Her boyfriend has called off the wedding.

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You're right dawg
OG Investor

A Wisconsin teacher, Madison Bergmann who was arrested for making out with her 11-year-old student in her classroom has been handed additional charges that would land her in prison for the rest of her life, if convicted. Her boyfriend has called off the wedding.


Thinkn with My 3rd Eye!
Platinum Member

A Wisconsin teacher, Madison Bergmann who was arrested for making out with her 11-year-old student in her classroom has been handed additional charges that would land her in prison for the rest of her life, if convicted. Her boyfriend has called off the wedding.

She looks semi retarded anyway...in her mind she proly is 11 herself..dumb bish!!

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
She looks semi retarded anyway...in her mind she proly is 11 herself..dumb bish!!




Rising Star
BGOL Investor
and they wondering why our children cant read worth a damn,

all they want to do, is turn them into faggots and dykes,

or make them sex objects....

and they have a problem with old rich kniggas fuckin nineteen

year olds...

but them femnist aint saying SHIT when this continues to happen

over and over..

feminist are disgusting


I joke and I know things
BGOL Investor
What in the actual fuck, creepy ass women in position of power.
Do we need cameras to be mandatory in classrooms?