Flashback: Jamie Foxx Talks About Doug Williams @The Infamous Emitt Smith Roast


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
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"In February 2010, Doug spoke about the incident in an interview with LAist "I think a lot of people read more into it than it was. It was a roast, I'm not a roast-type of comedian. The situation just kind of caught me off-guard. I was new at the time. I was new to that environment. I was new to roasting. It's one of those things that happened and I'm better for it. It was a long time ago, I've learned a lot since then and I've come a long way since then." He added, "At that time, Jamie Foxx was an established well known comedian. Nobody knew who I was. It was a situation where no matter what happened, I wasn't going to get the best of him in that setting."


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

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When you do a Google search for "Doug Williams"+comedian one of the most popular results you'll come across is the video of your performance at the "Emmitt Smith Roast" which was interrupted by Jamie Foxx. How has that incident impacted your career?

A lot of people don't realize that that happened a long time ago. That was over eight years ago. Because of the Internet and other venues similar to the Internet, a lot of people see it for the first time and think that it could have happened last year or just a little while ago. I think a lot of people read more into it than it was.

It was a roast, I'm not a roast-type of comedian. The situation just kind of caught me off-guard. I was new at the time. I was new to that environment. I was new to roasting. It's one of those things that happened and I'm better for it. It was a long time ago, I've learned a lot since then and I've come a long way since then.

At that particular point nobody knew who I was. I didn't have a show out. I wasn't really know as a comedian. I was really just trying to break down the door. I learned a lot from it. Here I am today. I have a Comedy Central special. I host the number one comedy show in the country. You live and you learn.

A lot of people are really confused by it because I have hair in that video. I've been bald headed for years now. People still want to come up to me and act like that happened last year, which is kind of flattering, I guess.They say you haven't changed much because I still look as young as I did then.

At that time, Jamie Foxx was an established well known comedian. Nobody knew who I was. It was a situation where no matter what happened, I wasn't going to get the best of him in that setting. Everyone knew him, nobody knew who I was. Like I said I've grown a lot, I've learned it. One of the good things about it is that video is so popular that it has really driven people to see what I'm doing now and get caught up with who I am in the present time.



Rising Star
OG Investor
i saw emitt smith and Doug Williams in the same sentence and assumed it was about this Doug Williams



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I know 'till this day Doug still mad about that shit. :lol: Jamie ain't lying though. Kevin Hart came on his show and took on all of them and shitted on all of them. Shit was 1 on 5 and shit and Kevin still ate them. :lol:


I know Doug personally, i was there through the grind and the best way to describe it is..Do you remember how 50 Cent boosted Rick Ross' career when they went at it?

Well Doug went up from that situation! :lol::lol:

That roast is timeless though, shit is hilarious and one of the funniest i've ever seen!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I know 'till this day Doug still mad about that shit. :lol: Jamie ain't lying though. Kevin Hart came on his show and took on all of them and shitted on all of them. Shit was 1 on 5 and shit and Kevin still ate them. :lol:

this is supposedly true...

he REALLY took that night to heart and took it personal and resented Foxx and the other comedians.

I understand it was rough...

but he was WRONG to blame anyone but himself.

that is the life you chose.


this is supposedly true...

he REALLY took that night to heart and took it personal and resented Foxx and the other comedians.

I understand it was rough...

but he was WRONG to blame anyone but himself.

that is the life you chose.

Yeah it was devastating, :lol:. He was bitter it was like being Ja Ruled damn near.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I know 'till this day Doug still mad about that shit. :lol: Jamie ain't lying though. Kevin Hart came on his show and took on all of them and shitted on all of them. Shit was 1 on 5 and shit and Kevin still ate them. :lol:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/ebr3vXB0YfI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>​


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I know Doug personally, i was there through the grind and the best way to describe it is..Do you remember how 50 Cent boosted Rick Ross' career when they went at it?

Well Doug went up from that situation! :lol::lol:

That roast is timeless though, shit is hilarious and one of the funniest i've ever seen!

Funny, I never heard of or have seen Doug after that.


Star Playa
BGOL Investor
That Doug Williams shit never gets old. Still hilarious to this day.

Kevin Hart was going at those dudes. "You and Steve Harvey go to the same barber."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I know 'till this day Doug still mad about that shit. :lol: Jamie ain't lying though. Kevin Hart came on his show and took on all of them and shitted on all of them. Shit was 1 on 5 and shit and Kevin still ate them. :lol:

Please can somebody post that...

I know Doug personally, i was there through the grind and the best way to describe it is..Do you remember how 50 Cent boosted Rick Ross' career when they went at it?

Well Doug went up from that situation! :lol::lol:

That roast is timeless though, shit is hilarious and one of the funniest i've ever seen!

50 Cent boosted Rick Ross career? I'm not quite sure that's how it went. 50 tried to get some traction with his normal practices and Rick Ross had material that was better than 50 and 50's music was garbage(at that time). When 50 went at Ja and Fat Joe, they couldn't keep up with 50, musically. And that's what ended them. Oh yeah Camron too. But Jim Jones was a butch because he was scared to ride for his nigga and hopped on 50 dick


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Doug was the comedian on a Carnival cruise that I was on this past summer. He KILLED his show, and had the crowd crying for real. Doug was super funny and real humble afterwards too