I'm not even mad at brown Jules Verne. It's crazy how .... some folks... are allowed to be all kinds of weird and quirky and creative or whatever, but then, when it comes to us, we have to be a certain way or about certain things or we don't get embraced by our community.
As long as this dude isn't shitting on black folks, go ahead and do your steampunk thing. I'm not gonna yuck his yum.
he IS giving off strong
vibes tho'
I'm not even mad at brown Jules Verne. It's crazy how .... some folks... are allowed to be all kinds of weird and quirky and creative or whatever, but then, when it comes to us, we have to be a certain way or about certain things or we don't get embraced by our community.
As long as this dude isn't shitting on black folks, go ahead and do your steampunk thing. I'm not gonna yuck his yum.
he IS giving off strong
vibes tho'
I mean someone has to do it and he's dug deep and maybe can make a living off of tours and shit.
I wouldn't mind someone doing a 1980's then I could relate.
I mean someone has to do it and he's dug deep and maybe can make a living off of tours and shit.
I wouldn't mind someone doing a 1980's then I could relate.