Health: Brothers, do you go to the doctor every year for a physical?

Do you take FULL advantage of your medical insurance?

  • Yes

    Votes: 125 66.8%
  • No

    Votes: 62 33.2%

  • Total voters


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
School starting and making sure all the kids go the doctor and dentist and everything and making appointments I realized I haven't been to the doctor in a MINUTE.

I had some trouble sleeping awhile back and that was last time I went.

And it aint like I don't have FULL coverage, actually my insurance is pretty good.

Barely come out of pocket for anything.

And it aint like I don't NEED to some things checked out either.

But you be surprised how many of us work HARD and never really go to the doctor's!!!

Its crazy if they ever they try to reduce our coverage...

the office goes CRAZY!!!:angry:

But ask the average Black man here and he'll tell you he aint going that it s for his family.

Just wanted to ask...

IF you DON'T go....WHY NOT???


Thinkn with My 3rd Eye!
Platinum Member
Yep.. most of the time I go like 3/7 times a yr.. just cause sometimes I like to take off work which requires a doctors note. So I get work done while im there.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Hell naw if I'm sick I'll find out, and if it's terminal then oh well

you can't think like that fam.

First off you assuming you have insurance?

You PAYING for it either way.

And it aint just for YOU think about your kids, wife and family.

The sooner you find out the sooner you can address it.

Don't think I don't understand cause even though I KNOW better I fall victim to it too.



Rising Star
not as often as i should...

personally, my insurance racket/cartel almost makes it cheaper for me just to pay out of pocket for routine checkups

the only thing mine is good for is catastrophic coverage :hmm:


Support BGOL

Barely come out of pocket for anything.

And it aint like I don't NEED to some things checked out either.

But you be surprised how many of us work HARD and never really go to the doctor's!!!

But ask the average Black man here and he'll tell you he aint going that it s for his family.

Just wanted to ask...

IF you DON'T go....WHY NOT???

Hell naw if I'm sick I'll find out, and if it's terminal then oh well

^^^^^^ Timely post PH . . . For reasons like this(BGLR1212000), PLUS some shit I've personally dealt and dealing with, and lastly that gripping DJ GROOVE[RIP] thread . . . I'm gathering material to make a MEGA thread on a health epidemic that is killing folks, but is under the radar. . . Because docs don't screen for it. It's gonna be major.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Take yo azz to the damn doctor!!! :D. I go about 3 times a year...1 for yearly physical and 2 for in between checkups.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 Active

doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yup twice a year plus my yearly physical.

Now that I'm 40, Doctor is prepping me to take my booty virginity.

Prostate exams is a must so I got to get it checked.

Pack Rat

BGOL Investor
Every 6 months, gotta keep that blood pressure in check:yes:



Potential Star
yes, but then again I am old so I don't have much choice. Gotta get the prostate checked every 3 years since Black men are at a greater risk for cancer. Not fun but neither is going out unnecessarily.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I cannot say why. I saw him about three months ago and before that he made my come in about almost four years ago. He's cool and all and talks shit to me each time but I have no issues and when he do see me he says that same shit... "what the fuck are you doing??? I cannot make any money off of you. BP, Glucose & cholesterol are all Okay." So I tell him I eat more veggies than meat, I walk every chance I get and I fuck as much as I can. Pussy is the main reason I live.


BGOL Investor
Just turned 47 and yearly check ups are a must.
In addition, insurance pays me $150 for yearly physicals.


Potential Star
BGOL Investor
4 times a year... im always on the younger guys at work to go... they blow it off but i stay on them... and stop the hesitation on the prostrate exam, you have to have it... 5 to 10 secs of discomfort is better than having surgery or getting chemo once a week


Fat broads need NOT apply
Yes to the doc, But I been slacking on the dentist...One of those, "Don't think about windshield wipers until it's raining" things


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Yes to the doc, But I been slacking on the dentist...One of those, "Don't think about windshield wipers until it's raining" things

don't play man if its covered in full?

just GO...

you'll be very happy you did about 10 years from now.




International Member
nah, maybe when I turn 40. I live a healthy lifestyle anyway.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I donate blood to Red Cross every 2 months, that is like a mini physical for blood pressure, blood sugar levels, iron level, and all types of diseases including HIV. If you are able to donate blood, you know you are in decent shape, because they test that blood for everything before giving to anyone.

On top of that, 1 physical a year is a must.

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CPT Callamity

Titty Feelin Villain
BGOL Investor
Nope. I have full insurance but disliked the last few visits I had thanks to the staff. I hate going even to visit someone. I have learned to hate most doctors since leaving the military.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Nope. I have full insurance but disliked the last few visits I had thanks to the staff. I hate going even to visit someone. I have learned to hate most doctors since leaving the military.

luckily I can pretty much see whoever I want and there is no out of pocket expense.

You should see if you can go to someone outside your network.

Its worth the phone call and ridiculous wait time.


BGOL Investor
Nope. I have full insurance but disliked the last few visits I had thanks to the staff. I hate going even to visit someone. I have learned to hate most doctors since leaving the military.

i feel the same a lot of times as well.

I have family members that visit the doc regularly because of the lifestyles that they live. Some of the shit that i see has me smdh. It seems like a lot of the Docs and Nurses bring a lot of their personal issues and basis to work with them..and it shows in their work.

SKin color, financial status, dialect etc all play a role in how your treated in most hospitals...when they shouldnt be factors at all.

Most dont follow the Hippocratic Oath. Its all a joke. WHen it pertains to Black patients... ive seen poor service from American and Foreigner Doctors. Even the African doctors and nurses treat a lot of the Black patients like shit....especially if theyre poor. Thats one reason why i started studying nursing. The only way i can change something in the health field is if im in the belly of the beast.

But..with all that stated...I still go at least once a year. I havent been in a while cause ive been feeling good. But starting next year i plan to go at least twice per year. I can usually diagnose and treat myself...but sometimes i need that machinery that they use in Hospitals to help me gauge what im dealing with.

I remember reading a book titled Medical Aparthed. Some of you should check it out. It gives you a few explanations as of why some Black folks feel the way that they do about Doctors.
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BGOL Investor
Just turned 47 and yearly check ups are a must.
In addition, insurance pays me $150 for yearly physicals.

I am not an insurance guru (wife is), but there are several tests that if you do them annually, a supplemental insurance pays up to $150 per test, per individual, excluding kids. Physicals, mammograms, and a few other blood tests (can't remember them) are required.
You call in the procedure you had done, the company that provides the insurance will verify it with your doctor, and they send out the check, which usually arrives in about 5 business day.
Pretty easy money.
We use it to pay on the family deductible.