Grown ass boy out there fighting little girls


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
I hope those girls have a dad with a gun or a bat.
Considering the young lady's behavior, I'm pretty certain, there's no father figure in her home. Girls/women with active fathers in the home don't even move like that. I have two daughters both of them know, don't engage with the bullshit. If it escalates separate and come get me. My daughters know better than to argue with some random strange man in public. They would laugh in his face and keep it pushing.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Considering the young lady's behavior, I'm pretty certain, there's no father figure in her home. Girls/women with active fathers in the home don't even move like that. I have two daughters both of them know, don't engage with the bullshit. If it escalates separate and come get me. My daughters know better than to argue with some random strange man in public. They would laugh in his face and keep it pushing.
In your imaginary world girls with a loving father at home dont grow up to be sluts or porn stars either right?


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
In your imaginary world girls with a loving father at home dont grow up to be sluts or porn stars either right?
MY world is not imaginary. I'm an active girl dad. I know the lessons I've instilled in my children. I trust them. I've equipped them with tools to avoid situations like this. What does this have to do with MY statement? Who the fuck is talking about porn stars? Wtf are you talking about? Strawman out the gate. I'm not falling for your trap. It'll be two or three back and forths before we're arguing about something all different. No thank you. I said what I said.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
MY world is not imaginary. I'm an active girl dad. I know the lessons I've instilled in my children. I trust them. I've equipped them with tools to avoid situations like this. What does this have to do with MY statement? Who the fuck is talking about porn stars? Wtf are you talking about? Strawman out the gate. I'm not falling for your trap. It'll be two or three back and forths before we're arguing about something all different. No thank you. I said what I said.
You are the one who assumed the girls did not have fathers in their lives as if rude kids don't come from two parent homes.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When I was younger I might of mouthed off a little to some young adult but we had a line we didn't cross,we wasn't looking to fight no adults but in my youth I learned that every adult doesn't mean you respect them straight out of the gate because their adults cause there's a lot of fucked up adults in this world who don't stand on what's right.

This is something you have to learn about older folks,some of them ignorant,no having,no good,no standards no nothing types have ways about them that might cause you to disrespect them cause that's the only laugage they know.


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
You are the one who assumed the girls did not have fathers in their lives as if rude kids don't come from two parent homes.
Is you the pappy nigga? If you are get your daughters in check because you've failed them on a few levels. If they're not then why you taking it so personal. What is your beef with my statement? Most girls I've seen that act all "hard" like that come from single mother households. I'll bet you dollars to doughnuts she's copying her own mother's behavior. But like I said, I'm done with this exchange. You can choose to respond but I'm no longer engaging in this dialog. Have the day you deserve.