very very very nice Donald Duck looks like he's coming out the page
Not my favorite type of work. Even when I've done it. It's a lot like painting by numbers to me.
Wow that is very interesting
Is it difficult in terms of SKILL or just in terms of time and effort?
Can you explain what you mean by paint by numbers?
Do you think someone could ever do an entire comic book in this style?
Is this a difficult style to TEACH?
Is it difficult in terms of SKILL or just in terms of time and effort?
Oh and to answer your question I strongly believe that ALL human beings can do photorealistic work. If you can memorize your favorite song (perform it with some semblance of reflection) then you can copy light and shadows. It takes patience, trial and error and you can get it. All humans are capable of this, the biggest barrier is yourself.
so you don't believe you can be to OLD to learn to dram?
You obviously not only had a GIFT but a work ethic to hone your craft...
I remember SO MANY kids who could draw nearly exact replicas of comic book characters free hand and just...
lost it.
Do you believe you can NEVER really LOVE it?
Well I honestly think the younger you are the easier it is to not only pick up. My beat employees are the kids I snatch up at 15. They soak up knowledge like a sponge. But my older kids who come to me struggle to grasp concepts.
Illustrating has a lot to do with repetition. You do it so much that the garbage starts to look like something decent. You are always learning though. You have to pull from everyone wland everything
^swipe to left
These are not hand drawings, it's photography. It's a separate category but in the same realm from what I've gleaned.I'm callin bullshit on this one! Cot damn!!!
That was me.I remember SO MANY kids who could draw nearly exact replicas of comic book characters free hand and just...
lost it.
That was me.
I couldn't draw a stick figure now.
Honestly, the desire for it left me a long, long time ago.
I do other shit.
I lost interest to instruments.That is mindboggling to me...
How do just LOSE that?
I bet your peeps were begging you ti draw for them too.
That is why i keep telling these kids they do not fully appreciate the internet and social media making the world so small
Kids like you would have access to programs and real job opportunities.
Respect you moved on to bigger and better.