HBO Max Trailer: Marlon Wayans - God Loves Me (about Will, Jada & Chris Rock & the Slap) Update: Beef with Vlad! CLUB SHAY SHAY!


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Damon and Keenen have to stop this nigga from ruining their name. They can't believe his stand up is good. I refuse to believe it.

Damon was doing some shows in the Bay Area a few months ago, I hope he's gearing up for a special. imo, he's the funniest Wayans

according to Marlon?

When Chris heckled him without mercy?

He IMMEDIATELY called his brothers... expecting them to jump to his defense.

Damon's reaction?

"You probably DID suck."


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Damon and Keenen have to stop this nigga from ruining their name. They can't believe his stand up is good. I refuse to believe it.

Damon was doing some shows in the Bay Area a few months ago, I hope he's gearing up for a special. imo, he's the funniest Wayans

this may not mean much but this is honestly the BEST he has ever been on stage

FAR from perfect and needed some more refinement

but for Marlon?

It was good.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
He's a much better actor than he is "comedian"... I've seen him in a few flicks, dramatic acting is more of his lane, imo

I think that is why THIS special finally worked

It was more one man show and VERY personal.

If he could have tightened some o of it and took a little of the silly unneeded fat

He would had a minor classic


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I watched this last night and the sad part is it was funnier than Chris Rock show and I never thought that would be the case. I actually laughed multiple times and thought the line of both specials was when he said the spirit of Tupac entered Wills body cause that shit fit


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I watched and thought that he did a very good job explaining his story full circle.



That was the most confident and professional and mature I have seen him. I think the material being so personal and having TIME to craft it. Having a stricter format and narrow focus greatly benefitted Marlon specific style of comedy.

It wasn't perfect and that may be the only frustrating part because it was so close but it was perfect FOR HIM.

I didn't think he had it in him but the last 2 specials I saw the progression.

It had the foundation for a classic because it was so personal and honest and revealing and it was true. The fact that I could remember a lot of that stuff really happening.

It's crazy cause I though Chris would be the better story teller in this instance.

He still need to tighten it up with the silly gross out humor only because his whole career was based on that. I think of he took those moments out he would have a perfect set.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Damon and Keenen have to stop this nigga from ruining their name. They can't believe his stand up is good. I refuse to believe it.

Damon was doing some shows in the Bay Area a few months ago, I hope he's gearing up for a special. imo, he's the funniest Wayans
Damon was the talent, Keenan was the brain, the bros were nepotism at its best( even though marlon can act some in serious roles and has some funny moments)