Hollywood Legal: Rick & Morty co-creator and star Justin Roiland facing felony domestic violence charges UPDATE: He was bugging out!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It happened 3 years ago, did he beat her ass so bad that she just woke up?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It happened 3 years ago, did he beat her ass so bad that she just woke up?


This happened in 2020, and has been under seal for years.
It's just now coming out

'Rick and Morty' co-creator Justin Roiland faces domestic violence charges (nbcnews.com)

The complaint states the incident occurred on or about Jan. 19, 2020,
against an anonymous Jane Doe who was dating Roiland at the time.

Many court records remained sealed but the available public documents seen by NBC News say Roiland
was charged in May 2020. Roiland was arrested and released on a $50,000 bond in August 2020 and arraigned in October 2020.

A protective order filed in October 2020 and documented in the court minutes said Roiland is not to harass, threaten or surveil the person named in the protective order, who is not known to NBC News.

Roiland cannot go within 100 feet of the person, according to the order, which also ordered Roiland to turn in any firearms he owned or possessed. The order lasts until October 2023, and it’s not known who submitted the request for the order.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
It's a wrap :itsawrap:They can try to keep it going without dude but :smh:

May not be the worst thing if it ended. It has its moments but it kind of feels like a money grab for Adult Swim of late. This is also the reason they are likely to fulfill the contracted seasons. Dan Harmon is still there, so they basically losing the main voice actor, but have still have someone to direct the path of the show story wise.

With the new rumors circulating about him being a groomer. Fans may not leave the show in support of Justin. When it was an domestic issue, the attitude may have been why didn't the networks wait for things to play out from some fans perspective. If true or honestly not, allegedly grooming minors will rightfully remove alot more fans who may have supported Justin.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
It's a really smart show. Like really brilliant. Some of the jokes and the science behind the shit is, well it it sounds real as fuck. Sad to see it go, but you can't push on without the lead voice actor.

I saw someone say it would be like removing Seth MacFarlane from Family Guy.

Question is, did he actually hit the bitch? If anyone knows how this shit goes, a chick can call the police and you're going to jail regardless if you did shit or not and if she doesn't press charges the state will pick it up

But that doesn't mean he actually hit her


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
It's a really smart show. Like really brilliant. Some of the jokes and the science behind the shit is, well it it sounds real as fuck. Sad to see it go, but you can't push on without the lead voice actor.

I saw someone say it would be like removing Seth MacFarlane from Family Guy.

Question is, did he actually hit the bitch? If anyone knows how this shit goes, a chick can call the police and you're going to jail regardless if you did shit or not and if she doesn't press charges the state will pick it up

But that doesn't mean he actually hit her

Damn why she gotta be a b*tch though?

What if she telling the truth and he is the b*tch and the wrong chick?

I understand a whole lot of folk abusing the #metoo thing TRUST ME I GET IT.

But to just automatically go the other way caping for these dudes just cause they can write?

It's so hard to believe this white boy is an abusive asshole?

I ain't even taking sides but i think we can give the victim at least a few seconds of credibility before we all say she lying.

And if she is?

Hope the b*tch serves time.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Damn why she gotta be a b*tch though?

What if she telling the truth and he is the b*tch and the wrong chick?

I understand a whole lot of folk abusing the #metoo thing TRUST ME I GET IT.

But to just automatically go the other way caping for these dudes just cause they can write?

It's so hard to believe this white boy is an abusive asshole?

I ain't even taking sides but i think we can give the victim at least a few seconds of credibility before we all say she lying.

And if she is?

Hope the b*tch serves time.
If she is telling the truth, fuck him. He wouldn't be the first white dude to abuse his power and think he could get away with it


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
If she is telling the truth, fuck him. He wouldn't be the first white dude to abuse his power and think he could get away with it

That is all I'm saying.

Trust I met these white creatives.

Studios ain't never gonna tolerate all that mess from a black person in his position

I am not saying he guilty I'm saying for it to get THIS serious and no one running out to DEFEND him publicly yet?

I ain't about to.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

This one is just as bad or worse in hindsight.

It seems like he was red shirting her while acting like a character from the show. If the domestic abuse story and this is true too, it's understandable why he would hurt a woman and why he'd prefer girls. He may lack the social skills to have a real relationship with a grown woman and finds young girls easier to deal with.



BGOL Legend
This happened in 2020, and has been under seal for years.
It's just now coming out

'Rick and Morty' co-creator Justin Roiland faces domestic violence charges (nbcnews.com)

The complaint states the incident occurred on or about Jan. 19, 2020,
against an anonymous Jane Doe who was dating Roiland at the time.

Many court records remained sealed but the available public documents seen by NBC News say Roiland
was charged in May 2020. Roiland was arrested and released on a $50,000 bond in August 2020 and arraigned in October 2020.

A protective order filed in October 2020 and documented in the court minutes said Roiland is not to harass, threaten or surveil the person named in the protective order, who is not known to NBC News.

Roiland cannot go within 100 feet of the person, according to the order, which also ordered Roiland to turn in any firearms he owned or possessed. The order lasts until October 2023, and it’s not known who submitted the request for the order.

So tmz goes after niggas

How does this stay sealed without a leak for 3 years?
How does nobody know anything about it for this long?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
So tmz goes after niggas

How does this stay sealed without a leak for 3 years?
How does nobody know anything about it for this long?

Seems like the STUDIO knew.

It's a good question how and why they were able to keep this quiet - especially at a critical point in the shows popularity.