Gloria Steinem calls Pornhub a 'danger to women,' wants NY'ers to refrain from supporting SoHo popup


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Gloria Steinem (c.) joins fellow activists on Dec. 8, 2017.

Friday, December 8, 2017, 3:58 PM
Feminist icon Gloria Steinem on Friday called on New Yorkers to abstain from patronizing a SoHo pop-up store promoting the popular adult website Pornhub.

“Pornhub is a hub of violence,” Steinem said at a press conference attended by more than a dozen other activists.

“It is a hub of danger to women. It is a hub that, in this moment of consciousness that is engulfing this country now, we must realize is the source of the poison that is in our system.”

The sex-themed shop opened on Black Friday to long lines of people eager to browse its saucy toys, books and branded clothing.

The customers streaming into the store found a modern, minimalist space that’s nothing like the dark and dingy peep shows of the Times Square of old.

The shop is set to close on Dec. 20.

Sonia Ossorio, president of the National Organization for Women's New York chapter, said that day couldn’t come soon enough.

“This store is only here for a couple of more weeks at this point,” Ossorio said. “We want to make sure it does not become a permanent store.”


Gloria Steinem called Pornhub "a hub of danger to women"
Former sex worker Rachel Moran also railed against the store.

“Through pornography, we are training our boys to be predators and we are training our girls to be preyed upon,” said Moran, now the executive director of SPACE International, a group that calls for an end to the sex trade.

Following the press conference, Steinem and her supporters marched into the store and broke out into a chant, “Pornhub sells sexual violence.”

Steinem posed a question to one worker. “Why are you selling handcuffs?” she said. “What do handcuffs have to do with free will or democracy, or independent equality?”

The worker offered no answer.

But he later told a reporter that the protest felt out of place.

“I don't feel there is a problem here,” he said. “We're not forcing anyone to come into the store.”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
steinem wouldn't complain if she actually watched some of it. most people know that american porn has been soft for years!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They only want dick that they can control or they lesbians not to mention unattractive.


BGOL Investor
They only pop up when black folks are starting to unify and rise against oppressive forces. Duck tailing on the backs of the black movements. It's like the 70's all over again.


Rising Star
It amazes me that most of the attention whore Feminist are ugly as hell

It shouldn't when you really think about it...

People have said that's where a lot of ultra-feminism stems from. They aren't attractive so they attack men because they are never paid any attention to. Sort of like the red-pill men who can't get women.


I'm not going to say all, or even most, but a lot of those chicks are nothing more than 4's and 5's who are pist at the world that they are not seen as 8's and 9's...

*two cents*


Rising Star
4's and 5' sir are too generous.

Nah I think I'm on point....

Truly homely chicks know their place and are happy for any male attention they get PERIOD. They mostly live a life of quiet desperation.

It's the not-quite-ready-for-prime-time chicks who are really in the trick bag and pist about their lot in life; attractive enough to be approach by men but not attractive enough to be either approached by the men they want or the men they want don't take them seriously as long term prospects.

I mean nothing more frustrating than ALMOST getting what you want right???

This is the result.

*two cents*


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Take porn away from some of these lonely hearts and you're going to see some real danger to women.

And take porn away from the hoes and they gonna be camping out everywhere a man with means moves in massive numbers. The wives would be like Jackie Christie following the husbands everywhere. They ain't trying to work a regular job.