Hollywood: WTF?!? TikToker Implied Drew Barrymore Was Racist For Frolicking In The Rain


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Another Stupid Chick Attention-Whoring for the sake of Attention-Whoring.
Barrymore was just enjoying herself.

And though I'm not one to "frolic",
Walking in the Rain with Your Chick in one of the Most Romantic Things you can do.
Gives CLASSIC Old-School Hollywood vibes.



Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
I kinda get where she's coming from but she's reaching with this one.

So yeah it is a lift of the trend of Black people doing silly shit outside BUT everyone does silly shit outside.

Edit: One thing to add. Everybody steals from everybody on social media however people steal from Black creators a LOT.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
3 days ago

then drew did it


No disrepect to anyone and please dont take this as shade, but me and my girl were on tiktok that the other night and after about 15 minutes, i wanted to take a drill to my skull, like WTF people be doing..some of them drop useful videos and i saw someone on there talking about mansa musa, but i dont know..i dont get it


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She is saying that Drew copied black creators because they did that frolicking shit first.
It is known that white people have copied black creators for YEARS and get paid but black creators do not.
White people do copy black dances and get appearances on talk shows for being white and dancing black.
They copy black slang and make videos. If you REALLY pay attention you will see it and it is sickening.

Even the white "allies"who talk about BLM, get more shine than Black people talking about black issues.
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Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
We all understand our sensitivity levels and how we got here, but we really need to do better and grow from this. How much longer can we hold onto this level of anxiety 24-7?

Our need to be pedantic over every little thing will be our inevitable downfall.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
We all understand our sensitivity levels and how we got here, but we really need to do better and grow from this. How much longer can we hold onto this level of anxiety 24-7?

Our need to be pedantic over every little thing will be our inevitable downfall.
I agree. leave the petty shit alone. Work hard, take care you and yours, tune off the noise, and continue to represent your blackness day in day out.