.

Dutch banker Ronald Bernard exposes the elite. Translated by Vigilant Citizen

Ex-Illuminati Banker Exposes The Elite - Ronald Bernard
Part 1

Part 2

The Psychopaths of the New World Order
Ronald Bernard Interview Analyzed

In part 4, I'm going to review some of the secrets revealed by New World Order insider, Ronald Bernard. We will analyze his interview and briefly review the psychopathic traits of some of the New World Order's "usual suspects" - including Lord Jacob Rothschild, David Rockefeller, George Soros, Prince Bandar, Henry Kissinger and George HW Bush.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I didn't peep it but do you think what he is sayin is only being said to implement fear...

I mean it's all problems right or does he provide solutions


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
I didn't peep it but do you think what he is sayin is only being said to implement fear...

I mean it's all problems right or does he provide solutions
Not to incite fear, just exposing what people think is one way when it is another. He states the best solution is awareness, because we pretty much are powerless without unity of the masses. The elite know it's best to divide and conquer. Things like political parties, fighting among races, terrorism, all falls into what they create to keep the madness moving along in their favor.


Rising Star
Many will dispel a lot of what he is saying as mistruth and say this is tin foil hat wearing stuff, and that's fine. But if you take the time to listen and see what's really going on behind the scenes, it's pretty eye opening.

Dutch banker Ronald Bernard exposes the elite. Translated by Vigilant Citizen

Ex-Illuminati Banker Exposes The Elite - Ronald Bernard
Part 1

Part 2

The Psychopaths of the New World Order
Ronald Bernard Interview Analyzed

In part 4, I'm going to review some of the secrets revealed by New World Order insider, Ronald Bernard. We will analyze his interview and briefly review the psychopathic traits of some of the New World Order's "usual suspects" - including Lord Jacob Rothschild, David Rockefeller, George Soros, Prince Bandar, Henry Kissinger and George HW Bush.

Cliff notes


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not to incite fear, just exposing what people think is one way when it is another. He states the best solution is awareness, because we pretty much are powerless without unity of the masses. The elite know it's best to divide and conquer. Things like political parties, fighting among races, terrorism, all falls into what they create to keep the madness moving along in their favor.

Yup fear and chaos


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
follow the money always. and you will end up either dead or join them. you probably will end up dead

yea only people that fear death worry about that.. thats why they work day and night to implement fear....

but truth be told its not really the illumiNOTi that you have to watch out for..

its the pions willing to do all their dirty work...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
yea only people that fear death worry about that.. thats why they work day and night to implement fear....

but truth be told its not really the illumiNOTi that you have to watch out for..

its the pions willing to do all their dirty work...

I'll be back to share my thoughts on this topic!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
yea only people that fear death worry about that.. thats why they work day and night to implement fear....

but truth be told its not really the illumiNOTi that you have to watch out for..

its the pions willing to do all their dirty work...

Bro, your spot on!! These people doing the elites dirty work are people that look like or have the same hue as us!! The name of the game is to turn everyone fear switch to a permanent on!!


We copper color people have to turn our fear switch off!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
nah the real illuminnoti will never ever ever get their

hands dirty, if so many flunkies werent willing to do their dirty

work, they simply would not exist.

It's that Monopoly money that causes those sell outs to do anything!! Don't get me wrong, in this world we live in, you need money!! But don't sell ur soul or sellout your people for sum extra chips!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's that Monopoly money that causes those sell outs to do anything!! Don't get me wrong, in this world we live in, you need money!! But don't sell ur soul or sellout your people for sum extra chips!!

true in a sense be we need money because they stole our land from us, and made us more dependent on their system...

this shit was by design.. places like black wall street scared the cracker jesus out their ass..

thats all they needed was for us to depend on us...

the illuminoti are the laziest muthafuckas to ever exist they need people to do their work or they couldnt exist....

lazy ass parasitic fuckers...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
true in a sense be we need money because they stole our land from us, and made us more dependent on their system...

this shit was by design.. places like black wall street scared the cracker jesus out their ass..

thats all they needed was for us to depend on us...

the illuminoti are the laziest muthafuckas to ever exist they need people to do their work or they couldnt exist....

lazy ass parasitic fuckers...

They are lazy!! And they get off rubbing the truth in our faces!! But they know only a small percent of the population will see what there doing. However, they know the sleeping masses wont see it because there caught up in reality shows, sports and living the so-called dream!!

As far as Blk Wall Street goes, they always gotta have their foot on our necks!! We as a people are one bad ass group!! Everything we touch, we turn it up a few notches and kickass doing it!! And that scares the pure shit outta them!! That's why they have the media spreading false propaganda on us!! There not dumb, they know and understand how creative we are!! And if the education system was equal as they claim, we would dominate in education,,, also!!

Anyway, Bro we have sum work on our hands!! Backing our people outta this illusion/dream!!!