Schultz about to make a money move in few weeks
At least homegirl grilled him. But captain coon had to save him.
They need to keep her she keeps it real.
Lol he did an interview on west they were on his neck too. They at least letting him know the temperature.
I just saw it, have you seen this video before?Thats old though right
i mean he will do what he doesI ain't even watch.
But I had to post that just to show I saw that cac plan from jump.
Good that the new girl was keeping it real. They really should keep her. I might watch just to see her do her thing
i mean he will do what he does
but between this and the other interview they dont fk with him
if it wasnt for coonamaigne he would have been got
i wonder if he gone do hot97 lol
I thought I seen that video when all this beef shit 1st startedI just saw it, have you seen this video before?
ohI thought I seen that video when all this beef shit 1st started
I forgot they are beefing so he wont go there lol
the Jewish hip hop brotherhood is in complete disarray over Trump and Gaza
Ebro Rappaport Schultz Rosenberg etc etc all on opposite sides.
but all more concerned about Kendrick.
I forgot they are beefing so he wont go there lol
At least homegirl grilled him. But captain coon had to save him.
They need to keep her she keeps it real.
Lol he did an interview on west they were on his neck too. They at least letting him know the temperature.
Kanye being the weirdo he is…
ExactlyMeanwhile, this is the same nigga who said, "Yo Dot, I gotchu!"
Kanye talking about he should have been at SuperBowl lol lol; that nigga will never get that chance!!!Meanwhile, this is the same nigga who said, "Yo Dot, I gotchu!"
Kanye talking about he should have been at SuperBowl lol lol; that nigga will never get that chance!!!
But Andrew chose violence
It's way past that.
We NEVER give each that type of pass.
Dudes die over subliminal.
This white man publicly says he will buck break a black man and the response is ignore him?
Why does Andrew get to say whatever wild sh*t he wants but another Black would get ruined for doing the same thing or less?
Another thing his joke wasn’t funny nor true! Fuck him again! I don’t really like certain white people! And if we be honest most of the people that have been talking about it; have been talking about the fake bros that was sitting with the white boy! They haven’t even being talking to his bitch ass…
That's the thing. I will always defend comedians' right to TRY to make something funny. As Patrice O'Neal said, funny and unfunny jokes come from the same place. BUT, if you go too far, just fucking apologize. It was hacky and poorly delivered. But Schulz thinks he's the edge lord who thinks the joke was funny but the world is just too soft.
When I hosted this event in Philly there was an emerging comedian who told this joke and the punchline was, "So I punched that bitch in her stomach." My crowd was mostly (at least 70%) older, more progressive, professional women and they didn't laugh. It wasn't funny to them. So instead of pivoting to another joke or just realizing you bombed and leaving the stage, he went on to berate the crowd about how in every other place he did it, the crowd laughed and said they didn't know what funny was... He's no longer a comedian.
Schulz is such a whiney baby. I'm not sure why comedians like him expect to get their jokes off and nor get critiqued.
Also,we gotta add those two young brothas to the list of people who got effectively canceled. I never see their stuff anymore.