Fani Willis ain't playing games, Ga. Grand Jury Looms in Trump Inquiry UPDATE-AND FANI MAKES 4, It's "cheese and Kraken" time as they flip


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Georgia state bar investigating two lawyers who participated in fake elector plot


The State Bar of Georgia is investigating two Republican lawyers who signed on to the “fake electors” scheme to subvert the Electoral College in the 2020 presidential election.

The lawyers, Brad Carver and Daryl Moody, were specifically referred to the State Disciplinary Board for investigation by the Office of General Counsel, the state bar told CNN in a statement.

Carver, a lawyer and member of the Republican National Lawyers Association, and Moody, chairman of the Foundation Board of Governors for the Georgia Republican Foundation, are two of the 16 individuals who signed the fake elector certificates that were ultimately sent to the National Archives in late 2020.


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Judge suggests Rudy Giuliani travel by train or 'Uber or whatever' after his lawyers said a medical issue prevents him from flying to Atlanta to testify in a Trump election probe

  • Rudy Giuliani didn't appear in front of a grand jury in Georgia on Tuesday due to medical issues.
  • A doctor wrote a note saying Giuliani wasn't cleared for air travel after heart surgery.
  • A state judge suggested he make a road trip instead of traveling by plane to testify in Fulton County's election probe.
A Georgia state judge had an idea for how Rudy Giuliani could testify in Georgia after the Trump ally said he couldn't make it due to a medical condition: turn it into a road trip.

Giuliani — who had been ordered to appear before a grand jury as part of Fulton County prosecutors' investigation into 2020 election meddling — didn't appear in court on Tuesday after a doctor's note said he couldn't travel by plane.

So Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney suggested Giuliani travel on "a train, on a bus or Uber or whatever" to arrive in court by August 17.

"I'm confident he can figure out a way — short of a Greyhound — to get him to Atlanta," McBurney said during a hearing Tuesday with Giuliani's lawyers and state prosecutors. "Do it in 3 legs. [Do] you know folks in DC? Spend the night there."

The grand jury is investigating whether former President Donald Trump and his allies tried to interfere in the 2020 general election results in the state.

Giuliani's lawyer, William Thomas Jr., said the former New York mayor and Trump lawyer underwent surgery to implant heart stents at the beginning of July which is what is stopping him from getting on a plane.

His lawyers offered for Giuliani to call in via Zoom or meet with prosecutors in New York, but both options were turned down by Fulton Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade in court.

The back and forth over Giuliani's appearance started when last week his lawyers contacted Georgia prosecutors saying a recent medical procedure would stop him from traveling to the hearing, according to court records.

McBurney excused him from the originally scheduled testimony, but called Tuesday's hearing in its place.

Prosecutors submitted evidence they said showed that Giuliani was OK to travel to the hearing. They shared documents showing Giuliani purchased airline tickets to Rome, Italy, and Zurich, Switzerland for flights between July 22 and July 29 — after his medical procedure.

On Tuesday, his lawyers said "no such travel ever occurred," and that he had been invited to a conference overseas so "presumably," organizers or another party bought the tickets on his behalf.

He was scheduled to give a speech in Rome, but they canceled the appearance "based solely on his health."

Prosecutors also included a screenshot of an August 1 tweet that shows Giuliani in New Hampshire. Thomas said he traveled to the state "by a private car in which he was the passenger."

Giuliani was one of Trump's allies who create so-called alternate slates of pro-Trump electors in an effort to change the results of the election in states the former president lost in 2020 — one of them being Georgia.

Judge suggests Rudy Giuliani travel by train or 'Uber or whatever' after his lawyers said a medical issue prevents him from flying to Atlanta to testify in a Trump election probe (


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BGOL Investor
Judge suggests Rudy Giuliani travel by train or 'Uber or whatever' after his lawyers said a medical issue prevents him from flying to Atlanta to testify in a Trump election probe

  • Rudy Giuliani didn't appear in front of a grand jury in Georgia on Tuesday due to medical issues.
  • A doctor wrote a note saying Giuliani wasn't cleared for air travel after heart surgery.
  • A state judge suggested he make a road trip instead of traveling by plane to testify in Fulton County's election probe.
A Georgia state judge had an idea for how Rudy Giuliani could testify in Georgia after the Trump ally said he couldn't make it due to a medical condition: turn it into a road trip.

Giuliani — who had been ordered to appear before a grand jury as part of Fulton County prosecutors' investigation into 2020 election meddling — didn't appear in court on Tuesday after a doctor's note said he couldn't travel by plane.

So Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney suggested Giuliani travel on "a train, on a bus or Uber or whatever" to arrive in court by August 17.

"I'm confident he can figure out a way — short of a Greyhound — to get him to Atlanta," McBurney said during a hearing Tuesday with Giuliani's lawyers and state prosecutors. "Do it in 3 legs. [Do] you know folks in DC? Spend the night there."

The grand jury is investigating whether former President Donald Trump and his allies tried to interfere in the 2020 general election results in the state.

Giuliani's lawyer, William Thomas Jr., said the former New York mayor and Trump lawyer underwent surgery to implant heart stents at the beginning of July which is what is stopping him from getting on a plane.

His lawyers offered for Giuliani to call in via Zoom or meet with prosecutors in New York, but both options were turned down by Fulton Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade in court.

The back and forth over Giuliani's appearance started when last week his lawyers contacted Georgia prosecutors saying a recent medical procedure would stop him from traveling to the hearing, according to court records.

McBurney excused him from the originally scheduled testimony, but called Tuesday's hearing in its place.

Prosecutors submitted evidence they said showed that Giuliani was OK to travel to the hearing. They shared documents showing Giuliani purchased airline tickets to Rome, Italy, and Zurich, Switzerland for flights between July 22 and July 29 — after his medical procedure.

On Tuesday, his lawyers said "no such travel ever occurred," and that he had been invited to a conference overseas so "presumably," organizers or another party bought the tickets on his behalf.

He was scheduled to give a speech in Rome, but they canceled the appearance "based solely on his health."

Prosecutors also included a screenshot of an August 1 tweet that shows Giuliani in New Hampshire. Thomas said he traveled to the state "by a private car in which he was the passenger."

Giuliani was one of Trump's allies who create so-called alternate slates of pro-Trump electors in an effort to change the results of the election in states the former president lost in 2020 — one of them being Georgia.

Judge suggests Rudy Giuliani travel by train or 'Uber or whatever' after his lawyers said a medical issue prevents him from flying to Atlanta to testify in a Trump election probe (
They know if Rudy shows up they are fucked cause he just can't keep his mouth shut :roflmao:


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Fulton County DA's office pushes back against Lindsey Graham's attempts to evade subpoena


Graham claimed that he was only curious about some of Georgia's voting laws surrounding signature verification, not helping Donald Trump overturn the 2020 election. The Fulton County district attorney's office isn't buying it.

The Fulton County district attorney’s office is pushing back against South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham’s request to squash a subpoena that would require him to testify in Georgia about his actions in the state related to the 2020 presidential election. A response filed by the office on Thursday added additional evidence as to why Graham should be subpoenaed and follow through with that demand. Prosecutors pushed back against Graham’s attorney’s arguments that Graham couldn’t be subpoenaed because of the “privilege derived from the Speech or Debate Clause of the United States Constitution.” That clause typically protects lawmakers like Graham from what they say during legislative activities being used against them.

Prosecutors found precedent establishing that such a privilege is utterly moot in this case, as Graham is being subpoenaed “as a witness before the special purpose grand jury investigating third-party crimes,” Thursday’s filing notes. Laura Clawson beautifully summarizes Graham’s defense as being, “Suck it, I’m a U.S. senator,” which actually isn’t good enough in a court of law! A hearing on the case is set for Wednesday, so soon this matter will be put to rest and Graham will likely be forced to testify about the intimate knowledge he appears to have about Donald Trump’s election overturning efforts in Georgia, such as his push to force election officials to somehow find “11,780 votes” that the former president believes should’ve gone time him in 2020.

As Axios notes, Graham’s own pressuring of Georgia election officials is apparently news to Graham, who’s pushed back at such accusations by claiming his involvement in Georgia was simply to learn more about the state’s signature verification system. So far, Graham has been silent about this latest development in his case. His most recent tweet concerns the proposed Inflation Reduction Act, which he slammed in typical Trumpian terms.

Fulton County DA's office pushes back against Lindsey Graham's attempts to evade subpoena (


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Rudy Giuliani told by prosecutors he is a target in Georgia 2020 presidential election probe

(CNN)Rudy Giuliani has been told by prosecutors in Georgia that he is a target of the special purpose grand jury investigating whether former President Donald Trump and his allies violated the law in their efforts to flip the 2020 election results in Georgia.
A prosecutor from the Fulton County District Attorney's office called Giuliani's Georgia counsel on Monday to inform him that Giuliani is now considered a target of their investigation, said Bob Costello, another attorney for Giuliani.
"This comes on the heels of us asking him probably six or seven times" whether Giuliani was a target, Costello said. He said the district attorney's office previously declined to answer that question.
The development for Giuliani marks the first time a close adviser to Trump has been notified he is a target in a criminal investigation into the then-President's inner circle around the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election. Both the Georgia grand jury and the Justice Department are investigating the post-election efforts to help Trump retain his office.
Giuliani's status became public on Monday alongside other developments in the Georgia investigation -- with a court ruling that Sen. Lindsey Graham must testify -- as well as in several other criminal probes touching upon the ex-President and his advisers.
Those include the investigation into the handling of classified records at Mar-a-Lago after Trump's presidency and the federal grand jury that is investigating January 6.

The January 6 federal grand jury subpoenaed Eric Herschmann, a former Trump White House lawyer and senior adviser, CNN and other outlets reported Monday.
Giuliani being told by prosecutors that he is the target of the investigation was first reported by The New York Times. The district attorney's office declined to comment to CNN for this story.

Costello said Giuliani will still appear Wednesday before the special grand jury but declined to say whether his client would invoke his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.
Giuliani, who served as an attorney for Trump during the 2020 election, was ordered by an Atlanta-area judge to appear in person in front of the special grand jury this week.
Giuliani was subpoenaed in July, and a New York judge ordered the former mayor to testify as a witness before the special grand jury in Georgia after he failed to appear at a hearing in New York about blocking the subpoena. The former New York mayor also unsuccessfully tried to delay his appearance, saying he shouldn't fly after he underwent heart stent surgery last month.
Giuliani met with Georgia state legislators three times in December 2020 in the aftermath of the presidential election -- twice in person and once remotely. During the meetings, Giuliani spread conspiracy theories about widespread irregularities and fraud in the state. Among his many false claims, Giuliani accused two Atlanta election workers of smuggling fraudulent ballots for Joe Biden in suitcases.
Democratic state legislators previously recounted to CNN grand jury testimony they were asked to give in the district attorney's probe that covered Giuliani's conduct. They said they testified about Giuliani's appearance at a December 3, 2020, Georgia Senate subcommittee hearing, during which Giuliani pushed false claims of mass election fraud.
Numerous state and federal officials have debunked Giuliani's claims of fraud in Georgia, a state that Biden won by nearly 12,000 votes. Byung "Bjay" Pak, the former top federal prosecutor for the Northern District of Georgia, was among those who testified before the US House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, insurrection that Giuliani's claims of election fraud in Fulton County had been investigated by federal authorities and found to be untrue.
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, a Democrat, has detailed the far-reaching scope of the investigation, saying that it includes potential "solicitation of election fraud, the making of false statements to state and local governmental bodies, conspiracy, racketeering, violation of oath of office and any involvement in violence or threats related to the election's administration."

Rudy Giuliani told by prosecutors he is a target in Georgia 2020 presidential election probe - CNNPolitics



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"Interview with the Vampire"

Then afterwards he ducks out an exits stage left out of a side entrance...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Giuliani gives 6-hour testimony in Georgia criminal probe; Trump attorney is target in inquiry: Live updates

Rudy Giuliani departed an Atlanta courthouse Wednesday, declining to comment following a nearly six-hour session before a special grand jury investigating interference in the 2020 election.

Citing grand jury secrecy, Giuliani’s attorney, Robert Costello, declined to say whether former President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer invoked his right against self-incrimination after being designated by Fulton County prosecutors as a target of the inquiry.

“It was cordial,” Costello said.

Earlier this week, Georgia prosecutors notified Giuliani's lawyers that the former New York mayor is now a target of the widening probe, led by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

Costello had said that his client would decline to answer questions about any conversations with Trump. Given his status as a target, it was not immediately clear whether Giuliani would answer any questions.

Rudy Giuliani testifies for 6 hours on Georgia election results - live updates (
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Giuliani testifies in Georgia criminal probe into 2020 U.S. election

ATLANTA, Aug 17 (Reuters) - Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump's onetime personal lawyer, testified before a special grand jury in Atlanta on Wednesday in a Georgia criminal probe examining attempts by the former U.S. president and his allies to overturn the 2020 election results.

Giuliani, who helped lead Trump's election challenges, spent more than six hours in the Fulton County courthouse after a judge ordered him to comply with a subpoena. His lawyers, who declined to comment on his testimony,said he would refuse to answer questions that violate attorney-client privilege.

The former New York City mayor, 78, appeared before Georgia state lawmakers in December 2020, echoing Trump's false conspiracy theories about stolen ballots and urging them not to certify Democratic President Joe Biden's victory over the Republican Trump.

"It's a grand jury and grand juries, as I recall, are secret," Giuliani told CNN on his arrival at the courthouse, when asked to comment on his testimony. "They ask the questions and we'll see."

Giuliani left the courthouse through one of the building's side entrances, local media in Atlanta reported.

"We were ordered to be here, we showed up, we did what we have to do," said Giuliani's lawyer, Bill Thomas. "The special grand jury process is a secret process, and we're gonna respect that process."

The Fulton County probe began after a January 2021 recorded phone call in which Trump urged the state's top election official to "find" enough votes to alter the outcome. The former president has asserted falsely that he won Georgia, as well as the 2020 presidential contest.

The special grand jury was convened in May at the request of county District Attorney Fani Willis.

Giuliani, a former crime-fighting U.S. Attorney, was among several Trump advisers and lawyers who received subpoenas from the grand jury last month, including U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

Giuliani testifies in Georgia criminal probe into 2020 U.S. election | Reuters
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Senator Graham wins temporary reprieve from testifying in Trump Georgia probe

WASHINGTON, Aug 21 (Reuters) - An appeals court put on hold U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham's scheduled testimony for Tuesday before a grand jury in Georgia probing efforts by Donald Trump to overturn the former president's 2020 election defeat, with the case returning to a lower court for another look.

A federal judge on Monday had rejected Graham's challenge to the subpoena to testify before the grand jury. Graham, a Republican, had argued his position as a U.S. senator provided him immunity from having to appear before the investigative panel.
Sunday's order by the Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals comes as a temporary reprieve for Graham who otherwise would have had to testify on Tuesday.

Testimony from Graham, a close ally of Trump, could shed further light on the coordinated effort by Trump's team to reverse the 2020 results.

The appeals court gave Graham a new chance to challenge the subpoena based on protections for lawmakers under the U.S. Constitution's "speech or debate" clause. That provision can protect lawmakers from being compelled to discuss legislative activity.

"The district court shall expedite the parties’ briefing in a manner that it deems appropriate," Sunday's order said.

The grand jury wants to question Graham about at least two phone calls he made to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and his staff in the weeks following the November 2020 presidential election, in which Graham explored the possibility of re-examining absentee ballots, according to prosecutors.

The Georgia probe is one among several legal troubles faced by the former president, whose Florida home was searched by federal agents this month and whose role in the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol is being investigated separately by a congressional panel.

Trump has falsely claimed that rampant voter fraud caused his loss in Georgia, a battleground state where President Joe Biden's victory helped propel him to the White House.

The special grand jury in Fulton County, Georgia, is undertaking a criminal investigation into alleged wrongdoing. Trump was recorded in a Jan. 2, 2021, phone call pressuring a top state official to "find" enough votes to overturn his loss to Biden in the state. He has denied any wrongdoing.

The grand jury had also subpoenaed members of Trump's former legal team. Rudy Giuliani, Trump's onetime personal lawyer, testified before the special grand jury in Atlanta on Wednesday.

Senator Graham wins temporary reprieve from testifying in Trump Georgia probe | Reuters


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Georgia Election Probe: Some Could Go To Prison, Lead Prosecutor Reportedly Says

The panel has heard credible allegations that indicate people committed serious crimes, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis told the Post in an interview Tuesday.

At least 17 people have been identified as targets in the investigation, Willis said, while declining to name the people, although Trump’s former personal attorney Rudy Giuliani has been told he is a target, according to Guiliani’s legal team.
Some 16 fake electors who met at the Georgia state capitol in 2020 to cast ballots in favor of Trump despite him losing the state have also reportedly been told they are under criminal investigation and could face prosecution.

The team will also add other targets to the list soon, Willis told the Post.
“The allegations are very serious. If indicted and convicted, people are facing prison sentences,” Willis said in the interview. It could take months to indict those involved, according to the Post.

Prosecutors will likely decide later this fall whether to ask Trump to testify before the panel, Willis said.

Willis launched the special grand jury investigation in February 2021 to investigate Trump’s post-election conduct. She did so after a recording of a call between Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was published by the Post, in which Trump asked Raffensperger to “find” votes for him in a state he lost. The panel has subpoenaed a host of people close to Trump, including Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Giuiliani, conservative legal scholar John Eastman and Trump-allied lawyers Jenna Ellis, Cleta Mitchell and Kenneth Chesebro. The grand jury will finish its fact-finding stage of the probe before the end of the year, Willis told the Post. The panel could recommend criminal charges, though a separate grand jury would need to indict Trump or any others involved. Several Trump allies, including Giuliani and Graham, have resisted subpoenas to appear before the committee, though Giuliani testified last month and a judge has ruled Graham must also appear. Trump’s post-election conduct is also the subject of the House January 6 committee probe, which has included interviews with more than a thousand witnesses, including several former Trump aides, about the Capitol riots.

Trump told right-wing radio host Hugh Hewitt Thursday morning he has not been notified he is a target in any criminal investigation. He also claimed he wasn’t involved in Republican Party efforts to submit fake electors in his favor in seven swing states, though Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has told the House January 6 committee that Trump was involved.

Georgia 2020 election inquiry may lead to prison sentences, prosecutor says (Washington Post)

Giuliani Is Target Of Georgia Election Grand Jury Probe, Lawyer Says (Forbes)

Georgia Election Probe: Some Could Go To Prison, Lead Prosecutor Reportedly Says (


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This will also be a major piece of evidence in her investigation

Judge orders more Eastman emails released, citing fraud pushed by Trump

A California-based federal judge ordered a legal adviser to President Trump to turn over records tied to Jan. 6 to the House committee investigating the attack, finding the communications were not protected since they likely were exchanged in furtherance of a crime.

Included in the emails is evidence that Trump pushed ahead in court with voter fraud claims he knew were inaccurate — details certain to be of interest to the House select committee.

Judge David Carter ordered John Eastman, who crafted two memos for the Trump campaign detailing methods to resist certifying President Biden’s victory, to turn over some 33 documents to the House panel.

That includes eight documents the judge said related to crimes of obstructing an official proceeding and conspiracy to defraud the United States.

Carter previously found in March that it was more likely than not that Trump committed crimes as part of his plot to stay in power.

Wednesday’s ruling highlights an email among Trump’s lawyers specifically related to conspiracy to defraud.

One email from Eastman notes Trump was told that a December suit filed in Georgia claiming that unregistered voters and dead people voted in the election there may not have accurate numbers — relaying that concern before the campaign escalated the matter to a federal court.

“Although the President signed a verification for [the state court filing] back on Dec. 1, he has since been made aware that some of the allegations (and evidence proffered by the experts) has been inaccurate. For him to sign a new verification with that knowledge (and incorporation by reference) would not be accurate,” Eastman said.
“President Trump and his attorneys ultimately filed the complaint with the same inaccurate numbers without rectifying, clarifying, or otherwise changing them,” Carter wrote. “President Trump, moreover, signed a verification swearing under oath that the incorporated, inaccurate numbers ‘are true and correct’ or ‘believed to be true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief.’”

“The emails show that President Trump knew that the specific numbers of voter fraud were wrong but continued to tout those numbers, both in court and to the public. The Court finds that these emails are sufficiently related to and in furtherance of a conspiracy to defraud the United States.”

The ruling likewise notes that four emails from Eastman and other attorneys “suggest that — irrespective of the merits — the primary goal of filing is to delay or otherwise disrupt the January 6 vote.”

One such email claimed that having litigation before the Supreme Court could aid the campaign’s efforts in Georgia.

“This email, read in context with other documents in this review, make clear that President Trump filed certain lawsuits not to obtain legal relief, but to disrupt or delay the January 6 congressional proceedings through the courts,” Carter wrote.

The ruling from the court — and the emails about Trump’s knowledge ahead of court activity — comes shortly after the House committee held its likely final hearing, dedicating much of its time to share new evidence that Trump knew he lost the 2020 election.

The presentation included new testimony from former aides to Trump, including Alyssa Farah Griffin, the former White House director of strategic communications, who said she entered the Oval Office after the election to hear Trump say, “Can you believe I lost to this effing guy?”

The committee also offered new details about the extent Trump planned to claim he had won the 2020 contest on election night regardless of the results, including testimony from former campaign manager Brad Parscale that he planned to do so as far back as July.

Judge orders more Eastman emails released, citing fraud pushed by Trump | The Hill


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Justice Clarence Thomas temporarily blocks Lindsey Graham's testimony in Georgia election interference probe
The order means the case remains on hold while justices decide how to proceed on Graham's emergency request to quash a subpoena for his testimony.

Conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas on Monday temporarily put on hold a requirement that Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., testify in a Georgia prosecutor's probe of allegations of interference in the 2020 election by former President Donald Trump and his allies.

The decision by Thomas, who handles emergency requests that arise from Georgia, freezes the litigation while the justices weigh Graham's plea that the Supreme Court quash the subpoena. Thomas had asked lawyers for the Fulton County District Attorney's Office to respond to Graham's request by close of business Thursday. Thomas can handle the application by himself, although generally such issues get referred to the full nine-justice court, which has a 6-3 conservative majority.

Last week, the Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Graham's attempt to avoid answering questions about two phone calls he made to Georgia election officials after the 2020 election because, he argued, his actions were protected under the Constitution’s speech and debate clause.

Graham's lawyers argued in a request filed last week that the court needs to step in or else Graham's “constitutional immunities will be lost, and his statutorily guaranteed appeal mooted, the moment the local Georgia prosecutor questions him.”

As an influential member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Graham helped ensure that Trump was able to make three appointments to the Supreme Court. His legal team is led by Don McGahn, Trump's former White House counsel.

The court often issues temporary "administrative" stays in cases involving emergency applications. It does not mean the justices will grant Graham's request once the briefing is completed.

Thomas has faced scrutiny over his participation in cases concerning the 2020 election because his wife, Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, has questioned the results of the presidential election and given testimony to the House committee investigating Trump supporters' Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.

Justice Clarence Thomas temporarily blocks Lindsey Graham's testimony in Georgia election interference probe (


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Supreme Court rejects Lindsey Graham’s request to block Georgia grand jury subpoena

The Supreme Court declined on Tuesday to block a subpoena for Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham to testify in front of an Atlanta special grand jury investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election in Georgia.

There were no public dissents from the order.

The South Carolina senator had filed an emergency request asking the justices to halt the testimony – currently scheduled for November 17 – while legal challenges play out.

Graham will now have to appear for testimony, although he will have room to object to certain questions as they come up, meaning the scope of his testimony or responses could be limited.

In the unsigned order, the justices agreed with the lower courts – noting that Graham could not be asked to talk specifically about issues related to his legislative role. The court also noted that should disputes arise about particular questions the Senator’s lawyers can still object to questions on a case-by-case basis.

“Accordingly,” the Supreme Court said, “a stay or injunction is not necessary to safeguard the Senator’s speech or debate clause immunity.”

That could leave substantial room for Graham to challenge questions or requests from the grand jury

Graham argued that he should not have to abide by the subpoena because his testimony is foreclosed by the Constitution’s Speech or Debate clause, which shields lawmakers from certain criminal or civil proceedings connected to their legislative duties.

Critics feared that if Graham were to prevail at the Supreme Court, it would embolden other members of Congress to make similar claims in an attempt to shield themselves from testifying. The clause reads that “for any Speech or Debate in either house” members of Congress “shall not be questioned in any other place.”

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has indicated that she would like to question Graham on calls he made to election officials in Georgia after the 2020 election. Lawyers for the senator have characterized the calls as “investigatory phone calls” carried out in furtherance of a legitimate legislative activity meant to inform him on his upcoming certification decision.

“This order rejects Sen. Graham’s claim that the Fulton County District Attorney is constitutionally prohibited from questioning him about interference in the 2020 election,” said Joshua Matz, a lawyer who filed an amicus brief on behalf of former federal prosecutors challenging Graham’s position. Matz noted that while the justices agreed that Graham could not be questioned about legislative activities, he may face more hurdles.

“While the order allows Graham to return to federal court if he wishes to raise other objections, four federal judges – including the district judge assigned to his case – have already concluded that many of his anticipated objections are meritless,” he said.

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A spokesperson for the Fulton County district attorney declined to comment.

Graham’s office characterized the Supreme Court ruling as a win.

“Today, the Supreme Court confirmed that the Constitution’s Speech or Debate Clause applies here,” his offical said in a statement. “They also affirmed that Senator Graham ‘may return to the District Court’ if the District Attorney tries to ask questions about his constitutionally protected activities. The Senator’s legal team intends to engage with the District Attorney’s office on next steps to ensure respect for this constitutional immunity.”

Last week, Justice Clarence Thomas, who supervises the lower courts involved in the case, temporarily blocked the testimony. Thomas’ move was an administrative stay that was most likely issued to give the Supreme Court justices more time to consider the dispute.
Willis argued that individuals who were on the calls have publicly indicated their understanding that Graham was suggesting or implying in the calls that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger should throw out certain ballots or adopt procedures that would alter the results of the state’s election.

Willis is spearheading a special grand jury investigation into Trump-aligned efforts to manipulate the results of the 2020 election in Georgia. Her probe recently secured the grand jury testimony of former US Sen. Kelly Loeffler of Georgia and former White House Counsel Pat Cipollone, CNN reported last month.

Lindsey Graham: Supreme Court blocks request to block Georgia grand jury subpoena | CNN Politics


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Supreme Court rejects Lindsey Graham’s request to block Georgia grand jury subpoena

The Supreme Court declined on Tuesday to block a subpoena for Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham to testify in front of an Atlanta special grand jury investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election in Georgia.

There were no public dissents from the order.

The South Carolina senator had filed an emergency request asking the justices to halt the testimony – currently scheduled for November 17 – while legal challenges play out.

Graham will now have to appear for testimony, although he will have room to object to certain questions as they come up, meaning the scope of his testimony or responses could be limited.

In the unsigned order, the justices agreed with the lower courts – noting that Graham could not be asked to talk specifically about issues related to his legislative role. The court also noted that should disputes arise about particular questions the Senator’s lawyers can still object to questions on a case-by-case basis.

“Accordingly,” the Supreme Court said, “a stay or injunction is not necessary to safeguard the Senator’s speech or debate clause immunity.”

That could leave substantial room for Graham to challenge questions or requests from the grand jury

Graham argued that he should not have to abide by the subpoena because his testimony is foreclosed by the Constitution’s Speech or Debate clause, which shields lawmakers from certain criminal or civil proceedings connected to their legislative duties.

Critics feared that if Graham were to prevail at the Supreme Court, it would embolden other members of Congress to make similar claims in an attempt to shield themselves from testifying. The clause reads that “for any Speech or Debate in either house” members of Congress “shall not be questioned in any other place.”

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has indicated that she would like to question Graham on calls he made to election officials in Georgia after the 2020 election. Lawyers for the senator have characterized the calls as “investigatory phone calls” carried out in furtherance of a legitimate legislative activity meant to inform him on his upcoming certification decision.

“This order rejects Sen. Graham’s claim that the Fulton County District Attorney is constitutionally prohibited from questioning him about interference in the 2020 election,” said Joshua Matz, a lawyer who filed an amicus brief on behalf of former federal prosecutors challenging Graham’s position. Matz noted that while the justices agreed that Graham could not be questioned about legislative activities, he may face more hurdles.

“While the order allows Graham to return to federal court if he wishes to raise other objections, four federal judges – including the district judge assigned to his case – have already concluded that many of his anticipated objections are meritless,” he said.

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A spokesperson for the Fulton County district attorney declined to comment.

Graham’s office characterized the Supreme Court ruling as a win.

“Today, the Supreme Court confirmed that the Constitution’s Speech or Debate Clause applies here,” his offical said in a statement. “They also affirmed that Senator Graham ‘may return to the District Court’ if the District Attorney tries to ask questions about his constitutionally protected activities. The Senator’s legal team intends to engage with the District Attorney’s office on next steps to ensure respect for this constitutional immunity.”

Last week, Justice Clarence Thomas, who supervises the lower courts involved in the case, temporarily blocked the testimony. Thomas’ move was an administrative stay that was most likely issued to give the Supreme Court justices more time to consider the dispute.
Willis argued that individuals who were on the calls have publicly indicated their understanding that Graham was suggesting or implying in the calls that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger should throw out certain ballots or adopt procedures that would alter the results of the state’s election.

Willis is spearheading a special grand jury investigation into Trump-aligned efforts to manipulate the results of the 2020 election in Georgia. Her probe recently secured the grand jury testimony of former US Sen. Kelly Loeffler of Georgia and former White House Counsel Pat Cipollone, CNN reported last month.

Lindsey Graham: Supreme Court blocks request to block Georgia grand jury subpoena | CNN Politics
Yeah, Miss Graham has to testify


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
BREAKING: Fulton special grand jury completes Trump investigation


Judge dissolves panel, sets hearing on whether to publish group’s recommendations

The Atlanta-area special grand jury investigating whether former President Donald Trump and his allies violated the law in their efforts to overturn the 2020 election has completed its work, according to a new court filing.

“Given the special purpose grand jury’s delivery of its final report, the undersigned’s recommendation, and the Superior Court bench’s vote, it is the ORDER of this court that the special purpose grand jury now stands DISSOLVED,” Judge Robert McBurney, who has been overseeing the Fulton County special grand jury investigation, wrote in Monday’s short court order.

Special grand juries in Georgia are not authorized to issue indictments. But the panel will issue a final report that serves as a mechanism for the special grand jury to recommend whether Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis should pursue indictments in her election interference investigation. Willis can then go to a regularly empaneled grand jury to seek indictments.

Willis has already spent more than a year digging into Trump and his associates, kicking off her investigation in early 2021, soon after a January call became public in which Trump pressured Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find” the votes necessary for Trump to win the Peach State in the presidential election.

Over time, her investigation has expanded beyond that call to include false claims of election fraud to state lawmakers, the fake elector scheme, efforts by unauthorized individuals to access voting machines in one Georgia county and threats and harassment against election workers.

Georgia grand jury investigating Trump and 2020 election aftermath completes its work | CNN Politics


Rising Star
Platinum Member
BREAKING: Fulton special grand jury completes Trump investigation


Judge dissolves panel, sets hearing on whether to publish group’s recommendations

The Atlanta-area special grand jury investigating whether former President Donald Trump and his allies violated the law in their efforts to overturn the 2020 election has completed its work, according to a new court filing.

“Given the special purpose grand jury’s delivery of its final report, the undersigned’s recommendation, and the Superior Court bench’s vote, it is the ORDER of this court that the special purpose grand jury now stands DISSOLVED,” Judge Robert McBurney, who has been overseeing the Fulton County special grand jury investigation, wrote in Monday’s short court order.

Special grand juries in Georgia are not authorized to issue indictments. But the panel will issue a final report that serves as a mechanism for the special grand jury to recommend whether Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis should pursue indictments in her election interference investigation. Willis can then go to a regularly empaneled grand jury to seek indictments.

Willis has already spent more than a year digging into Trump and his associates, kicking off her investigation in early 2021, soon after a January call became public in which Trump pressured Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find” the votes necessary for Trump to win the Peach State in the presidential election.

Over time, her investigation has expanded beyond that call to include false claims of election fraud to state lawmakers, the fake elector scheme, efforts by unauthorized individuals to access voting machines in one Georgia county and threats and harassment against election workers.

Georgia grand jury investigating Trump and 2020 election aftermath completes its work | CNN Politics


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Interestingly enough.....the regular grand jury that this will now go to, meets twice a month...... January 24th is their next meeting
sidebar: it's also comprised of Fulton Cty residents
:itsawrap: :itsawrap: :itsawrap:

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