Human brain tissue computer processors...uh...Dr. Frankenstein shit???


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
I'm all for scientific advancement and forward thinking solutions. This shit right here though? This raises too many ethical questions for me. Shit looks like AI slavery on the worst scale.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm all for scientific advancement and forward thinking solutions. This shit right here though? This raises too many ethical questions for me. Shit looks like AI slavery on the worst scale.

Why would you have ethical issues with using brains cells in a computer? This sounds as silly as conservative christians having ethical issues with abortion. Cells, from brains or otherwise, have no identity, no lived experiences or agency.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The dictator ai will want to take over the world and will be successful
This A.I. shit will be the end of humankind. People rely on it so much for various aspects of life, claiming it to be "efficient, a time saver, makes things easier", etc. Use to write reports, solve problems and the like. What ever happened to cognitive thoughts, creativity, imagination? What will happen when A.I. becomes self aware and they no longer need human input? The same thing that we did with our CD players, ipods, 35mm cameras.....we discard them as they have become obsolete and no longer of use


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
Brain organoids are just clumps of human brain cells grown in a dish.
But sir, that means its human, or at least humanoid.

How much brain do you need before its conscious? How many clumps does it take to combine into an actual brain?

And why you gotta bring religion into it? This is about ethics.