From growing up like this to barely speaking to each other as adults...


Platinum Member
I’m sure we know of a few situations like this


4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yep. Family members grow up and forms their life, experiences, and opinions.

Once upon a time, folks didn’t have much of a choice but to put up with family and some of the bullshit that can come with it. Nowadays, a person doesn’t have to, especially those that has dealt with family trauma.
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Thinkn with My 3rd Eye!
Platinum Member
Yep. Family members grow up and forms their life, experiences, and opinions.

Once upon a time, folks didn’t have much of a choice but to put up with family and some of the bullshit that can come with it. Now of days, a person doesn’t have to, especially those that has dealt with family trauma.

I had a cousin inused to epend the night over there at least once a month and he even asked me to come to his high school...but wheni got there he would not hang with me or show me the ropes of high school. He would barely speak when he seen me in the hallways...

then he told one of my older cousin that i meaning(me) have my own friends..from high school we never spoke again until his mom and dad funerals..after the funerals nothing..,but many back in the day grew up with big mommas..she held the family together like glue!!


It's A Philly Thing
BGOL Investor
Let's not forget that the grandparents kept the house together and made sleepover great. When growing up back then, we did kids things and never doing nothing that would've gotten us in trouble not being around adults.

Seems like as people get older becoming adults and the ones who kept the family together dies, is when people go there separate ways and only come together when there's a funeral.
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big enos burrnet

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
my son and all of his closest cousin grew up like this..then rite after they got of high school they all bearly talk to each other..
even when a few bother to show up at a family function they act like they just meet for the first time..none...


Flawless One
BGOL Investor

I had a cousin inused to epend the night over there at least once a month and he even asked me to come to his high school...but wheni got there he would not hang with me or show me the ropes of high school. He would barely speak when he seen me in the hallways...

then he told one of my older cousin that i meaning(me) have my own friends..from high school we never spoke again until his mom and dad funerals..after the funerals nothing..,but many back in the day grew up with big mommas..she held the family together like glue!!
Do you have a nose ring with dyed hair?


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
I grew up exactly like that... On holidays, we had a house full of people. Cars up and down the block.

Once my Grandmother passed away, it was a wrap. Almost everyone has a beef with someone for some reason or another. It's truly tragic, now.


Thinkn with My 3rd Eye!
Platinum Member
I grew up exactly like that... On holidays, we had a house full of people. Cars up and down the block.

Once my Grandmother passed away, it was a wrap. Almost everyone has a beef with someone for some reason or another. It's truly tragic, now.

My wife is the glue to her family.. not every holiday but like Thanksgiving and sometimes on Christmas we get together at most of the time our house and have dinner.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It happens and usually shit goes back after one stops accepting the bullshit that they have to offer.Jealously is another thing that enters people's mind and you'll be competing against someone you didn't know you were in competition with.

Than you have those family members that think the world revovles around them and their kids and when people stop asking or paying attention they form attitudes and stop texting and calling cause YOU DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT WHAT THEIR DOING which is really nothing new,the same shit just a different day.

My parents put up with a lot of shit from people because they were family,shit that I'm kinda learning to deal with but I ain't all the way there yet and I have my days where I don't give a fuck to know or hear about the foolishness of someone else's life;Family used to mean something but crack and this "Good Times" mentality has really done us in where many of us don't have the desire to leave that mentality where it's at.

I'm grown enough to know what I'm not dealing with in 2024 and if that means I don't see or hear from you....that's what it is.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
My wife is the glue to her family.. not every holiday but like Thanksgiving and sometimes on Christmas we get together at most of the time our house and have dinner.
If your wife is the glue, that's a wonderful thing. Because it's usually a grandparent or a parent.

She should cherish the good times now, because it can go sour quickly.


Rising Star
I’m sure we know of a few situations like this


Funny thing the other day I was walking my dog trying to figure out how many bedrooms be in some of these houses.

Some of these Spanish folks in my hood….i swear someone has to be sleeping in the bathtub.

But I give it up to them, they live together party together and leave on the weekends together.

House nicely kept, about 8 cars on the block youngins now having kids……yooooo, there are 3 houses w mad people in ‘em.

But they maintain bc they do it in numbers.

It’s a shame we can’t nearly walk by each other w/o some animosity.


Carry on……..


Dirty Civilian
Platinum Member
I guess I'm blessed. Me and my 2 brothers and 1 sister still hang out together. We group video talk all the time. We still bbq and throw parties for the kids and get together on Xmas and Thanksgiving and all that shit. Oldest brother lives in Granddaddy's old house, same house we grew up in and you'll still catch us all over there on friday and saturday. Sometimes we fight, but we forget about the shit the next day and go right back to kickin it. Same with all our favorite cousins, even the ones who moved outta state. We still talk all the time.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I guess I'm blessed. Me and my 2 brothers and 1 sister still hang out together. We group video talk all the time. We still bbq and throw parties for the kids and get together on Xmas and Thanksgiving and all that shit. Oldest brother lives in Granddaddy's old house, same house we grew up in and you'll still catch us all over there on friday and saturday. Sometimes we fight, but we forget about the shit the next day and go right back to kickin it. Same with all our favorite cousins, even the ones who moved outta state. We still talk all the time.

That’s a blessing for sure. I wish it was different for me.

My brother’s wife is number one on my “most disliked people in the world” list. And it’s strained family dynamics.

Do you have any idea how difficult it is to get on that list, especially the number one spot? :lol:

There are racist I like better than her.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I guess I'm blessed. Me and my 2 brothers and 1 sister still hang out together. We group video talk all the time. We still bbq and throw parties for the kids and get together on Xmas and Thanksgiving and all that shit. Oldest brother lives in Granddaddy's old house, same house we grew up in and you'll still catch us all over there on friday and saturday. Sometimes we fight, but we forget about the shit the next day and go right back to kickin it. Same with all our favorite cousins, even the ones who moved outta state. We still talk all the time.

Yeah man the same with my brother & sister we are super tight. Never had an argument with my sis, but my brother & I still argue from time to time and then an hour later we cool. I talk to the vast majority of my cousins some I'm closer with than others mainly due to them living closer to me and age. But I don't have any family that have done cruddy shit to me at least, maybe some other family members & I've just made a mental note to not get caught up in it.


鋼鉄の人 - より似たチタン
Platinum Member
Of the family members i was closest to growing up...

Cousin #1-3...were a little too old...and by the time I was of age to hang out with them and do adult stuff with them...they had already had kids and settled down...

Cousin #4...I felt like we were kinda star crossed....because he was hella cool...and to this day...i think he's cool...he's never done anything shady to me or anyone else as far as know...

but we were only in the same city for real brief periods of he was in a city...then my family would move to that city...then something would happen...and then he would move to another city like 100 miles away...then I would move to the city right next to his...and then something would come up and I would have to move...and so on and so forth...

and then he started having kids like right after he graduated high school...and I didn't really like his girlfriend...she was kinda rude & bossy the few times i met her...

Cousin #5...was younger than me....right around the time he hit puberty i noticed a change in his personality...and once he started to make his own friends it seemed like he didn't really want to hang out with me any more...and now he's got the kid & the wife life as well...

Cousin #6...was the youngest one...and he and i were probably the most alike...but he wanted to pursue a career in Hollywood...which then meant he had to hang around with people that I didn't really want to be around...

And then he started doin' this thing...where he would lie by omission....I don't think he was doin' it on purpose...but it started to frustrate the shit out of he would give me just enough information so that I would agree to help him...but not give me all the details about the situation so I could make an informed decision.

Half-sister #1....there was whole lot of drama between her mother and my she wound up living with her mom...and they just cut off all contact....

Half-Brother & Half-Sister #2...are like two decades younger than me...Half-Brother seemed like for a brief period he was interested in hangin' out with me...but at the time...i was goin' through a rough patch and i didn't want to be a negative influence on him so I chose to stay away.

Half-Sister #2 was really close with her mom...and she really didn't seem interested in hangin' out with me...i would offer to take her places with me...and she say "no" without even thinkin' twice about it.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
I’m sure we know of a few situations like this


Let's not forget that the grandparents kept the house together and made sleepover great. When growing up back then, we did kids things and never doing nothing that would've gotten us in trouble not being around adults.

Seems like as people get older becoming adults and the ones who kept the family together dies, is when people go there separate ways and only come together when there's a funeral.
Yep every summer all the male cousins would spend a week at my grandparents and the next week all the female cousins, we'd be packed in that living room like sardines.


Thinkn with My 3rd Eye!
Platinum Member
If your wife is the glue, that's a wonderful thing. Because it's usually a grandparent or a parent.

She should cherish the good times now, because it can go sour quickly.

Thankz and she does and they can see them throughout the year fussing and carring on but when its family time its family time!! it took me some time to get used to it...cause i havent seen it since i was a kid!! But it is a rarity, but a well needed one!!


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
I grew up exactly like that... On holidays, we had a house full of people. Cars up and down the block.

Once my Grandmother passed away, it was a wrap. Almost everyone has a beef with someone for some reason or another. It's truly tragic, now.

Damn, sounds like the movie Soul Food.