Simply Sickenin' Valar Morghulis .... BGOL Investor Yesterday at 9:56 AM #2 I worked for FedEx for a summer during my college years and I swear the head HR chick was built just like this. Everybody else in there wearing Dickie work pants and she walking around the floor in those ass hugging dresses.
I worked for FedEx for a summer during my college years and I swear the head HR chick was built just like this. Everybody else in there wearing Dickie work pants and she walking around the floor in those ass hugging dresses.
easy_b Easy_b is in the place to be. BGOL Investor Yesterday at 1:06 PM #3 Simply Sickenin' said: I worked for FedEx for a summer during my college years and I swear the head HR chick was built just like this. Everybody else in there wearing Dickie work pants and she walking around the floor in those ass hugging dresses. Click to expand... Ha
Simply Sickenin' said: I worked for FedEx for a summer during my college years and I swear the head HR chick was built just like this. Everybody else in there wearing Dickie work pants and she walking around the floor in those ass hugging dresses. Click to expand... Ha