Hakeem Jeffries, Nanci Pelosi, Chuck Schumer , Adam Schiff met with Biden and told him he can’t win and to drop out. Democrats are officially morons

Tom Slick

The Black HHH
BGOL Investor
Unlike you and your love for Trump and sucking his dick it’s not about just Biden. If you had a fucking brain you’d realize this is about the courts and the destruction of anybody not white. Keep thinking shit is a game .
Fuck Trump.
Fuck your daddy Biden too. He gone, cuh.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Agree. If true, how the hell do they come back from this? As bad as he is he's head and shoulders better than trump on every issue because everything is for sale with trump, everything. After watching the gop's civil war between the rinos and maga wings, the dems decide they need the same kind of chaos a just a few weeks before the convention.

doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
@Dr. Truth help me understand something, any campaign funds Biden raised cannot be transferred over to a new candidate running should he drop out. <true or false?>

Let's say Biden cannot transfer funds he's raised over to new presidential candidate. Is it feasible to expect new candidate to raise enough money to compete with Trump with only 110 days from today till November 5th election?

Final thought, What about Kamala? Do they just skip over her and put in a new person and she will be their running mate?

I agree with you in that Dems have waited so long, at this point any change will create a political cluster-fuck.


Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Agree. If true, how the hell do they come back from this? As bad as he is he's head and shoulders better than trump on every issue because everything is for sale with trump, everything. After watching the gop's civil war between the rinos and maga wings, the dems decide they need the same kind of chaos a just a few weeks before the convention.
Who could they possibly think they can run this late!?!?

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
@Dr. Truth help me understand something, any campaign funds Biden raised cannot be transferred over to a new candidate running should he drop out. <true or false?>

Let's say Biden cannot transfer funds he's raised over to new presidential candidate. Is it feasible to expect new candidate to raise enough money to compete with Trump with only 110 days from today till November 5th election?

Final thought, What about Kamala? Do they just skip over her and put in a new person and she will be their running mate?

I agree with you in that Dems have waited so long, at this point any change will create a political cluster-fuck.

They talking about Kamala who is deeply hated and has like a 30% approval rating. I don’t understand what the fuck they are doing. The funding I dont think would transfer since the new candidate didn’t raise them and donors who may hate the new candidate would be pissed and I would think would sue . I guess they would go back to the donors ?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Who could they possibly think they can run this late!?!?
In all reality no one could really jump in and carry on for the dems other than harris. However, because of racial and gender prejudice I don't think she'll have the broad support needed to prevail over trump. As I understand it no candidate beside harris would have immediate access to the biden/harris war chest. And no other candidate starting from scratch would likely be able to raise the funds necessary to stage a viable campaign in such a short period of time. None of this make sense to me so, I think I'm going to just have to tune out for a while. Whatever happens, happens. :hmm:

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Just dumb. Biden can coast till November and win off his record. It's not that damn hard to figure out.

I am voting for Biden PERIOD. If these white liberals remove him, and ultimately pass over Kamala (the real plan), I will miss the first vote fpr President in my life, since I turned 18.
You can’t vote for him if he’s removed. Well technically yeah you could but .


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fuck CNN ( Covert Neo-con Network.) They and all mainstream media are disingeneous because they're in the ratings game and Trump helps their ratings....

plus they're taking their cues from social media with all the negativity, sensationalism, drama to increase their shitty ratings..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They talking about Kamala who is deeply hated and has like a 30% approval rating. I don’t understand what the fuck they are doing. The funding I dont think would transfer since the new candidate didn’t raise them and donors who may hate the new candidate would be pissed and I would think would sue . I guess they would go back to the donors ?
Kamala won’t be the nominee. It will be the Cali governor which I don’t know if that’s better…


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
In all reality no one could really jump in and carry on for the dems other than harris. However, because of racial and gender prejudice I don't think she'll have the broad support needed to prevail over trump. As I understand it no candidate beside harris would have immediate access to the biden/harris war chest. And no other candidate starting from scratch would likely be able to raise the funds necessary to stage a viable campaign in such a short period of time. None of this make sense to me so, I think I'm going to just have to tune out for a while. Whatever happens, happens. :hmm:
Any candidate that they pick is not starting off from scratch monetarily. It'll be someone that the big donors are comfortable with.
As for broad support the person is going to get maximum press cover just based on it being a presidential election and the circumstances so they'll get plenty of chances to make their case to the people.
Besides the issues are the issues and if the new candidate brings up 2 policies in their 1st speech they have always done as much if not more than Trump in that regard


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Any candidate that they pick is not starting off from scratch monetarily. It'll be someone that the big donors are comfortable with.
As for broad support the person is going to get maximum press cover just based on it being a presidential election and the circumstances so they'll get plenty of chances to make their case to the people.
Besides the issues are the issues and if the new candidate brings up 2 policies in their 1st speech they have always done as much if not more than Trump in that regard
Replacing him will be too messy, fraught with cynicism and suspicion. One issue would be, if a non-harris alternate came out tomorrow claiming to have sufficient funds to execute a national presidential campaign without those already donated to biden/harris, that would be a red flag. Who wouldn’t question who that kind of money came from so quickly, and what their real motivation was for donating it. No matter the public explanation may be, most people just wouldn’t buy it. There is no trust in this environment, and it would turn off too many voters that are already skeptical about big money in politics.

If its harris then, money and campaign funding aside, I don’t think any amount of press coverage could overcome the bedrock duo of racism and sexism in american society.

Finally, how do they legitimately just negate the votes of many millions of people that voted for biden through the primaries. It will be compared to what trump tried to do after the 2020 general election, and for good reason. The people spoke, and others in positions of power and influence decided to go a different direction.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Trump got the wind at his back and was dodging bullets like Neo in the Matrix....
It's a wrap regardless of who they choose.

But Joe stubborn.....he gone stay in til he die....like Dianne Feinstein...


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Dude is losing in the polls. He's even losing in states he won last election. They've been had the data on this but they tried to push dude through.

That debate didn't help him none.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dude is losing in the polls. He's even losing in states he won last election. They've been had the data on this but they tried to push dude through.

That debate didn't help him none.
He’s gonna drop out that’s not a question! The question is who’s gonna replace him…

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
This is my take...

The powers that be want Trump in so he can finish what he started in stacking the scotus and consolidation of power to the executive branch so the US is shifted to an apartheid style govt.

This will solve the problem of black or brown people potentially holding high office and maintain the system of white supremacy despite their low, nearly non existent birth rates.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Donors are putting pressure on elected dems to drop Biden. They don't want Harris or to lose their tax breaks. There is supposed to be a concerted effort to put pressure on him this weekend to drop out.

Harris is the only one who would be able to receive the funds that have been raised so far. They don't want Harris. If they actually managed to get him to drop out, all the deadlines in most states have passed. A new candidate can't get on the ballots. A new candidate would have less than 4 months to raise the money to win, which is impossible unless the donors are going to make up all that money, and if they do, that candidate will owe them and not us. They would have to get name recognition in all 50 states, and galvanize the base to turn out for them and that's before you deal with the legal challenges to keep the new candidate off.

This strategy makes no sense unless the goal is to elect Trump. I know dems have some racists and sexists in the party, but I don't even that would be able to account for what would be a colossal mistake.

This is at least exposing the corporate dems who are beholden to donors. They can be dealt with in time. Small donors can make up the difference. Drop him 5 or 10 bucks. More, if you can.



Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Dude is losing in the polls. He's even losing in states he won last election. They've been had the data on this but they tried to push dude through.

That debate didn't help him none.

Push? There was a primary. There was usually at least one other candidate on most ballots. The electorate voted. He won. They are trying to nullify our vote by choosing someone else whom we didn't vote for.


Rising Star
if the Dems do this it will be one of the biggest self owns -

the country will be fucked and since they would be getting tossed in jail or getting prosecuted by a trump justice Dept. if they SOMEHOW survived as party i would NEVER vote for anyone of them again.

and let me just peep you with this - you know the operatives are pushing this on social and major media because Trump has no money to really campaign.... Bidens funds and campaign warchest outstrips his by hundreds of millions of dollars....

i would hope all of this shit is just noise mostly from teh media - all of these people gave a full throated support of biden just last week - if they are actually doing this this week - they are as much liars and craven as trump is..... if this kind of story is untrue they need to publicly and resoundingly offer unequivocal support for Biden because to allow all this hand wringing in the media is doing more to defeat them than any possibility of not winning by staying with Biden

this country is over.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The goal of the elites is to maneuver things around to get a Josh Shapiro / Gretchen Whitmer ticket which is what they truly want. It'll be interesting to see where the CBC will fall on this, since this is absolutely what the rank-and file of the party doesn't want. Gotta say, with all the treachery and backstabbing President Biden has been surrounded by, from within and without, my respect and admiration for him has been growing by the day.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
I said months ago that Trump was going to win this election and the blame will be put on Black folks.

Some things to think about:

1.) Biden is obviously compromised mentally. He looked horrible in the debate and he sounds bad. Why haven't Democrats addressed this months or even years ago? They didn't realize his condition when he was prepping or even talking to him?

2.) We didn't really hear about this "Project 2025" stuff until after the debate. If viewed as so harmful, why did Democrats wait until after the debate to push it? It was published in APRIL. Why did was it released days after Biden messed up in the debate? I believe that they were sitting on it as a strategy.

3.) With Biden's age, why was Kamala shelved during Biden's whole Presidential term? Why wasn't she front and center and put in a position to actually look Presidential? Kamala wasn't really seen or heard from during his whole term.

Democrats had 4 years to groom candidates. The reality is that Biden barely beat Trump last election and Trump was fresh into totally messing up the pandemic. Now Biden is looking and sounding senile and Covid is a distant memory. Democrats should have been aware of Biden's condition long ago and prepared another candidate. They had 4 years! Instead they are looking surprised and caught off guard that Biden is this bad and scrambling months before a Presidential election. Kamala Harris would have even less of a chance than Biden.

Both Republicans and Democrats are racist CACs who are very tone deaf when it comes to Black folks. Kamala Harris does not have anywhere near the same support from Black folks that Obama had. I predict they run Kamala Harris and blame Black folks for losing. I'm already seeing CACs say that the Democratic party is getting pressured to run Kamala out of fear of alienating "the Black community" if they ran another candidate. They know she will lose and actually care about Gavin Newsom's political future, so he won't be on the ticket.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
Push? There was a primary. There was usually at least one other candidate on most ballots. The electorate voted. He won. They are trying to nullify our vote by choosing someone else whom we didn't vote for.
It’s Election Day in Florida, but many people might not realize it.

Local candidates are on the ballot in some counties like Pinellas.

Plus, Republicans are voting in their party’s presidential preference primary even though former President Donald Trump has secured enough delegates to be the Republicans’ presumptive nominee.

The Florida Democratic Party opted to not hold a presidential preference primary, awarding all the state’s delegates to President Joe Biden.

WMNF News spoke with Becky Rudolph, a new resident of Gulfport who voted at City Hall when polls opened Tuesday morning.

She is focused on the Gulfport race for city council between April Thanos and Tom Bixler and did not vote in the presidential preference primary.

Rudolph says no primary election may have led to fewer Democratic voters coming out to vote in local elections.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
whats the problem???

vote blue no matter who

the goal is for Trump NOT to win

why are u askings who might get replaced. it doesnt matter. we have to not let Trump Win.

Vote Blue no Matter who

All Ballots Matter


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
It’s Election Day in Florida, but many people might not realize it.

Local candidates are on the ballot in some counties like Pinellas.

Plus, Republicans are voting in their party’s presidential preference primary even though former President Donald Trump has secured enough delegates to be the Republicans’ presumptive nominee.

The Florida Democratic Party opted to not hold a presidential preference primary, awarding all the state’s delegates to President Joe Biden.

WMNF News spoke with Becky Rudolph, a new resident of Gulfport who voted at City Hall when polls opened Tuesday morning.

She is focused on the Gulfport race for city council between April Thanos and Tom Bixler and did not vote in the presidential preference primary.

Rudolph says no primary election may have led to fewer Democratic voters coming out to vote in local elections.

Florida is a bit more energized locally because they got a dem challenger in every race.

As far as the primary, if I recall correctly, they didn't have another candidate qualify. That one guy Dean Phillps had a fit. I remember him tweeting about it and threatening to sue, but missed the deadlines. I also remember the pics from his campaign stops where NO ONE showed and he was sitting there with a car full of refreshments and no one to give them to.



Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Florida is a bit more energized locally because they got a dem challenger in every race.

As far as the primary, if I recall correctly, they didn't have another candidate qualify. That one guy Dean Phillps had a fit. I remember him tweeting about it and threatening to sue, but missed the deadlines. I also remember the pics from his campaign stops where NO ONE showed and he was sitting there with a car full of refreshments and no one to give them to.
