Fani Willis ain't playing games, Ga. Grand Jury Looms in Trump Inquiry UPDATE-AND FANI MAKES 4, It's "cheese and Kraken" time as they flip

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hillary is literally laughing. Lol.


Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
The GOP is in deep shit right now, 45 knew he wasn't going to win the WH back his whole campaign is one big grift to get money for his legal fees nothing more nothing less and the truth came out about it. He has been long disqualified for running it's just about when they are going to call him out on it. The non MAGA GOP have been ready to dump Trump cause they know he is going to take the whole party down if he is going down. They thought he would go away after losing the 2020 election but, him and his followers have drain the GOP of money fighting his lose and their state level loses to the point multiple state GOP are on the verge of bankruptcy and some are about to get prison time. His lawyers have tried everything to push this shit back cause when any of these cases go to court and he gets on the stand it will be a automictic lose period.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
@Soul On Ice 's pappa is in some trouble it seems.... two black woman are all up his orange ass

An Atlanta D.A. is said to be likely to impanel a special grand jury in her criminal investigation of election interference by the former president and his allies.


President Donald J. Trump in early January, soon after he urged Georgia’s secretary of state to “find 11,780 votes,” enough to reverse the state’s election results.

As the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot fights to extract testimony and documents from Donald J. Trump’s White House, an Atlanta district attorney is moving toward convening a special grand jury in her criminal investigation of election interference by the former president and his allies, according to a person with direct knowledge of the deliberations.

The prosecutor, Fani Willis of Fulton County, opened her inquiry in February and her office has been consulting with the House committee, whose evidence could be of considerable value to her investigation. But her progress has been slowed in part by the delays in the panel’s fact gathering. By convening a grand jury dedicated solely to the allegations of election tampering, Ms. Willis, a Democrat, would be indicating that her own investigation is ramping up.

Her inquiry is seen by legal experts as potentially perilous for the former president, given the myriad interactions he and his allies had with Georgia officials, most notably Mr. Trump’s January call to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, urging him to “find 11,780 votes” — enough to reverse the state’s election result. The Georgia case is one of two active criminal investigations known to touch on the former president and his circle; the other is the examination of his financial dealings by the Manhattan district attorney.


Fani Willis, the Fulton County district attorney, opened her criminal inquiry into the former president in February.

Ms. Willis’s investigation is unfolding in a state that remains center stage in the nation’s partisan warfare over the vote.

The Biden Justice Department has sued Georgia over a highly restrictive voting law passed by the Republican-led legislature, arguing that it discriminates against Black voters. At the same time, Mr. Trump is aggressively seeking to reshape the state’s political landscape by ousting Republicans whom he considers unwilling to do his bidding or to adopt his false claims of election fraud. He is supporting a challenger to Mr. Raffensperger in next year’s primary, and has been courting possible candidates to run against the Republican governor, Brian Kemp. One Trump ally, former Senator David Perdue, is weighing such a run, while another, the former football star Herschel Walker, is eyeing a Senate bid. (A new governor would not have direct power to pardon, which in Georgia is delegated to a state board.)

Instead of impaneling a special grand jury, Ms. Willis could submit evidence to one of two grand juries currently sitting in Fulton County, a longtime Democratic stronghold that encompasses much of Atlanta. But the county has a vast backlog of more than 10,000 potential criminal cases that have yet to be considered by a grand jury — a result of logistical complications from the coronavirus pandemic and, Ms. Willis has argued, inaction by her predecessor, Paul Howard, whom she replaced in January.

By contrast, a special grand jury, which by Georgia statute would include 16 to 23 members, could focus solely on the potential case against Mr. Trump and his allies. Ms. Willis is likely to soon take the step, according to a person with direct knowledge of the deliberations, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the decision is not final. Though such a jury could issue subpoenas, Ms. Willis would need to return to a regular grand jury to seek criminal indictments.

Ms. Willis’s office declined to comment; earlier this year, in an interview with The New York Times, she said, “Anything that is relevant to attempts to interfere with the Georgia election will be subject to review.”

Aides to Mr. Trump did not respond to requests for comment; in February, a spokesman called the Fulton County inquiry “the Democrats’ latest attempt to score political points by continuing their witch hunt against President Trump.”

In Trump Election Interference Investigation, Grand Jury Looms - The New York Times (
he wont do any jail time & be the next president.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor

Those indicted in Georgia:

Donald Trump
Rudy Giuliani, Trump lawyer
Mark Meadows, White House chief of staff
John Eastman, Trump lawyer
Kenneth Chesebro, pro-Trump lawyer
Jeffrey Clark, top Justice Department official
Jenna Ellis, Trump campaign lawyer
Robert Cheeley, lawyer who promoted fraud claims
Mike Roman, Trump campaign official
David Shafer, Georgia GOP chair and fake elector
Shawn Still, fake GOP elector
Stephen Lee, pastor tied to intimidation of election workers
Harrison Floyd, leader of Black Voices for Trump
Trevian Kutti, publicist tied to intimidation of election workers
Sidney Powell, Trump campaign lawyer
Cathy Latham, fake GOP elector tied to Coffee County breach
Scott Hall, tied to Coffee County election system breach
Misty Hampton, Coffee County elections supervisor
Ray Smith


Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor

Those indicted in Georgia:

Donald Trump
Rudy Giuliani, Trump lawyer
Mark Meadows, White House chief of staff
John Eastman, Trump lawyer
Kenneth Chesebro, pro-Trump lawyer
Jeffrey Clark, top Justice Department official
Jenna Ellis, Trump campaign lawyer
Robert Cheeley, lawyer who promoted fraud claims
Mike Roman, Trump campaign official
David Shafer, Georgia GOP chair and fake elector
Shawn Still, fake GOP elector
Stephen Lee, pastor tied to intimidation of election workers
Harrison Floyd, leader of Black Voices for Trump
Trevian Kutti, publicist tied to intimidation of election workers
Sidney Powell, Trump campaign lawyer
Cathy Latham, fake GOP elector tied to Coffee County breach
Scott Hall, tied to Coffee County election system breach
Misty Hampton, Coffee County elections supervisor
Ray Smith

We know there are more people that should be on this list and 45 knows it to. It only means one thing they have snitched and cut deals already and I bet Graham is at the top of the snitch list. The people that comes out defending him the hardest are on that snitch list as well, wouldn't be surprised if MTG is on that snitch list. We already starting a office pool on the snitch list.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We know there are more people that should be on this list and 45 knows it to. It only means one thing they have snitched and cut deals already and I bet Graham is at the top of the snitch list. The people that comes out defending him the hardest are on that snitch list as well, wouldn't be surprised if MTG is on that snitch list. We already starting a office pool on the snitch list.
Graham definitely on the top of the snitch list....


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
We know there are more people that should be on this list and 45 knows it to. It only means one thing they have snitched and cut deals already and I bet Graham is at the top of the snitch list. The people that comes out defending him the hardest are on that snitch list as well, wouldn't be surprised if MTG is on that snitch list. We already starting a office pool on the snitch list.

Graham definitely on the top of the snitch list....

There are LOTS of unnamed coconspirators in the indictment.

Those fuckers in Coffee County need to be under the jail. They STILL don't know where the stolen voting info went or to whom.

I'm wondering who's gonna flip first. Probably count chocula but his credibility is below zero. That's the problem with a lot of those named - they're all liars who have been caught in multiple lies.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
They did. I'm sure by now you've seen or heard the 98 PAGE indictment against 19 people including trump, count chocula, and the rest of the syndicate. Tellingly, it's RICO charges, baby.
I guess it took a few hours...... wasn't going to stay up until two or three in the morning after that midnight press conference waiting for it to be uploaded to the court site
sidebar: I've spent two years posting about this, and two others have completely derailed my thread posting about it... starting threads this year and then repeatedly changing their thread titles to garnish all attention

The State of Georgia vs Donald John Trump



Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor

"A Large, Complex, Detailed but Irrefutable REPORT on the Presidential Election Fraud which took place in Georgia is almost complete & will be presented by me at a major News Conference at 11:00 A.M. on Monday of next week in Bedminster, New Jersey. Based on the results of this CONCLUSIVE Report, all charges should be dropped against me & others - There will be a complete EXONERATION! They never went after those that Rigged the Election. They only went after those that fought to find the RIGGERS!"

sidebar: so it took this moron more than three years to come up with this and complete this shit?


Last edited:


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Has anyone else noticed how Giuliani now sounds like the alley wino whenever he gives interviews professing his innocence?
sidebar: I guess that "insurance: that he once claimed to have must have canceled his policy with them

:itsawrap: :lol:


Rising Star
Platinum Member

"A Large, Complex, Detailed but Irrefutable REPORT on the Presidential Election Fraud which took place in Georgia is almost complete & will be presented by me at a major News Conference at 11:00 A.M. on Monday of next week in Bedminster, New Jersey. Based on the results of this CONCLUSIVE Report, all charges should be dropped against me & others - There will be a complete EXONERATION! They never went after those that Rigged the Election. They only went after those that fought to find the RIGGERS!"

sidebar: so it took this moron more than three years to come up with this and complete this shit?




The Black Bastard
Platinum Member

'Perfect irony': Giuliani faces RICO charge similar to the one he popularized as prosecutor​

The former U.S. attorney revolutionized use of the RICO statute decades ago.

Attorney Rudolph Giuliani speaks to reporters at a news conference in New York City, Dec. 13, 1984.​


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
I guess it took a few hours...... wasn't going to stay up until two or three in the morning after that midnight press conference waiting for it to be uploaded to the court site
sidebar: I've spent two years posting about this, and two others have completely derailed my thread posting about it... starting threads this year and then repeatedly changing their thread titles to garnish all attention

The State of Georgia vs Donald John Trump


Yeah, I understand. I'm familiar with the threads and trolls/agents. We have met the enemy and he is us.


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor

"A Large, Complex, Detailed but Irrefutable REPORT on the Presidential Election Fraud which took place in Georgia is almost complete & will be presented by me at a major News Conference at 11:00 A.M. on Monday of next week in Bedminster, New Jersey. Based on the results of this CONCLUSIVE Report, all charges should be dropped against me & others - There will be a complete EXONERATION! They never went after those that Rigged the Election. They only went after those that fought to find the RIGGERS!"

sidebar: so it took this moron more than three years to come up with this and complete this shit?



wonder how much tickets are?


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor

Meadows seeks to move Fulton County election case to federal court

WASHINGTON, Aug 15 (Reuters) - Former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows filed notice on Tuesday seeking to move a case brought against him by the district attorney in Georgia's Fulton County to federal court, according to a court document.

Meadows, who served in the Trump administration, was among those charged with former U.S. President Donald Trump for trying to overturn his 2020 election defeat to Democrat Joe Biden.
