Fuck all pitbulls and their owners too.... shotguns or "Lucille" are the solutions for them...


Medium well
BGOL Investor
Just had a coworker telling me she went to the dog park and a bunch of pits were licking And playing with her daughter. With that said if the breed disappeared no tears would be she'd.


BGOL Legend



Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Investor
Just had a coworker telling me she went to the dog park and a bunch of pits were licking And playing with her daughter. With that said if the breed disappeared no tears would be she'd.

I hate the “see it’s friendly and makes a good pet” owners more than the dogs. They like to take these dogs out in public to SHOW people that the dog is harmless when they know they aren’t, if you want to keep them as a pet keep them in your house/yard and away from people who don’t wanna be around them


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I hate pit bulls and their owners too. The owners are trying to display how tough they are by having dominance over vicious animal while putting their neighbors at risk. I could understand wanting a big dog for home defense when you're in a bad area but I live in a suburb that has named by the FBI as one of the safest in America. No need for a fucking attack dog. Owners are usually just douche bags acting tough.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
I hate the “see it’s friendly and makes a good pet” owners more than the dogs. They like to take these dogs out in public to SHOW people that the dog is harmless when they know they aren’t, if you want to keep them as a pet keep them in your house/yard and away from people who don’t wanna be around them
On judge Judy the other day a cac had three pit bulls in a fucking dog park.... naturally one attacked another dog.... animal control reported that there had been numerous complaints about his "aggressive" dogs from other dog owners at the park... naturally he lied and said there were no other complaints... who the fuck would be stupid enough to take a pit bulls to a dog park, let alone three of them?
Cac: "My dogs are friendly and have always played with the other dogs at the park"

sidebar: 2 of the 3 were rescues.... that he didn't even know the back story to... :hmm:

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Circle the wagons.
BGOL Investor
You are never going to outrun a dog, it’s got twice as many legs as you do. If you’ve been chased by one, you know what I mean.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Only way to outrun a pit bull is with a gun... or "Lucille"...

Hold up....

If eating 12 almonds and wrapping a jacket around your arm gives you the strength necessary to fight off a bear, surely eating 6 almonds and wrapping a shirt around your arm should give you the strength necessary to pummel a pitbull

Y'all mfkrs keep sleeping on Almomds yo, hahaha

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
The average size/strength human being really doesn't stand much of a chance against one of the larger pits these folks breeding. Some of those pits 80 to 100 pounds. Children are just toast.

Again, all dogs can attack, but Pits are the breed that will keep going even if you seriously wound them. That's the difference. Being Game.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You are never going to outrun a dog, it’s got twice as many legs as you do. If you’ve been chased by one, you know what I mean.

Then maybe humans need to start using that second set of legs on their shoulders!




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I hate pit bulls and their owners too. The owners are trying to display how tough they are by having dominance over vicious animal while putting their neighbors at risk. I could understand wanting a big dog for home defense when you're in a bad area but I live in a suburb that has named by the FBI as one of the safest in America. No need for a fucking attack dog. Owners are usually just douche bags acting tough.

And that’s why they get them and I literally hate it!

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
Pit bulls = Dumbest dogs in the Dog world. They are the Corky Romano of Dogs. They look retarded, walk retarded and smell retarded.

Pitbull Owners = Fake thugs, Wiggers, White Trailer trash and generally the most ignorant dumb trash niggas walking the earth


BGOL Investor
I hate pit bulls and their owners too. The owners are trying to display how tough they are by having dominance over vicious animal while putting their neighbors at risk. I could understand wanting a big dog for home defense when you're in a bad area but I live in a suburb that has named by the FBI as one of the safest in America. No need for a fucking attack dog. Owners are usually just douche bags acting tough.

Everything you said

Aww Skeet Skeet!

The antithesis of nonsense.
BGOL Investor
Pit bulls need the right kind of owner to mold their demeanor. Too often you see owners ill equipped to handle pit bulls and it shows in the aggressive behavior.

I mean, yes, the dogs were bred for bull baiting (it's ancestor anyway). So instinctively, they are pretty fearless. If you raise a pure bred pit (bull terrier) with the right firmness and socialize it will into it's surroundings, it can be harmless to other humans/dogs (squirrels and other shit... Good luck).

Would I own one... Probably not. My English bulldog is enough.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Over a dozen police to get a dog?????? They train police dogs everyday, couldn't they just send two trainers?