Have you ever met a long lost family member?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My grandmother ran away my grandfather. She also kept the kids away from his family…so there’s a whole side of the family that my father has never met. People who share his last name :smh:

Over the years, I’ve met a few people who turned out to be family. College parties. Facebook searches. Running around my dad’s hometown. I’d ask the questions that only family members could say yes to….

Nothing came out of the interactions, and I didn’t expect to make a connection…but man…. it’s weird as fuck to meet someone who looks just like you, sounds like you and shares your family name…but you don’t know them.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Bunch of people on my mom's side that I've never met. Anywhere from teens to 20-somethings.

My parents divorced in 1996, and mom's side was never really close. I never met her parents (they passed before I was born). She was only 3yo when her own mom died at 38yo in the 1950s (complications from Polio). She left home at 17 to come out to the westcoast and live with a friend of the family (she wasn't close to her dad and stepmom). But her siblings were never tight with us kids. Never maintained contact really over the decades.

I met some of the cousins in the 90s (last in 1999) but they were indifferent and haven't met their kids since. No attempts made on either side.

It'll be odd attending some of the funerals for older family in the future and meeting some of the 20- and 30-somethings for the first time. Shaking hands with relative "strangers".

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
My grandmother did similar on my dads side. They were from Flint Michigan and Detroit but she left my dads bio dad for California and met the grandfather I came to know who Im named after.

Still dont know the full story probably never will since they all dead and my dad is tight lipped about why she left in the first place. I figure its some trauma there.

Got family in Flint, Detroit and Indiana on my dad side some reached out on Facebook but Ive never met them face to face.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Side note. My dad’s girlfriend’s nephew was adopted by her brother. He grew up an only child and has gone on to be very successful in business. Has a wife and 3 kids.

He reached out on 23andme or
Ancestry in June 2023 and was quickly able to establish contact with long-lost family. Lots of brothers and sisters, parents, aunts and uncles. It was interesting watching them interact at a Christmas party last year. Could not tell they only knew each other for 3-4 months after meeting in
Sept. Would have guessed he had known them all his 44 years.

Interesting being a fly on the wall (but in person) observing the group dynamics.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yes on my mother's side but there's been so much bullshit with aunts and their family til today in 2024 I don't want to meet any of them niggas,let them stay right where they are.
My fathers is the same with some of his siblings,their kids,kids and kids I don't care meet.I've met the important ones.

I have such a decent size family already with mostly males on my father side and that lastname is strong and we can have a reunion with just ourselves with no one from outta state so yeah I ain't tripping about them other folks.


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
A few years ago, my sister found our lost/hidden brother on Facebook because she accidentally stumbled on this page via the friend network and thought his facial features resembled our father's. She reached out due to curiosity and came to find out he was our brother and, shockingly, lived a few blocks away from us growing up. The dude had a hard life. I met up with him eventually, and after a few weeks of getting to know each other, I gave him $80 bucks to borrow, which he promised to repay but never did, and dropped off the face of the earth with my pesos. :hmm:

The moral of the story is that some things are better left hidden. Hahaha!


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
My father told us he had someone he wanted us to me and out of the blue introduced us to his adult children from another mother. That was wild.
About 10+ years ago when my father died me and my older brother and sister got in the family limousine and a woman was already sitting in there, we spoke but she just looked straight ahead the whole time. When we were seated in the church they say her next to us but she never said a word, it wasn't until we started reading the obituary that we realized she was our stepsister, she never said a word to us at the funeral or when we went to eat at his family's home so we never said a word to her, we never saw her after that and I don't even remember what her name was. My father and his people lived in the same small town as us but we never interacted with him or them, after he died all of a sudden his family wanted us to be apart of their family, I see them all the time and speak but I never accept their family get together invitations


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
1 of my uncles ( r.i.p) had at least 11 kids .. we basically knew mostly 4 or 5.. than we found out in the 2000s he had twins and we started hanging with them past several yrs.. like 2 yrs ago met one of his other sons( our cousin) and he started coming to family gatherings, last yr met another one of his kids…. Also if you include the “grand” family union we definitely met other 2nd, 3rd, 4th cousins… also a former nba player is like our second cousin.. seen another 3rd/ 4th cousin make the news for multiple murders.. I never took a deep dive into lot of my family on my fathers side but on the low low one of my childhood friends could actually be my cousin


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
My great grandparents on my father's side had 11 kids, so they are second and third cousins spread throughout the world I
haven't met or seen in decades. Even at family reunions we just barely scratch the surface.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
While I've never met any, My family history is all kind of crazy..

My grandmother had twins before my father who were giving up for adoption cuz she had them when she was like 12 or 13 or something.

My birth grandfather, Mr Owens, was abusive. He was my father's father, but he left, dying in 2004 and I don't know if he had another family.

My grandmother's next husband, Who shares my last name spells his name phonetically, which is differently than his brother. He adopted my father and his two sisters who took his last name. I do not know, nor have I met any of the Owens family

On 23andMe, and pops up a bunch of Owens, but I've never sought out any of them. I wouldn't know what to say. I don't even know my birth grandfather's first name since he left in the mid to late 1950s.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah, met my father's side chick's child. My father had cheated on my stepmother and had this child; I met her but we're not cool. I tried to reach out, but she's kinda funny acting & at this late age, I don't have time to figure her out. Oh well.....


BGOL Investor
Yeah. I’m a triplet. 3 boys. The youngest got accidentally swapped in the nursery. We always thought it was crazy that our 3rd sibling was lighter-skinned. He found us shortly after our 20th birthday. Now it’s 4 of us.

The end.:cool:

Let me come clean, this ain’t my story but it is my cousin’s story. I just like telling it cuz it’s really wild as fuck.

My fault.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Never met her but Kandi Burress is my 2nd cousin on my father's side. (found out last year) Makes me feel some kinda way knowing I was lusting behind her back in the day.

Not to sound like WhiteBoyTX....... but in most states that's legal........


Texas Catdaddy

the omnipotent one .....
Platinum Member
Yeah, met my father's side chick's child. My father had cheated on my stepmother and had this child; I met her but we're not cool. I tried to reach out, but she's kinda funny acting & at this late age, I don't have time to figure her out. Oh well.....
I got a sister out there I met once, wouldn't know her if she walked up to me right now. as long as we ain't fukkin, I'm good.